AH senior member
CongratulationsI took my middle son for elephant when he was 11. We didn’t connect that trip, but he did take a croc. It wasn’t his first safari with bow or gun and he had been on a variety of hunts since he was about 6 years old. He was a multi-time hunter safety graduate and a jr instructor. He had the emotional intelligence and the proficiency required for such a hunt. There are other people aged 21-80 that are not ready.
You cannot rely on a clean answer to your question. I don’t believe in averages and bell curves in this regard because the average and median quality hunter of any age is not suited for a DG hunt period. The real question is how exceptional your kid is and how self aware. You’re just as likely to get killed by a snake on a DG hunt as being stomped by a buffalo. How “with it” is your kid going to be? If you cut them off emotionally and financially at 18, would they wilt in life, or would they go on to live productive lives like our grandparents did? Emotional IQ and general knowledge is critical. From the general US population, I’d say about 5:1000 18 year old males are suited for a DG safari. Sadly, its roughly the same ratios today for military service held to the standards we had in the Vietnam era.
Hunting with my son on multiple safaris was one of the most rewarding experiences of my lifetime. You have to put in the work early to hatch a good egg in general, for him it was 6 years of hunting extensively with many weapon types that got him to the right place by age 11.
He’s 14 now and he doesn’t like hunting with me too much anymore. Says I’m too noisy and I pick the wrong spots. Now he grabs a bow, picks a spot, and calls me to help him drag out his game. In Africa half the time he’d just split from camp with his own PH to hunt on his terms. Such is life, still glad to share a camp with him.