Infections on the Rise, Johannesburg Mayor Dies: Virus Update

Unvaccinated tourists wont be welcome in Canada for quite some time.

In broad terms this is true, however as a visitor with immediate family in CA we can come un-vaccinated if willing to jump thru all the other hoops still. My wife went last year, I stayed home.
I think we both are staying home this year, just too much BS and I for one would go stir crazy on a 2 week quarantine.
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Unvaccinated tourists wont be welcome in Canada for quite some time.

But unvaccinated “essential” workers are. Just need to self quarantine for a week prior to arrival. I was told this today at work. Hopefully by the time I have to go to Canada, there will be a “No BourbonTrail” clause.
As my dad used to call guys like him and our illustrious Sippy Cup, this is crude but funny. He would say, " that guy is a chancre on the prick of progress!"
Plain common sense says STAY THE HELL HOME and don't take foolish chances. This pandemic is here to stay for the forseeable future and beyond with all the mutations. Is an ego trip to Africa really worth your life or your loved ones? Running the risk of getting quarantined over there for who knows how long and not being able to reenter your home country? Possibly infecting your PH, his family and whoever you come in contact with? To each his own but it makes no sense at all to me.
Get vaccinated, Covid test before the trip, covid test before returning home. Sounds like some common sense precautions to me to go about living your life.
Get vaccinated, Covid test before the trip, covid test before returning home. Sounds like some common sense precautions to me to go about living your life.
Not everyone wants to take the non fully approved experimental vaccine.
Not everyone wants to take the non fully approved experimental vaccine.
I fully accept that, but won’t accept someone advocating hiding at home indefinitely. We all need to learn to live with this, as serious as it may be.
I have conducted my daily life as always except in the very early days when they shut everything down. As it went on and on I started going about my business as before and do so now, un-vaccinated.
This whole thing is beyond stupid.
Almost every day there is a new variant to try to make us all run and hide, its insane! I hear our Gov may put the indoors mask mandate back in force.
They expect us to just go on forever like this? Bullshit!
I dont personally know of anyone who has had Covid for certain and dont know anyone who has died of it, though not denying that some have.
The more they try to make us conform, the less likely that some of us will. Stuff it Joe you senile old libtard! Take your door knockers and threats and stuff them where the sun dont shine!

Sick to death of this crap!
...I dont personally know of anyone who has had Covid for certain and dont know anyone who has died of it, though not denying that some have.
I have two employees that have had Covid. One had a mild case (64, overweight, high blood pressure), the other (45, in shape) was sick for 10 weeks and is still feeling dizzy etc. his EKG showed some problems, and they did an echo cardiogram, he will be doing a stress test next week then sit with the doctor to interpret everything. Also, some friends in their 60s that got Covid and fully recovered.

I also personally know people that have died.

I have a lot of family in medical field, all recommend taking the vaccine and have done so themselves.

I don't understand why taking the vaccine has become a political issue for some, but each to his own.
Its not a political issue. Some of us just dont like the idea of taking part in an experimental drug testing program with so many unknowns involved.
There have been too many issues, too many lies by the proponents, too many injuries, too many deaths and for what? There are many in the medical profession who have decided NOT to take the vaccine as well. Who is right? What do they know that we dont?
We were told in the beginning, oh dont worry about it, go to Chinatown, enjoy the city, dont wear a mask, then, oh wait wear a mask, then lock downs, ruin the economy, tank everything, blame Trump for all of it.
Its just too much.
Not saying I wont ever get vac'd but for now, nada. Color me skeptical.
You are spot on.
I'm not an anti-vaxer, I'm just waiting for more information, particularly and especially for those millions of people who have already have had Covid.

I have 2 daughters working in hospitals and both refuse to get jabbed. They came to their conclusion separately and without my influence. I was curious and asked why, cannot remember the exact answers but both essentially said they would wait for the experiment to be over. Both also indicated an extremely high number of hospital staff are not and will not be vaccinated. To be honest, I was a bit shocked. Since then, one of the daughters has had Covid, and because of her age, breezed right on through.

After a similar debate at work, I did a small amount of research and found research papers written about infections of hospital in other areas of the country. While not the topic of the paper, within the papers it discussed how many hospital staff were vaccinated vs not and reinfection rates. Again, after all the push, I was surprised at the number of medical professionals who have not been jabbed.

Finally, recently while floating a remote river, a friend of mine found himself on the same raft as a local pharmacist. When the topic came up, you guessed it, he has not been vaccinated. Unfortunately our discussion ended right there as we got interrupted before I could ask why.

So there it is, I've had Covid and hated it. My wife spent 5 days in the hospital. I hated it. But now here I sit with antibodies and am still hearing people forcefully insisting I need jabbed? No. I'll make the decision on my own and in good time. I'll also monitor antibody levels and may take the shot as those antibodies levels fall. In the meantime, more data will come in.
You are spot on.
I'm not an anti-vaxer, I'm just waiting for more information, particularly and especially for those millions of people who have already have had Covid.

I have 2 daughters working in hospitals and both refuse to get jabbed. They came to their conclusion separately and without my influence. I was curious and asked why, cannot remember the exact answers but both essentially said they would wait for the experiment to be over. Both also indicated an extremely high number of hospital staff are not and will not be vaccinated. To be honest, I was a bit shocked. Since then, one of the daughters has had Covid, and because of her age, breezed right on through.

After a similar debate at work, I did a small amount of research and found research papers written about infections of hospital in other areas of the country. While not the topic of the paper, within the papers it discussed how many hospital staff were vaccinated vs not and reinfection rates. Again, after all the push, I was surprised at the number of medical professionals who have not been jabbed.

Finally, recently while floating a remote river, a friend of mine found himself on the same raft as a local pharmacist. When the topic came up, you guessed it, he has not been vaccinated. Unfortunately our discussion ended right there as we got interrupted before I could ask why.

So there it is, I've had Covid and hated it. My wife spent 5 days in the hospital. I hated it. But now here I sit with antibodies and am still hearing people forcefully insisting I need jabbed? No. I'll make the decision on my own and in good time. I'll also monitor antibody levels and may take the shot as those antibodies levels fall. In the meantime, more data will come in.
I do not know if I had it, and had not had an anti-body test prior to taking the vaccine. However, we travel a lot and look forward to traveling again (and making up some lost time) shortly. During a thirty year military career, I have been vaccinated (experimental and otherwise) against almost everything (including bubonic plague and rabies :oops:). Thanks to accompanied assignments in the Middle East, so were my spouse and children (though not plague and rabies). In our age group, the risk of Covid complications far outweigh the real risks of the vaccine (not the risks being promulgated by the tin foil brigades). In case you aren't already aware, the wing nuts seem to be moving on from the vaccine turning our organs to jelly, to embrace the idea of a "globalist" plot to secretly sterilize most of mankind. (Going to be tough to keep those billions without customers - but why ruin a good conspiracy).

But back to reality, I wouldn't think of transiting Johannesburg right now without having been vaccinated or having recovered previously from Covid.

Like you, I know some medical professionals that have not taken it, but many more who have. It is an individual decision. But I feel much safer traveling having been immunized.
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Plain common sense says STAY THE HELL HOME and don't take foolish chances. This pandemic is here to stay for the forseeable future and beyond with all the mutations. Is an ego trip to Africa really worth your life or your loved ones? Running the risk of getting quarantined over there for who knows how long and not being able to reenter your home country? Possibly infecting your PH, his family and whoever you come in contact with? To each his own but it makes no sense at all to me.
100% Agree. I have put off Africa (sure I would like trip #12. I'd like to finish my last 3 Tiny Ten) till the ups and downs are flattened. The airline fiascall.
As stated before I am not anti or pro Vac. I also had a 34 year military career and have been jabbed with "deployment" vaccines many times, including the anthrax thing. This is why now retired I refuse to be Guinee pig this time around. My first in 35 years civilian doctor asked what those deployment shots were on my med docs. I stated he was the doc why does he not know?? I do know one gave me and a whole lot of personnel a grand mal seizure. My first and only episode that I do not want a repeat of. What's weird is this side effect was well documented and the same person who is now running BC as head doc was a member of the military hospital at the time??

Just too many unanswered, one sided, almost worrying and even depressed questions from this whole Covid crap.

Both my travel companions are in health care and non have had shots. So its wheels up to Joberg in under 3 weeks unless Govs say no. Time will tell, I hope to provide a good hunt report when we return.

... In our age group, the risk of Covid complications far outweigh the real risks of the vaccine (not the risks being promulgated by the tin foil brigades). In case you aren't already aware, the wing nuts seem to be moving on from the vaccine turning our organs to jelly, to embrace the idea of a "globalist" plot to secretly sterilize most of mankind.

But back to reality, I wouldn't think of transiting Johannesburg right now without having been vaccinated or having recovered previously from Covid.
^^^ This.

The odds of full recovery are a lot lower in our age group compared to younger folks. The data available at this point not only shows that the vaccine is highly effective, but for those that do catch it after even just having one dose, the illness is much milder than those that are not vaccinated.

Will there be some people where the vaccine will cause adverse reactions? Yes, that happens even with fully FDA approved vaccines.

My Typhoid and Tetanus shots were out of date for this trip and I took those as well just in case.

If I was not vaccinated, then I really could not justify the risk of travel. But I am, so I refuse to hide in my home and put my life on hold for another year. After Zimbabwe in 18 days I already have another overseas trip scheduled for mid October.
^^^ This.

The odds of full recovery are a lot lower in our age group compared to younger folks. The data available at this point not only shows that the vaccine is highly effective, but for those that do catch it after even just having one dose, the illness is much milder than those that are not vaccinated.

Will there be some people where the vaccine will cause adverse reactions? Yes, that happens even with fully FDA approved vaccines.

My Typhoid and Tetanus shots were out of date for this trip and I took those as well just in case.

If I was not vaccinated, then I really could not justify the risk of travel. But I am, so I refuse to hide in my home and put my life on hold for another year. After Zimbabwe in 18 days I already have another overseas trip scheduled for mid October.
Exactly. In addition to August, I have international plans for October, March, February, and April. Another set of data to add to any risk analysis are our actuary tables. Most of us are getting into the age group where a lost year becomes more problematic to make up. We have only so many years of travel left. I am uninterested in an epitaph that reads "He died safely at home."
I do not know if I had it, and had not had an anti-body test prior to taking the vaccine. However, we travel a lot and look forward to traveling again (and making up some lost time) shortly. During a thirty year military career, I have been vaccinated (experimental and otherwise) against almost everything (including bubonic plague and rabies :oops:). Thanks to accompanied assignments in the Middle East, so were my spouse and children (though not plague and rabies). In our age group, the risk of Covid complications far outweigh the real risks of the vaccine (not the risks being promulgated by the tin foil brigades). In case you aren't already aware, the wing nuts seem to be moving on from the vaccine turning our organs to jelly, to embrace the idea of a "globalist" plot to secretly sterilize most of mankind. (Going to be tough to keep those billions without customers - but why ruin a good conspiracy).

But back to reality, I wouldn't think of transiting Johannesburg right now without having been vaccinated or having recovered previously from Covid.

Like you, I know some medical professionals that have not taken it, but many more who have. It is an individual decision. But I feel much safer traveling having been immunized.

My decision not to overnight in Joberg was more about concern of dragging it to my hosts in the Eastern Cape than for myself. That and my wife threatening to cut me off from contact with her for 2 weeks upon my return! I kinda like that lady and her threatening to cut me off for 2 weeks kinda hurt.

We have other options on the table:
1) Croatia Mouflon on the coast?
2) Romania roebuck and castle tours?
3) back to Argentina for stag?

Putting off Africa for a year also helps in that hopefully my Reto rifle might be done in time!
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My decision not to overnight in Joberg was more about concern of dragging it to my hosts in the Eastern Cape than for myself. That and my wife threatening to cut me off from contact with her for 2 weeks upon my return! I kinda like that lady and her threatening to cut me off for 2 weeks kinda hurt.

We have other options on the table:
1) Croatia Mouflon on the coast?
2) Romania roebuck and castle tours?
3) back to Argentina for stag?

Putting off Africa for a year also helps in that hopefully my Reto rifle might be done in time!
Understood. Lots of data goes into any risk analysis.
My wife is a retired nurse, 30 years. She wants no part of this vaccine either. Nor my daughter ( in Canada) for her, hubby or her daughter.
My sister, her hubby and son, nada. My son, the same. None of us are anti vaccers. Too many unanswered questions, lies and BS associated with this crap.
Like how many shots are we expected to take of this experimental vaccine? A new variant pops up every other day! A new vac for each one? Is this forever? Masking going to be an on and off thing forever?
My other favorite is "no long term adverse effects from the vac". Really? How do we know that?
I am not a tin foil hat, melting innards or sterilization plot type at all, in fact had not heard of either of those ideas.
What I have heard is a lot lies thruout this process and a metric you know what ton of misinformation and now statements from our govt and others that are aggressive and just short of threatening to try get us all shot. Screw that!
You are spot on.
I'm not an anti-vaxer, I'm just waiting for more information, particularly and especially for those millions of people who have already have had Covid.

I have 2 daughters working in hospitals and both refuse to get jabbed. They came to their conclusion separately and without my influence. I was curious and asked why, cannot remember the exact answers but both essentially said they would wait for the experiment to be over. Both also indicated an extremely high number of hospital staff are not and will not be vaccinated. To be honest, I was a bit shocked. Since then, one of the daughters has had Covid, and because of her age, breezed right on through.

After a similar debate at work, I did a small amount of research and found research papers written about infections of hospital in other areas of the country. While not the topic of the paper, within the papers it discussed how many hospital staff were vaccinated vs not and reinfection rates. Again, after all the push, I was surprised at the number of medical professionals who have not been jabbed.

Finally, recently while floating a remote river, a friend of mine found himself on the same raft as a local pharmacist. When the topic came up, you guessed it, he has not been vaccinated. Unfortunately our discussion ended right there as we got interrupted before I could ask why.

So there it is, I've had Covid and hated it. My wife spent 5 days in the hospital. I hated it. But now here I sit with antibodies and am still hearing people forcefully insisting I need jabbed? No. I'll make the decision on my own and in good time. I'll also monitor antibody levels and may take the shot as those antibodies levels fall. In the meantime, more data will come in.
A televised report I have seen that no one wants to talk about is, if you get infected with Covid, your natural immune system attacks it. If you've had the vaccine, now the vaccine attacks the Covid. With you immune system attached to the Covid the vaccine is now killing you natural immune system also. With reports of people who have had the vaccine getting Covid, how much of your natural immune system is now compromised? Where are the studies on this?

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mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell
CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


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