AH elite
We all reload to save money--but it takes twice as much to set it all up and do it....don't tell Mama.I strive for perfection, however, I do not reload. I will never get to be a Deacon, probably not even an usher.
Well if it’s a non shooter you can always go the revenge route…….sell it and buy the mighty .243 Winchester then start praising it with links to BobI feel as if I may have joined a cult. 35 whelen is the cartridge that will not only basically make you a better marksmen but improve looks, intelligence, sexual stamina.
I missed out on the first round of Lipsey’s Ruger African and regretted it and swore if they reissued I would have one, well any under 2000.00. Browsing GB several new ones have pooped up.
I browsed all of them and hot damn one ending on 6 hours and in Duncan, OK. I live in OKC so threw a bid and figured no way I would get it since after the initial allocation they were bringing big money. You know where this is going, I won…wooo hoooo $1500 rough all in.
I am retired so figured I would drive down and pick up so no damage in shipping. Lay eyes on the mythical beast that alluded me the first time. Huge let down, plain as she could be. Kinda like getting a blind date with one of five sisters in my home town. All were drop dead gorgeous, except the one. You guessed it that one came home with me.
1.5 hour drive home with plain Jane in back seat, also had to have the Bog death grip bipod. Now roughly 1850 on the most gawd awful 2x6 piece of furniture and sticky bolt imaginable. One of the other members here mentioned length of pull is a little off so finger on trigger also off.
Return trip home almost made it past the Casinos on I-44,almost, $3850 and still not home yet. During drive decided this piece of engineering excellence is a costly SOB and going to be a retro rifle for me.
Cheap, came with one inch rings so my extra Swarovski 5i’s or Leupold’s with illumination will not fit. Leupold VariX 3 3.5 10x40 from back of gun safe it is. LOP will be addressed with a cheap Tourbon leather lace up stock cover. 4 boxes of 2 different ammo from Optic Planet. $4000 and counting with free scope and rings.
Thanks! BobNelson35whelen, never listen to people from down under, they live their entire lives upside down and have been known to eat vegamite.
Hopefully range time next week, she best be a shooter or the classifieds will get a new listing.
thanks Bob!
Leave the rum out of this. Bundy is the true Aussie Spirit.Well if it’s a non shooter you can always go the revenge route…….sell it and buy the mighty .243 Winchester then start praising it with links to Bob
I say never trust a man that thinks bundaberg rum is the nectar of the gods![]()
35 Whelen and 9.3x62 are 2 peas from the same pod. You’re not in the cult until you have the 358 win and a 35 Marlin, bonus points for 358 Norma mag on high end and 350 legend on low end.@USN,
two words brother: "self control"
and some advice; you shoulda bought a 9.3x62! they are always cheap and attractive rifles.
that was a good read, well done!
Very nice example of straight grained plain Jane walnut.Well after several have asked I am posting pics of my ugly ass, possibly unsafe from factory rifle. Please meet Maxine W. I only hope that this rifle will perform like the CA representative, many years of service, with only bluster and nonsensical intelligence. Many millions of questionable dollars, doesn’t live in district, progeny also very successfulI with corrupt campaign money, plan on leaving this one at my lease with the landowner if he will allow. The note that requires purchaser’s to perform torque checks was a single piece of paper not even in instruction manual. The lawyers maybe decided that warning needed to be included and a dealer was not aware of said warning and suggested it be ignored. Come on Ruger you are better than that. Will post more pics after Maxine has some makeup on. Even ugly sometimes is rewarded.
Well there you go. I was all happy till you mentioned going over to the dark side. Seriously thanksUnless I am missing something, that note about screw torque is referring to the action screws, NOT the crossbolts. That makes more sense to me. Your rifle looks like most of the Africans I have seen, straight grain without warmth or depth. I think refinishing in a good oil finish would do these stocks good, whatever Ruger is using imparts a greyish sterile look to the wood that seems to mask the grain. I don't think your looks particularly bad.
Come to think of it, I DID sell a .35 Whelen to buy a .243 HaHa. Years ago I had a tang safety Ruger 77 in 35 Whelen I sold to a coworker and used funds to purchase a rare Remington 700 Mountain Rifle in .243 .
Well, I currently have four Whelens and only two .243s, so the dark side is not winning. I do appreciate both for what they are.Well there you go. I was all happy till you mentioned going over to the dark side. Seriously thanks
@Bob Nelson 35Whelen will be along shortly to let you know how much more useful your 243WIN would be if it were holding up a tomato plant.Well, I currently have four Whelens and only two .243s, so the dark side is not winning. I do appreciate both for what they are.