More weight on a .30-06 rifle

@Cervus elaphus, IMO you don't need a 30-06 with more weight. 7.5-8# (3.4-3.6 Kg) is more than enough to mitigate the recoil on this caliber with proper practice and a proper fitting rifle.

A proper fitting rifle is one of the things I've found most overlooked when buying a long gun. Rifles and shotguns are made to be general standard to fit an average sized male (whatever that means). I know it's not common or inexpensive, but having a rifle properly fitted to YOUR body makes a huge difference in felt recoil. It's worth the time, effort and money to have this done.

Second is practice. Consistent practice, including much more dry fire practice than range time. Range time is to confirm what you are doing in dry fire drills. This also saves on money and considering the current ammo situation, this is a good idea.

Last is technique. As caliber goes up, flaws in technique become more apparent. Poor technique shooting a 22lr, you simply can not do with a 30-06 without paying a price. Add to that, reduced rifle weight or larger caliber and the problems can compound quickly to a negative shooting experience. This can lead to flinching and the problems only get worse from there. The point it to make shooting fun and still test the limits without going over them. Proper positive shooting experience with a rifle builds confidence to be able to move up in caliber or down in weight for a given caliber.

It was not that long ago that I thought I needed a rifle to weigh over 10# in 375H&H. Through consistent practice and with a proper fitting rifle, I can easily shoot a 7.75# (3.5 Kg) rifle with ease. Here is a picture of the rifle and short clip of me shooting it. I'm 70" and 160#, by all accounts not a big guy and this was no problem for me. Did I shoot this all day? Of course not, that would exceed my limits. But only through practice have I learned this. You can do it too.

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I worked for a while as a professional shooter, did a lot of free standing .22 shooting at my local gun club which was excellent practice for out in the field and for running deer with larger calibers and I rarely missed. As you say, practice makes perfect. Bench rest is a lot different from hunting in the field, puffing away after a hard climb to reach a ridge and a deer pops up just on the other side, that's when you find out how good your free standing practice has been. In this situation I always carry the rifle, not slung, and I learned this lesson the hard way by losing the chance of a very good set of antlers when coming down a ridge in a howling gale; the stag ran across in front, confused, don't even think he knew I was there. I was heading home and my rifle was slung across diagonal. By the time I got it off, he was in the next county. Cheers
I’m the same height and weight as you and was just thinking the same thing. I’ve also got a Blaser 375 and shoot it without a scope a couple of magazines worth no problem. I’ve taken several animals with it scoped no problem. I was nervous about it the first time but honestly it was nothing for the one shot it takes. I’m wondering if us scrawny guys have an easier time with recoil. Maybe with so little to push against we just roll with it whereas a solid fellow gets hit harder, like if you were sitting against a tree recoil would be fierce.
One thing for sure is I carry the thing a whole lot more than I shoot it.
I haven’t shot anything since I hurt my shoulder a few weeks ago. I may have a different opinion soon!
Hi Bert. In the field with a trophy or meat for the pot in the crosshairs, adrenalin takes care of recoil. If you only fire one shot on a hunt, that's not going to hurt. Cheers
I still haven't given up the option of having a 30-06 made from a model 17 action (my BIL aka gunbearer is younger than me). I once borrowed an ex Swedish military 6.5x55 on a hunt and that was no huckleberry.
There are a lot of places I know that don't require a scope where the average shooting distance is 20 paces
@Cervus elaphas
A 35 Whelen made up on a M17 action lightened to be similar to a Remington 30 on the left the other is a P14 in 25 cal
Hold the butt pad an inch in front of your nose and pull the trigger. I expect you'll find out!
My 6'9"

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If I was to renege on my vow never to ever again buy or custom make a 30-06, I wouldn't go back to the lightweight one I owned, loved, and kicked like an angry punda mama. The Barrel would be heavy rather than light, with a wooden stock. I would NOT be climbing any hills or mountains with it so I could afford the luxury of a bit more weight. I haven't found a commercial one yet, so suggestions would be welcome. Additional weight could be made up by adding a scope, Harris bipod, sling, bullets in mag etc. For a custom build, would the venerable M17 action and a semi-hardwood stock supply that needed heft?. I thought about 7-8lbs and this from Chuck Hawks on the subject of rifle weights:
“Rifles for cartridges such as the 6.5mm Remington Magnum, 6.5x68S, .270 Winchester, .270 WSM, 7mm-08, 7x57, 7x64, .280 Remington, 7mm SAUM, 7mm WSM, .308 Winchester, .30-06 Springfield, .303 British, 8x57JS, .338-57 O'Connor, .356 Winchester, .358 Winchester, and .45-70 (with standard pressure loads) should weigh no less than 8 pounds and probably no more than 9 pounds to keep recoil energy at or below 20 ft. lbs. while still remaining conveniently portable.”
So how does 7.5lbs all up sound?
Thanks to everyone who replied and commented. I have a lot of useful info and have tried to check out every suggestion. There are more good rifles out there than I first imagined. Cheers

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Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


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VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
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I am really fan of you