Very sad.
Doesn’t say anything about where the buffalo was hit or the distance of the shot but since the bull traveled a long ways and had a lot of steam left, it’s obvious he was poorly hit.
And I doubt Greg would have let the client shoot if the range or shot opportunity were unacceptable. And you can assume Greg was coaching the client as to aimpoint.
So obviously the client failed to do his part and didn’t deliver an accurate shot. And a good man lost his life as a result

. And the client has to live with that knowledge.
It is also amazing how cunning the bull was circling to the side to watch his trail. You can’t underestimate their ability to pull a move like that!.
I often wonder how many people hunt DG and the step up to a .375 or above has them scared of or intimidated by the rifle.
In any event if you can’t shoot the gun accurately and/or remain calm when it’s time to fire you should stick to PG
And it goes without saying you need to practice with the big gun before going over there..
A lot!
Very sad story and I pray for all that knew and loved Greg. I never met the man but the people who did speak highly of him. Even though he was doing his job he deserved better from his client