First off I do not believe that hunting in Texas takes away any significant amounts of money spent hunting in Africa. It may even enhance it as it peaks interest.
I watched a video, and stayed at a Holiday Inn express, so I'm an expert on this subject

A Cape buffalo "hunt" in Texas that I saw was being done by an elderly gentleman whom I doubt could have done it in Africa. Probably would have had a challenge just making the flight. That was by no stretch of the imagination a hunt that most of us would want to do. However it was something that gentleman obviously wanted to do. It was his money, his experience, legal.
Nothing pisses me off more than younger people being all high and mighty as to how an older person spends THEIR money! Dammit they worked for it, they should spend it how they see fit. Well, ok, liberals and the government wasting my tax money pisses me off more... but you should get the point.