Laymen: what have they asked you?

Virtually all of my friends own firearms, and have a good concept of hunting; otherwise they likely wouldn't be friends. Granted that very few of them still hunt these days due to age and various other priorities and commitments.

Acquaintances are another matter.

Like many of the other respondents to this thread, the #1 question is "what do you do with the meat?" or permutations thereof such as "do you get to eat the meat?" Most are unaware of the legal issues involved with importing game meat from Africa, nor have they considered the potential logistical difficulties, even if it were legal.

And like the others, I also encounter the mindset that "trophy hunters" (whatever that means) do not utilize the meat, and I try to point out that the two are not mutually exclusive. In fairness, these stereotypes are perpetuated by the actions of poachers who do exactly that (leave the animal to waste).

I get that on occasion, and my answer is generally along the lines of "Yes it is! " If pressed, I will add that the ability to afford a safari (like any other objective in life) is the result of hard work, saving, and good life choices (or at least more good ones than poor ones) :D and yes -- luck. Having never drawn a six-figure salary, I try to keep hammering home that it's not about how much money you make, but how much you keep. But as you mention, some just don't get it.

You're a lightweight; my daily driver is more than 30 years old and is approaching 404,000 miles! :cool:
I drew a six figure salary once but my wife screwed the picture up and said I was silly. All I did was draw a stack of money and wrote six figures beside it.
Long story short, my wife has become very good friends with some Afghan refugees after volunteering to help with serving meals to some in our area during resettlement.

Being Muslim, they have specific beliefs on what is Haram (forbidden) and what is Halal, (permissible).
My wife will post pics to friends on FB of my harvests and the response is interesting.
Beliefs vary by region. Some consider my kills to be Halal as long as the throat is cut during the process and I take the animal in the name of God, or Allah. As a Christian, I am a person of the book as are Jewish and Muslim people. This allows the meat to be Halal.
Some require the death of the animal by having the throat cut.
She has had it requested, that” I shoot a deer in the leg “ so a Muslim believer could rush in and cut the throat. I do not consider that to be a request I can accommodate.
I'm a Muslim, so I will expand a little bit on this.

Just like Christianity (or indeed, any religion) has sub-categories (like Catholic/Protestant/Puritan/Orthodox), Islam also has various sects.

Let's speak about myself, for instance. When hunting wild game for the larder, we simply cut the throat by reciting "Allah Hu Akbar" (God is the greatest) IMMEDIATELY (or as soon as is practicable) AFTER shooting the game and it is already dead (or close to dying) from the bullet wound. When eating wild game which was shot by a non-Muslim, we simply say "Allah Hu Akbar" before commencing eating. This is in accordance with the Quran (main Islamic holy book) itself. We are what you would call "Quran Alone Muslims" because we exclusively treat the Quran as the only legitimate Islamic holy book. And thus, we do not regard the restrictions that are imposed by other "Islamic" books to be valid.

Then, there are other sects of Islam (let's call them more "Conservative" for lack of a more politically correct word). They not only treat the teachings of the Quran as authentic but also the Hadith, as well (a series of books that were written 193 years AFTER the Muslim Prophet died). These sects mandate that Muslims can ONLY eat meat from animals whose death was brought about ONLY by a fellow Muslim cutting the throat while reciting "Allah Hu Akbar". They would be the ones who are at odds with the hunting world (amongst other things).
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Some neighbors of mine knew I had been to several African countries for work and hunting. Their parents were going on a photo safari to Namibia and asked me for advice. They were going in late June and early July. I told them to pack some warm jackets, hats and gloves. A very puzzled look and response followed. The typical thought being Africa is hot and June-July is summertime, right??? Explaining June-July in the southern hemisphere is like December-January in the northern hemisphere.

A really funny question I got from a guy working at Walmart in Texas. I was buying a bunch of stuff for a school/orphanage in Nigeria, where I worked and lived for several years. The guy asked me, “How long does it take to drive to Nigeria?” I can only attribute this question to Garth Brooks: “Drive around the world in a pickup truck.”

A few years back I was in Ohio with a couple of mates. Our Australian accent would often result in a conversation about where were we from. The funniest response that I got from a local when I told him Australia, was a puzzled look followed by “ is that down past Florida?” .

I’m a barstard so I said yes. I just hope he never tried to drive there.
I'm a Muslim, so I will expand a little bit on this.

Just like Christianity (or indeed, any religion) has sub-categories (like Catholic/Protestant/Puritan/Orthodox), Islam also has various sects.

Let's speak about myself, for instance. When hunting wild game for the larder, we simply cut the throat by reciting "Allah Hu Akbar" (God is the greatest) IMMEDIATELY (or as soon as is practicable) AFTER shooting the game and it is already dead (or close to dying) from the bullet wound. When eating wild game which was shot by a non-Muslim, we simply say "Allah Hu Akbar" before commencing eating. This is in accordance with the Quran (main Islamic holy book) itself. We are what you would call "Quran Alone Muslims" because we exclusively treat the Quran as the only legitimate Islamic holy book. And thus, we do not regard the restrictions that are imposed by other "Islamic" books to be valid.

Then, there are other sects of Islam (let's call them more "Conservative" for lack of a more politically correct word). They not only treat the teachings of the Quran as authentic but also the Hadith, as well (a series of books that were written 193 years AFTER the Muslim Prophet died). These sects mandate that Muslims can ONLY eat meat from animals whose death was brought about ONLY by a fellow Muslim cutting the throat while reciting "Allah Hu Akbar". They would be the ones who are at odds with the hunting world (amongst other things).
Hello Hunter-Habib,

I too believe there is an Almighty God.
That said, it appears that many times some of our fellow human beings tend to write-in their personal ideas and claim that God has told them to do so.
In other words, many times organized religion in my opinion ruins what God really wants for us.

One example is that, I believe Almighty God does not wish for us to hate each other, such as Catholic vs Protestant fighting, Muslim vs Christian and many more organized religion sponsored violence.
I believe that we all can get along quite well as God, (again in my opinion) prefers for us to do.

I am glad that you are here as a contributing member of this forum.
We are brother hunters you and I.
Therefore, you are welcome at my camp fire any time (especially since you think (me too) that the original H&H version is the very best of the .375’s yet developed).:ROFLMAO:

Best Regards,
Velo Dog.
This is absolute truth!
And I think that you are giving to all of us, exactly the proper example how to do it, with great public presentation, interviews and movies! Really a good work! (y)
when my buddy went to wire money from his Bank to the outfit we hunted with last year, the Bank manager said "Do you know these People?"he said no but send it anyway
I was asked the same question at my bank, they require an answer, avoidance of scams I guess.
Several years ago I was preparing to go on safari, unfortunately it never came to be. I do vividly remember being at the clinic and getting the recommended shots and vaccines.

The lady Dr. asked me if I “might have sexual relations” while I was in Africa. I replied that I was married. She said, “I didn’t ask if you were married.”

I then replied “No, I will not be having sex while in Africa.”

I guess, whatever. Not what I had expected when asking for a malaria shot!
last year at my county clinic the female nurse advised me about "risky behavior". I said plenty, used to have a tree service, worked on flight deck of a carrier, scuba diver and more. Sex outside of marriage-no. Been a widower for 4 years now.
A few years back I was in Ohio with a couple of mates. Our Australian accent would often result in a conversation about where were we from. The funniest response that I got from a local when I told him Australia, was a puzzled look followed by “ is that down past Florida?” .

I’m a barstard so I said yes. I just hope he never tried to drive there.

Similar experience in New Orleans

'You speak funny, where you from?'
'What bus do I take to get there?'
'The one to the airport'
Hello Hunter-Habib,

I too believe there is an Almighty God.
That said, it appears that many times some of our fellow human beings tend to write-in their personal ideas and claim that God has told them to do so.
In other words, many times organized religion in my opinion ruins what God really wants for us.

One example is that, I believe Almighty God does not wish for us to hate each other, such as Catholic vs Protestant fighting, Muslim vs Christian and many more organized religion sponsored violence.
I believe that we all can get along quite well as God, (again in my opinion) prefers for us to do.

I am glad that you are here as a contributing member of this forum.
We are brother hunters you and I.
Therefore, you are welcome at my camp fire any time (especially since you think (me too) that the original H&H version is the very best of the .375’s yet developed).:ROFLMAO:

Best Regards,
Velo Dog.
Velo Dog, I couldn't agree more. My father turns 94 this year and he told me something a few months ago which I found to be most striking:

"Religion was introduced into this world in order to bring peace amongst mankind. Yet if history has taught us anything... then it is that more human beings have been killed in the name of religion ever since the dawn of time, than for perhaps any other cause known to mankind".

Unfortunately, this holds true even in the 21st century. We live in an era where phones have become smart, but people still haven't (if anything, they have intellectually deteriorated).

In regards to the second part of your comment, it will be my pleasure ! I'm headed for Zambia in 2025 for lion and some plains game. Let's make a plan.
All of my friends (actually, everyone I know over 18 years old) own firearms.

My questions are:

1. Meat
2. Taxidermy
3. Cost

Even my liberal friends own firearms, but they just don't talk about it!
I'm a Muslim, so I will expand a little bit on this.

Just like Christianity (or indeed, any religion) has sub-categories (like Catholic/Protestant/Puritan/Orthodox), Islam also has various sects.

Let's speak about myself, for instance. When hunting wild game for the larder, we simply cut the throat by reciting "Allah Hu Akbar" (God is the greatest) IMMEDIATELY (or as soon as is practicable) AFTER shooting the game and it is already dead (or close to dying) from the bullet wound. When eating wild game which was shot by a non-Muslim, we simply say "Allah Hu Akbar" before commencing eating. This is in accordance with the Quran (main Islamic holy book) itself. We are what you would call "Quran Alone Muslims" because we exclusively treat the Quran as the only legitimate Islamic holy book. And thus, we do not regard the restrictions that are imposed by other "Islamic" books to be valid.

Then, there are other sects of Islam (let's call them more "Conservative" for lack of a more politically correct word). They not only treat the teachings of the Quran as authentic but also the Hadith, as well (a series of books that were written 193 years AFTER the Muslim Prophet died). These sects mandate that Muslims can ONLY eat meat from animals whose death was brought about ONLY by a fellow Muslim cutting the throat while reciting "Allah Hu Akbar". They would be the ones who are at odds with the hunting world (amongst other things).
A very good explanation my friend. As you say the Muslim religion has sects the same as Christians. Maybe on day we will ALL be able to accept and respect each other in the world as we do on this great forum.
Hello Hunter-Habib,

I too believe there is an Almighty God.
That said, it appears that many times some of our fellow human beings tend to write-in their personal ideas and claim that God has told them to do so.
In other words, many times organized religion in my opinion ruins what God really wants for us.

One example is that, I believe Almighty God does not wish for us to hate each other, such as Catholic vs Protestant fighting, Muslim vs Christian and many more organized religion sponsored violence.
I believe that we all can get along quite well as God, (again in my opinion) prefers for us to do.

I am glad that you are here as a contributing member of this forum.
We are brother hunters you and I.
Therefore, you are welcome at my camp fire any time (especially since you think (me too) that the original H&H version is the very best of the .375’s yet developed).:ROFLMAO:

Best Regards,
Velo Dog.
@Velo Dog
Is there more than one 375.
To me the true 375H&H is the real one. The others are like sects of religion, a variation of the truth but not quite right.
Even my liberal friends own firearms, but they just don't talk about it!
How that can be? I am confused!? :unsure:

As European observer from long distance, I am certain that many many liberals own firearms, and also many many liberals do actually hunt, and many many liberals are ccw holders.
But, they are not in too frequent membership on this forum.
last year at my county clinic the female nurse advised me about "risky behavior". I said plenty, used to have a tree service, worked on flight deck of a carrier, scuba diver and more. Sex outside of marriage-no. Been a widower for 4 years now.
I once had a medical person ask me "do you feel safe at home?" I responded that I lived in New Orleans, and that there was a nation-wide ammunition shortage. I then asked: "How safe would you feel?"
My liberal friends view them like a stash of contraband (even though they are completely legal to own).

They don't ever use them, but know they have intrinsic value like a gold coin.
Velo Dog, I couldn't agree more. My father turns 94 this year and he told me something a few months ago which I found to be most striking:

"Religion was introduced into this world in order to bring peace amongst mankind. Yet if history has taught us anything... then it is that more human beings have been killed in the name of religion ever since the dawn of time, than for perhaps any other cause known to mankind".

Unfortunately, this holds true even in the 21st century. We live in an era where phones have become smart, but people still haven't (if anything, they have intellectually deteriorated).

In regards to the second part of your comment, it will be my pleasure ! I'm headed for Zambia in 2025 for lion and some plains game. Let's make a plan.
Hello again Hunter-Habib,

Your father is a wise old owl and I salute him for it.
I agree with him.
Also, I agree with your post that I have attached my reply to right here.

And 2025 Zambia for lion + plains game, wow.
I truly appreciate the invitation and would simply love to go along.
However, I am booked for 2024, in Namibia, (non-dangerous game plus beach casting for sharks).
And with my retirement pension being what it is, I cannot afford to go to Africa each year.

Sadly, it takes me several years to save up enough money to return to Africa once every 3 to 5 years.
However, I do feel very fortunate to have enjoyed several hunting and fishing trips to Africa so far.
I have also enjoyed many, many such trips in multiple parts of North America, as well as a few spear fishing, fly fishing and scuba diving trips in Central and South America.

Soon I will be hunting various species of fowl, on the Rocking G Ranch, belonging to our fellow forum member “Gizmo”.
It is somewhere around Amarillo Texas.
Texas is one of the few USA Western States that I have not yet hunted in and I am enthused to give it a try.

One of my finest experiences in the outdoor endeavors was very recently.
During the USA Holiday of Thanksgiving, 2023, in the State of Virginia, one of my sons was my PH for me to bag the first whitetail buck I have ever had the pleasure of hunting.
That particular memory will stay with me like no other.
So, I really do not have anything whatsoever to complain about.

Anyway, Thank You again for inviting me
on your 2025 hunt.
Indeed I wish I could join you in Zambia.
It pains me to have to decline your kind invitation.
Meanwhile, I shall look forward to your hunt report from same and then live vicariously through your words and photos.

Best Regards,
Velo Dog. (Paul)
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A very good explanation my friend. As you say the Muslim religion has sects the same as Christians. Maybe on day we will ALL be able to accept and respect each other in the world as we do on this great forum.
And someday... you will have love in your heart for the .243 Winchester, Bobby.
“How long does it take to drive to Nigeria?” I can only attribute this question to Garth Brooks: “Drive around the world in a pickup truck.”
Now in fairness, in Texas you can drive to Paris, Athens, and even Palestine…Texas that is. :A Thumbs Up:

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Preparing for the adventure of a lifetime. Looking forward to my 2026 Africa hunt with Van Wijk Safaris in South Africa.
Monster Free range Common Reedbuck!!
What a great way to kick off our 2025 hunting season in South Africa.

This beautiful Impala ram was taken at just over 300 yards, took a few steps and toppled over.

We are looking forward to the next week and a half of hunting with our first client of the year.
Handcannons wrote on Jaayunoo's profile.
Do you have any more copies of African Dangerous Game Cartridges, Author: Pierre van der Walt ? I'm looking for one. Thanks for any information, John [redacted]