Vevew, you should be happy and thank me. I decided to take my lion on a ranch TO NOT AFFECT the wild population and I did make that choice with much thought. If I had not had that option I would have taken a wild lion. So my choice to take a S A raised DID IN FACT Help the wild populations in my view and help in conservation of the wild lions.
Okay, I understand. I did read another comment elsewhere saying:
"if there is no legally-sanctioned way of hunting these sorts of animals, people will do it illegally instead. Its the same with drug laws; its better to regulate and work on damage control than to completely abolish it. If we want hunters to leave the wildlife alone, let them hunt the things that aren't wild."
I understand that. This leads me to the conclusion that somehow everyone should just accept that some people just want to kill lions, even when the animal is in a tiny confined fenced space (as seen in the video I linked). To me that doesn't look like hunting or sport, because that is not challenging at all.
I've asked one specific question from many hunters, and I have never got a good answer; all I get is insults and whatnot.
The question is: Why do you enjoy it (canned hunting)?
I don't mean the trophy hunting of wild animals. I sort of understand it. Hunting wild game is challenging and it can indeed help the wildlife population
when managed correctly. I mean canned hunting; the act of killing a captive bred animal that has zero chance of escaping, and poses no threat to the hunters. Where is the challenge in that? Where is the fun?
So the few who do it wrong are now representative of all? There's an outfit in Tanzania that has lost it's license due to it's unlawful practices. I would presume under your "logic" that all Tanzanian outfitters are the same and therefore should all be banned.
You need not expect further replies from me, your time would be better spent on Facebook posts slamming Spielberg.
Alright, I ask anyway, in hope that someone else will pick this up to educate me:
How large percentage of lion hunting happens in similar matter as seen the video I linked? I don't know the answer, but those are the kind of videos that are picked by the news. I know wild trophy hunting is very different, but I'd like to know the scale of each of them. I've heard that there are 8000 captive lions in South Africa, that are bred specifically for canned hunting.