Joe Biden Voices Support for Banning the Import of Hunting Trophies

You won't get any arguments there.....
Who can they run? There is not one viable body out of everyone the demtards have run or who they can dig out of the woodwork who can stand up to Trump. He will tear them to shreds and spit them out in little pieces, throwing their lies, half truths and insinuations right back in their dirty faces. How can they deny and defend Hillary's treason with the emails, the Iran deal, the Biden's deals with Ukraine. How can they twist the huge increase in the economy, the decline in unemployment, the meteoric rise in the stock market, leveling the playing field in foreign trade? They have not one valid arrow in their quiver.
If this virus kills the economy, Biden will have a very good chance of winning, senile as he is. People typically vote with their wallets, and if people are hurting in November, the Dems will be promising all sorts of “freebies”. Hope I’m wrong, but I’m not as confident as many on here....
Where is Biden. Did they put out a silver alert. If your a Democrat and run for office if you were pro life or pro gun you probably wouldn't get any funding. The same for the Republicans if they were anti gun and pro choice. Funny how two issues control everything and very little will be down about either.
Tara Reade has come forward and accused Joe Biden of sexual misconduct. The alleged occurence(s) took place when he was a Senator in his 50's and she was an office employee. You would expect the group "Time's Up" to rush to her defense as they did for Judge Kavanaugh's accusers. After all, Joe Biden himself had said of the Kavanaugh case, "If a woman comes forward in the light of day to make an accusation, we must presume that the essence is real". But no! Time's Up issued a statement saying they could not help her with her allegations against Joe. The issue was too "politically sensitive".......meaning, of course, that creepy Joe is a Democrat. So, not only does he not know where he is at much of the time, he has forgotten what office he is running for, but now we find that not even HE believes what he says.............FWB
Trump is the best president this country has had since Ronaldus Magnus. I personally don't give a flying you know what about his foibles, and even less about those who despise him for those foibles. WHO CARES? Look what he has accomplished in 3 years bringing this country back from the Obama led doldrums. Imagine what he might have accomplished if those on the LEFT and all the never Trumpers of both parties, and the media at large had not spent that whole time trying to illegally evict him from office via various fake news stories. Russian collusion!! What an absurd idea!
Worst thing I have ever seen happen in this country in my 66 years on this planet. Absolutely despicable!
Were it not for the very untimely arrival of this hideous Chinese virus, we would be over 30000 on the DOW and continued record employment and headed for complete recovery from the mess of his predecessors. Because of this stupid virus that recovery will be put off for a time, I hope not too much time. It will be hard to recover fully, but it will happen.
Put some libtard in office and all bets are off.
Biden is not going to get the nomination for the demtard party, yes demtard. The Demtard party will make a show of supporting him, right up until the convention. He will then be told to stand aside for the party and someone else will be slid in to take over, Cuomo maybe? They seem to be grooming that idiot for the job, and he is an idiot, just like his little brother FREDO on CNN or MSNBC or wherever it is he spews his nonsense from.
Neither Biden or Bernie will be the nominee.. Nor Hillary, all are washed up has been's. The absolute best thing could happen is 4 more years of Trump.
For those from other countries who don't like our president, that's fine, you don't have to like him. You may think he is an idiot or whatever. Fine but he is our idiot. Rant over.
And we all know what happened. I was right on some things totally wrong on others. I didnt believe this country's voters hated Trump so bad they would nominate, then elect a senile old bastard like Uncle Joe Sippy Cup.
Biggest mistake the voters have made in many years, worse even than Obama, Clinton, Carter! Its incredible!
And all because Trump put out mean tweets and was brash and arrogant and likes women. All the BS they tried to hang on him was proved to be just that bullshit!
America has become the country of bed wetting, neck bearded, mommys basement dwelling, no nothing WOKE turds!
I guess Americans are such pussies now that we have to vote for the nice old grandpa (or funny Uncle) guy and not the qualified guy. What a freaking joke we have become!
If we dont have a blowout for Repubs in 2022, things will just go from bad to worse. Its worse now than I even imagined it would be and most of it is self inflicted by Sippy Cup, and only 10 months in! We got possibly 3 more years of this crap!
We have a total fool leading the free world and he is a laughing stock.
Too bad its not funny.
Thanks for helping ruin the country Biden voters!
And we all know what happened. I was right on some things totally wrong on others. I didnt believe this country's voters hated Trump so bad they would nominate, then elect a senile old bastard like Uncle Joe Sippy Cup.
Biggest mistake the voters have made in many years, worse even than Obama, Clinton, Carter! Its incredible!
And all because Trump put out mean tweets and was brash and arrogant and likes women. All the BS they tried to hang on him was proved to be just that bullshit!
America has become the country of bed wetting, neck bearded, mommys basement dwelling, no nothing WOKE turds!
I guess Americans are such pussies now that we have to vote for the nice old grandpa (or funny Uncle) guy and not the qualified guy. What a freaking joke we have become!
If we dont have a blowout for Repubs in 2022, things will just go from bad to worse. Its worse now than I even imagined it would be and most of it is self inflicted by Sippy Cup, and only 10 months in! We got possibly 3 more years of this crap!
We have a total fool leading the free world and he is a laughing stock.
Too bad its not funny.
Thanks for helping ruin the country Biden voters!
"America has become......" You forgot to add Man bunned, Crudmoor shooting....... Ha! ha!
I just reread this post and if the election had been legal and fair, as many of us posted, Trump would have won hands down. Well, we know what happened, and look what we got. Regardless of all the "audits and investigations" I still think it was rigged and more crooked than a corkscrew. They are still "finding lost ballots".

From what I'm seeing in my area Trump is holding ralleys and they are swamped with supporters. Of course, you don't hear a peep from the lamescream media. They couldn't tell the truth or mention anything from the other side if their worthless existences depended on it. Guess we'll have to wait and see what develops in the next year. Any which way it goes, Trump is going to scare the hell out of the commucrats.
Thank god i live in Australia & i will be able to bring my Triceratops trophy home with me!
You already live in the only area they are so you dont have to import them. It's only those other funny countries that put old people with dementia in power that will have problems
You already live in the only area they are so you dont have to import them. It's only those other funny countries that put old people with dementia in power that will have problems
If I bring them up from the South and identify them as trans-species as I cross the border, will they ship them for me?
I just reread this post and if the election had been legal and fair, as many of us posted, Trump would have won hands down. Well, we know what happened, and look what we got. Regardless of all the "audits and investigations" I still think it was rigged and more crooked than a corkscrew. They are still "finding lost ballots".

From what I'm seeing in my area Trump is holding ralleys and they are swamped with supporters. Of course, you don't hear a peep from the lamescream media. They couldn't tell the truth or mention anything from the other side if their worthless existences depended on it. Guess we'll have to wait and see what develops in the next year. Any which way it goes, Trump is going to scare the hell out of the commucrats.
The "mainstream" media hasn't been an objective source of information for years now. And anyone with half a brain (Biden) knows it. That's why their ratings have tanked. Even our clueless "woke" younger generation are beginning to see that. High food, gas and rent prices have a way to "temper" one's views of China Joe's agenda. The media are owned by wealthy left wing corporation elitists who want to change our society for their benefit and usher in a socialist/Marxist utopia. They made their fortunes off Capitalism and now want us working peons to scratch for scraps left behind in the demise of it all.
I just realized this thread is from March 2020! Sleepy China Joe can’t remember what he said yesterday, let alone that long ago. We shouldn’t have anything to worry about, at least with this subject.
You guys can't wait and see what happens. You need to act now. In 4 years you may not have a country left! Band together. Separate if you have to. Split the mighty US of A if that's what has to happen.

But for God's sakes bring Alberta's people with you!
Nasty Tweets or Open Borders
Nasty Tweets or Mask Mandates
Nasty Tweets or 100,000 illegal immigrants with no covid testing
Nasty Tweets or Vax Mandates
Nasty Tweets or Obey the Vax Mandates bullshit or Loose your job
Nasty Tweets or Hunter Biden in the pocket of the Chinese
Nasty Tweets or I can't remember what state I'm in
Nasty Tweets or A HO with a laughing gas addiction
Nasty Tweets or Gas prices up $1.50 (so far)
Nasty Tweets or Restrictions on Firearms, Hunting, Trophy Importation
Nasty Tweets or Wages up 4.4%, Inflation up 5.6%

Nasty Tweets and Promises Kept or A lying politician who has not accomplished ANYTHING in 50 years.

If you voted DEM, you deserve what you are getting. The rest of us have to suck it up until the next election.
Thank god i live in Australia & i will be able to bring my Triceratops trophy home with me!
@rdog, I don't believe you can import lions & eles into Australia. I have a friend on the Weatherby Forum who has been trying for 3-4 years to import his lion & lioness into Australia and nothing yet. They are sitting in SA somewhere.

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