@Bob Nelson 35Whelen Physical disabilities are something else entirely.
@Jamie D Van RoekelHas anyone done a trial on this? To actually test the decibels of a mag na port vs non ported.
That was my feelings two years ago when I wrote that.A PH can not afford to hunt with muffs on his head - particularly in a dangerous game environment. Their directional hearing is as important to keeping their client safe as are their eyes. A muzzle brake complicates his ability to manage the hunt significantly while representing an actual threat to his ability to do his job effectively now and in the future..
It is why they universally hate them. That isn't to say a PH will curse a client to his face who shows up with one. Theirs is an industry that requires polite interaction with whomever has signed the contract - great outdoorsman or drunk or arrogant ass or someone using a muzzle brake. But that doesn't change what he is thinking.
I'll be blunt. If a hunter is, for whatever reason, uncomfortable with the recoil of a particular rifle, step down a caliber, or put a recoil reduction device in the butt, or get a heavier firearm. There are plenty of calibers or rifle designs, that due to recoil, I have no intention of ever using. That doesn't bother me in the least.
@BeeMaaTerminator Products has a recoil measuring device that is pretty cool. In this video they compare all different brakes along with no break...all on the same rifle with the same ammo. 2 minute video is worth a watch with conclusive results as far as recoil is concerned.
If you click on their channel, they have several videos with this recoil device. They have to have one with a radial brake but you may have to do a little digging.@BeeMaa
Just goes to show that brakes do make a difference even tho they vary in effectiveness.
I would like to see the results with the common radial port brake. Thing is I couldn't detect any noise difference between any of the braked or unbraked shots. Then again I am partially deaf in my left ear.