AH enthusiast
“Nothing is more expensive than regret.” Fred Bear.
Fallow, relatively speaking African safaris are reasonable. You can find aI dream of going on a Hunting Safari to South Africa or Namibia. My concern is how do members of this forum pay for their trips? I believe many of you are very success in your business and careers, you have put in the work over the years to be able to afford to take hunting trips. I also see families going on Safari, I just would like to know if anyone has tips or suggestions on how to save, or make money on the side.
My wife and I both work, we have two young children. We work hard, paid off our student debts, paid cash for our cars, and our mortgage payment is very low. I can't justify to my spouse going to Africa if the house isn't paid off. She is very supportive of my hunting hobby, and she would love to go back to Africa (she has been all over for Africa for her work but is in a different role now, she doesn't travel anymore) but is concerned about how we can pay for a Safari.
I know this is a random question. Any advice or in general advice would be appreciated.
CW, if you are fortunate enough to be good at everything this approach would work for you. I am not, so I live by:Not being married for 20 years was a dramatic help as stated above, but hunting is my priority so when I worked a normal job as an employee I socked the money away for same, but owning my own business for 10 years now makes it so much easier. Be the employer not the employee! Apparently most employees just can't envision it. Currency trading doesn't hurt either! Book everything yourself and eliminate the middlemen. Guides will often discount hunts not booked through agents. Fill out the one page customs clearance and import forms yourself don't pay others to do it for you. Ship your trophies wisely. Book your flights well in advance. ...
the blue pills ,or ?for years I have sold drugs to support my gun and hunting h obbies.
Truer words have never been spoken. If you don't do whatever you can when the opportunity arrives , the opportunity won't be around forever. Never put something off til "I have more money or time" . I think a lot of my friends that have passed on would agree.In Zimbabwe with its inflation history and occasional wipe-outs it is pointless to save. So you just do things as and when you can and let tomorrow take care of itself. If you don't spend on what you want when you can, it disappears anyway, like salt out of a holed bag.
Yes, I failed to mention that you MUST be skilled at wearing many hats, from experience. Honestly, I think that came as a kid as a paperboy, lawn-cutter/snow-plower, dealing with all sorts of challenging personalities and financial matters! (being a paperboy, btw, was akin to child slavery.) Spending time on fam farms gave me an excellent mechanical aptitude (required in my profession,) as did attending some top universities to better learn how to mop up the earth. I'm encouraging those who have what it takes to just take the leap!!! I often work hard now T-Th and the rest of the time is spent doing something for wildlife and/or in prep for hunting. One can make a decent living coming up the ladder at a company, but I found the hours and time-off schedules quite constricting and in-conflict with the hunting life...but, it didn't take long to realize that, as an employee, you are getting paid a small fraction of what the company (it's directors) makes. They can lower profits by grabbing huge salaries/bonuses, paying less taxes and then cry poverty to the employees come annual raise time. I've found that most are content at just doing their assigned job well. But, most are NOT going to Africa, either. Priorities. I do subcontract specialized labor and experts when necessary, but still make 20% or more on top of their expenses. Working smarter, not harder. Filling a simple niche by starting a small business where you live can pay dividend$, but there must be some money there to make money. Fortunately my work is required by the Law. One client says that I feed on disasters. It works for me, knowing less people get sick surrounding toxic waste sites! And, because I'm a cheap date compared to the competition, with low overhead and greater profitability, we both appreciate that. Kevin: You are already there!CW, if you are fortunate enough to be good at everything this approach would work for you. I am not, so I live by:
'Do what you do well to earn the money to pay the other guy to do what he does well'