FYI, Buyer beware. I booked a hunt through Igor and hunted with his contact in Kyrgyzstan for Ibex this past September, 2012. On that hunt we were arrested by the police because the outfitter did not properly fill out all the necessary paperwork or had the proper Governmental Person along on the hunt to make sure the outfitter hunted correctly. With the arrest they also confiscated our trophies of the Horns and the capes of the Ibex. The outfitter assured us that he would get back the trophies and ship them at his expense in 2 weeks and that we would not have to pay him the balance of the hunt until we received the trophies. On my return I notified Igor of this as he was the booking agent/ part owner of this operation. Igor then changed the date to December. Well guys December is here and now Igor and his outfitter want us to pay them in full for our hunt before they will ship us the promised trophies. I believe they just want to suck us out of our money and not ship us the hunted trophies we took. I believe the skins are bad or damaged at this point and they will be shipping us either rotten skins or someone else's animals not our own. First off Kyrgyzstan is a corrupt country and everyone should not be trusted, secondly Igor made all of these promises that he runs this outfitter and he calls the shots with him. Instead of making the situation right , he as added to the shamelessness of asking for our payments before we have our possessions in hand ( Bribery !!!) Now to add to all of this I was promised and set with our Booking Agent Igor, that we would combine our Ibex hunt with a Roe Deer hunt, well guess what again. The outfitter made every excuse in the book to not take us on the Roe Deer hunt , The Deer hunt that was booked with Igor. Igor uses this web site as free advertising for his bookings and uses the cancellation hunt as a means of attracting clients. We bit on this and got screwed. I can tell you that his pricing he states in the cancellation is exactly the same deal you can get from the outfitter anytime, it is no savings, they are trying to get you to fill an open spot.. If you want more info PM me back here on this forum. There were three of us on this hunt and I will get the other as well to post theirs on here too.
Steve - USA Hunter
Steve - USA Hunter