Coppersmiths, I've had alright luck with them, and my outfitters seem to have staff that helps stay on top of it as well which I think is important. It's all gotten stupidly expensive.
I like others am getting older, have no desire to hunt with a strange gun, (prefer to use the collection I've amassed) and can't imagine leaving trophies there. Cull hunts don't bother me but after a couple 2-3 days of that the shine would wear off and I'm not flying that far to jump out of a truck for 3 days whacking animals, unless it was for buffalo LOL.
If Comrade Kamala gets elected, I can pretty much say with certainty that importing anything from Africa will be over. They are going allow us to have guns, but the regulations, tariffs, and limitations are going to ruin it for sure. We had a pretty good run fellas, I don't have a crystal ball but I feel things are going to change......