MOZAMBIQUE: 15 Day Hunt Report With Zambeze Delta Safaris In Coutada 11


The next morning found us within two miles as the crow flies from where we had darted the big lion the evening before. We were working that area where the palm forest and flood plain comes together, which seemed to act like a magnet for all of the herd animals. After one good long walkabout in the palm forest, which yielded no animals but was plentiful on memories, we got back in the cruiser and made our way to the flood plain proper. Just as we eased up to the very edge, Vosco pointed out two bushpigs milling around in the tall grass some 150 yards out. Vosco, Bredger and Ian were out of the cruiser in two shakes of a lamb’s tail and started slowly making their way towards the unsuspecting pigs. Alberto and I stayed behind on top of the cruiser to see if we could keep eyes on the pigs and direct as needed. It almost played out like a couple of west Texas hunters chasing a covey of blue quail – the pigs flushed a couple of times as they were approached, but never went more than fifty or sixty yards, only to disappear in the next clump of thick grass. The third time was the charm, as the boar made a mistake and stopped in the open, while the sow took off to the next clump of cover. The sticks were up in flash, and we heard the report of the rifle and the hit almost simultaneously. Alberto and I watched as the boar took off like he was shot out of cannon, only to do a nose plant and summersault some 35 yards from point of impact. I slowly drove the cruiser out into the flood plain towards the pigs’ last known location, which was probably 350 yards or so by now. The guys were already there admiring Ian’s shot, which was a perfect double lung shot with a full pass through. Bredger indicated the distance was 132 yards and it was readily apparent Ian was starting to feel extremely comfortable with his 9.3x62. Amazingly enough, we ended up seeing 24 bushpigs in broad daylight over the first five days, and then only saw four for the remainder of the trip – Bredger said it’s always a crapshoot with bushpigs and you just never know what you’re gonna get. After a few celebratory pics, we were on our way to find a good spot to have a braai in the bush.

Ian and Bredger

We went to a spot Bredger had used many times before under a huge hardwood canopy, with the tell-tale signs of a makeshift firepit and old charcoal. Ian and I set about gathering firewood while Bredger started preparing the food, and Alberto and Vosco started skinning the bush pig. We had a good fire going no time, so we all sat down to chill in the shade and enjoy a mid-day 2M. It wasn’t long before the coals were just right and Bredger set about to BBQ a chicken and backstrap from an eland one of the Georgia boys had taken a day or two earlier. I’m not sure if it was because we were so hungry or not, but damn, that was one good meal! We kicked back after lunch and snoozed in our chairs for a while, recharging our batteries for the afternoon hunt and our return trip to camp.

Braai time with Bredger
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Braai in the bush
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After cleaning up, we backtracked along the same road that separated the palm forest from the flood plain. We saw multiple animals along the way, just like every other hunt before. About thirty minutes out, Bredger stopped the cruiser abruptly. There was a loan sable bull 300 yards out to our 10 o’clock. It was the first and only sable we ever saw by itself on the entire trip. Bredger wanted to get a closer look, but the wind was all wrong. Consequently, we turned around and went back the way we had come with the plan to come in on the other side of him. After 600 yards, Bredger cut off the cruiser and we set off on a stalk in a big arc that would bring us in on his down wind side. We weaved our way though the palms and finally put eyes on him at about 200 yards – he continued to graze and was totally unaware of our presence. Bredger studied him intently, using the shooting sticks and a tree for support of his binocs to get a steady look. After several minutes of looking him over, Bredger turned around and whispered, “he isn’t the biggest bull on the delta, but he is one old bastard, that’s for sure!” That’s all I needed to hear, and the stalk was on. We made several moves to get a little closer whenever the bull had his head down. We ultimately got to a spot between a couple of palms that provided good cover within 140 yards of the bull, and I set up for the shot. He was slowly grazing away from us, and I didn’t have a clean shot, so we sat tight. It wasn’t long before he started quartering away and began to expose vitals. When he was at about a ¾ turn, he stopped and looked back our way. I squeezed off a round from the Jeffery and the bull hit the ground instantly. He was still kicking intermittently though, so we hurried up from the downwind side for a closer look. At about 35 yards, he lifted his head, so I quickly placed another round square on his shoulder and the bull was down for good. As we put our hands on the bull for the first time, Bredger pointed out the second-growth rings that gave away his age. He was stunning like all sable, and I was proud to call him my own. We took a few pics and then Bredger and Ian went back to fetch the cruiser, while Vosco, Alberto and I awaited their return. As I stood there standing over and admiring the bull, I could only wonder what my friend @ay2626 would think about me taking this beautiful, old bull with “our” 404 Jeffery. When I acquired it from him in 2023, he wanted to make sure it was used properly and had the opportunity to draw blood on the dark continent. It had done so indeed and this was this was my first animal with the rifle, but would not be my last. I smiled and soaked in a solitary moment that only Africa can deliver, while waiting for the boys to return.

Getting ready for the shot
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Craig w/sable

We were all grins on the way back but still looking for targets of opportunity. Bredger chose a new road that was north of the main road we had come down that morning and took us into some new country. It had some wide-open expanses with tall grass and reeds and we saw a ton of waterbuck, zebra and reedbuck. I can’t tell you for certain how many reedbuck we had seen up until that point in the first couple of days, but it was well into the hundreds. I also can’t tell you how many I pointed out to Bredger and said, “how about that one?” His answer was always the same, “not quite what we are looking for.” About an hour before sunset, we were just cruising along when we came across a whole slew of reedbuck bedded down back to the east. I was up front with Bredger and Ian was in the back with Vosco and Alberto. The sun was at our backs, so we just sat there for a while and looked over the multitude of bucks in front of us. It wasn’t long before Bredger said, “check out that SOB!” It was unlike anything we had seen so far, and its horns went almost straight out. Bredger said we need to take that one, so Vosco and Ian got down quickly, while Bredger eased out of the cruiser. All of these reedbuck were bedded down with no vitals exposed, so there was no shot to take. I heard Bredger call out 171 yards from the cruiser before they started walking towards the big group of bucks. It was only about ten steps or so before most of them jumped up from their beds and a few even took off. Ours stood up as well but held tight. Within a matter of seconds, Ian was on the sticks and soon thereafter the buck was on the ground, poleaxed in his tracks by a 286 grain A-frame. We got up to the buck within a matter of minutes and all saw what a freak he was. Bredger told Ian "you've got yourself a dandy there" and “you won’t have to worry about getting that one mixed up with any others at the skinning shed!” We all laughed. It had been one hell of a day, and we were still just 72 hours into our safari – what else could be in store for us over the next 12 days?

Ian's reedbuck

I believe that was the first evening when I started sharing photos with AHF buddies @Dirtdart , @SkullKeeper , @RR 314 and @AZDAVE , something I couldn't even have dreamed about doing on my first safari in 1999. Back then, no one even knew what you had taken until you got home, lol - my how times have changed! It was really cool to be able to share pics with this group of guys, all accomplished hunters in their own right. I continued to do that over the course of the safari and greatly appreciated their feedback. @AZDAVE and @SkullKeeper even had hunts that overlapped towards the tail end of mine, and I got to see pics from their hunts as well, while still in MOZ - technology has sure changed the name of the game In any case, this one was shaping up to be a doozy and we were really only just getting started.

Awesome! Thanks for tagging me as I missed the inception of the write-up. I know that y’all had a great experience and killed some awesome animals. Great work! Subscribed for the rest!
Damn, how could I have forgotten @ActionBob in my last post? He has become a great friend, and we corresponded throughout the trip as well. He was also kind enough to allow me to come practice off of sticks with him at his ranch prior to the hunt. The pic below is way cool and catches him just as he touches off his 505 Gibbs, Apologies my friend!
Action Bob.PNG
Damn, how could I have forgotten @ActionBob in my last post? He has become a great friend, and we corresponded throughout the trip as well. He was also kind enough to allow me to come practice off of sticks with him at his ranch prior to the hunt. The pic below is way cool and catches him just as he touches off his 505 Gibbs, Apologies my friend!View attachment 658681
Is that a Flamethrower Gibbs ?? Kills it and cooks it at the same time ! Ha!

We had spent the last three days on the flood plain and Bredger said it was time to go the sand forests, a collection of wide-open pans separated by a vast network of hardwoods and palms. We had two buffalo on quota, and I had told Bredger early on that I wanted Ian to experience a traditional buffalo hunt. Coutada 11 is widely known for their swamp hunts, but I felt it was important for Ian’s first buffalo to be one where he put in the miles and had the pleasure of watching the trackers work their magic. Consequently, we headed to the western part of the concession in search of buffalo and any other targets of opportunity that just might turn up. Bredger indicated the swamp buffalo don’t go into the forests and the forest buffalo don’t go into the swamps – they pretty much live out their existence wherever they were born. For a day and half, we had a multitude of walkabouts and stalks, but no shots were ever fired, and we never ran across fresh sign of buffalo. Right towards dark on the end of our second day in the sand forests, we pulled into a huge pan with light fading. As we surveyed a spattering of plains game animals in front of us, Vosco pointed out some black spots on the far side of the pan, which just happened to be the buffalo that had eluded us for the last day and a half. It was way too late to do anything at that point, but we made a plan to try and catch them early the next morning. Vosco indicated he had a pretty good idea of where they were going to water, and felt like we could pick up their spoor without much trouble the next day.

Typical stalks in the forest
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Crossing a pan
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The next morning, we were up at 4:30 and on the road by five. Bredger had a certain spot in mind he wanted to be at by 6:00 a.m., so we would just eat breakfast there in the bush. It gets light very early in MOZ that time of the year, and you could easily see well enough to shoot by 5:30 a.m., maybe earlier. We made good time and the tap on the cab told me Vosco was on to something. We stopped in a large, sandy grass flat where Vosco and Alberto got down to assess the track situation. Amongst the thousands of tracks that lay before us, they picked out the buffalo and determined they had already watered and were making their way into the forest. It never ceases to amaze me how adept the trackers are at discerning the old from the new and it doesn’t quite matter what country you are in. They are all truly masters of their craft and I was glad we had Vosco and Alberto on our team. We retreated a hundred yards to a stand of trees where we proceeded to dine on a breakfast of muffins along with bacon and egg sandwiches. We were all chomping at the bit to give chase, so it wasn’t long before we were on the spoor with rifles, backpacks and enough water to keep us going all day.

Vosco and Alberto were spread out on the wings probably ten yards apart, while Bredger was in the middle with Ian and me right behind him. It wasn’t long before Bredger pointed out a runny pile of dung and whispered, “they are close – really close!” We had been on the tracks maybe 30 minutes when Alberto lightly snapped his fingers, and we all froze. A quick glance at Alberto revealed he was gingerly pointing his index finger to our 1 o’clock for reference. As I crouched down, nothing jumped out at me with the naked eye, but when I put my binocs up, there they were – a long string of buffalo. Luckily, what little wind we had was right and there was ample cover between us and the buffalo, so we just zigzagged our way in, until we were right on the edge of the herd. The last fifty yards saw us making our way onto an elevated, ancient termite mound that was sizeable and had several large trees growing out of it with plenty of cover. Bredger and Vosco moved to the best vantage point to survey the herd, while the rest of us stayed low. They scoured the herd for the better part of ten minutes before putting up the sticks and motioning for Ian. He was up on the sticks in an instant. I still couldn’t see a thing but could hear Bredger trying to walk him in on the right bull. Now keep in mind I had been telling Ian for months about the difficulty of buffalo hunting and how you could easily spend days tracking before a shot presents itself, and here he was set up on sticks inside the first hour. I was torn between this being too easy and Ian not getting the full experience and not looking a gift horse in the mouth. No sooner had I pondered that question in my mind, than I felt a gust of wind on the back of my neck and the next thing I knew we had a herd of buffalo on the move. The entire hunting party quickly shifted to the left side of the old termite mound, and it was there that I saw the entire herd for the first time. They were bunched up at this point and I’m guessing there were between 75 and 100 of them. Bredger attempted to pick out the targeted bull again, but the wind continued to swirl and soon it was a thundering herd of buffalo with only a cloud of dust left behind. We waited a bit and then set off again, following what was, at this point, a pretty easy trail. I asked Bredger about the bulls in the herd as we walked and he said there were some young studs in the group, but he only saw one, fully formed, hard boss bull.

Setting up right out of the gate
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Second position - trying to pick out the herd bull before they all bolted
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We finally caught up to the herd a little over an hour later and slowed to a snail’s pace the last couple hundred yards. It was at this point that I got indoctrinated into what crawling in the sand forests was like. A great deal of the concession, including this area had been subjected to controlled burns in the prior weeks. This left burned out stubble that felt like needles to the bare knee. Consequently, you had a choice when crawling – either suck it up and brave the stubble or find a spot of bare sand, which pretty much feels like coals once the sun heats it up. I found neither option to be particularly appealing, but it didn’t slow our progress, and we were soon right on the edge of the herd. Bredger, Vosco and Alberto set about finding our bull and just about the time they had him pinned down, the wind shifted, and they were off once again. This entire process repeated itself two more times and we were now over five hours into the tracking session, having covered approximately four and a half miles. This last time the buffalo went thundering off, Bredger said we needed to let them settle down, so we retreated and made the long walk back to the truck to have lunch and regroup. Vosco said they were headed towards one of the largest pans in that part of the concession and would have to cross a road, where he thought we could pick up the track again.

We had lunch at the cruiser, managed to rehydrate and rest a bit before heading back out to see if we could pick up their spoor. After a short drive, we found where the buffalo had crossed the road and set out in pursuit once more. We followed them for another hour through the forest and ultimately came to the vast pan Vosco had described. The good news was the buffalo were indeed in the pan; the bad news was they were about 500 yards out in the middle without much cover to get any closer. The majority of the herd was bedded down, while a few stragglers were still grazing and milling about. What had at first appeared to be flat ground in between us with no cover, was in reality a series of channels and wallows with some high grass and a scattered bush or palm here and there. Consequently, Bredger sorted out our game plan and tasked Vosco with charting a course to get us within shooting range. The wind was brisk and perfectly in our face and the sun was at our back, so we at least had those two key variables in our favor. Five hundred yards soon turned to three hundred yards, and it wasn’t long before we were within two hundred and fifty yards under the cover of a small palm. Bredger said if we could just get to the next clump of palms about one hundred fifty yards from our current post, we should be in a position to set up for a shot. Unfortunately, that meant crawling and it turned out to be absolutely brutal on the old man. I was in the rear and at least ten minutes behind everyone else. Bredger had already surveyed the situation and determined we couldn’t shoot from there, as the buffalo had started to feed and move towards the forest on the far side of the pan, but fortunately were still unaware of our presence. He pointed to a big clump of grass about one hundred yards farther and said we need to get to that spot. My knees were bloodied and bruised at this point, and I knew I would only slow them down and maybe put the stalk in jeopardy. Consequently, I told them I would sit tight and film the operation in process – Bredger nodded with his ok.

I was pretty much in the catbird seat, and it was really cool to watch everything unfold from my vantage spot, watching the four of them cover the open ground like military commandos on a mission. They soon made it to their desired location, and I watched them glass for the next 15 minutes. Finally, the sticks went up and Ian was on them for several more minutes before I saw a puff of smoke and heard the bullet strike. All were up on their feet in an instant glassing and after about a minute, Bredger raised his arms in triumph and waived me over. Unfortunately, I missed the death bellow, but I did get there in time to witness the other young bulls in the herd gore and kick the herd bull on the ground and I'm certain they weren’t trying to help him up. It always amazes me how when in chase, the mere sight or smell of a human will send the herd running, but once an animal goes down, you almost have to chase them off. In any case, it was a proper buffalo hunt of nine plus hours in total and we just couldn’t wipe that grin off Ian’s face – he was hooked for life, just like the rest of us. He had earned his first buffalo, and I could not have been more proud of him and felt very fortunate to share in that experience. Bredger, Vosco and Alberto had all done a tremendous job that day and they were all becoming big fans of the 9.3x62 and its lethality. Pics and 2M’s were now in order and the ride home was one big celebration!

The crawl

The Shot
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Buff down
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Team Bredger w/Ian's buff - Alberto, Ian, Bredger and Vosco
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Ian and his first buff
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Ian and Dad
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Ian with buff head
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Celebrating the moment - Bredger, Craig and Ian

Next up: MEAT DROP
Lovely well done on the 1st of many buffalo to come.
Lovely well done on the 1st of many buffalo to come.
Thank you Sir! That first one is always very special, and like many on here, I can still remember mine like it was just yesterday, although it was many, many years ago! The boy is hooked, so I'm certain that will not be his last.
Wow, what a great safari, and thank you for taking us along. Please, tell me there is more? :ROFLMAO:
Wow, what a great safari, and thank you for taking us along. Please, tell me there is more? :ROFLMAO:
Thank you @PARA45, greatly appreciated! I was afraid this was maybe turning into "1001 Arabian Nights", as I had never intended for it to go on this long. I set out to write a simple hunt report that I was hoping would be beneficial to other members as they weighed options for potential safaris. As I got into it though, I found you really couldn't do justice to the entire experience without taking the reader there and maybe providing a little insight into the full spectrum of emotions one goes through on any given safari. Eventually, I'll make it to a section that discusses all of the plusses and minuses from my perspective, with lessons learned, etc., but there is much more to share between now and then. Thanks for staying tuned!

The next morning, we slept in, as Bredger had arranged for us to go on a meat drop with Ian’s buffalo to the local village on the edge of the concession. It couldn’t have come at a better time, as the time difference, early rises and late evenings combined with the sapping power of the Mozambican sun, were all beginning to take their toll. Consequently, the leisurely morning was a welcome respite and we didn’t hit the road until almost nine. The village was approximately 45 minutes away, so we got out in front of the team from the skinning shed that was bringing Ian’s buffalo along with another buff one of the Georgia boys had taken the same day. We took a quick tour of the clinic and school that ZDS, along with Bredger’s wife’s aunt, had been instrumental in building. All of this is part of the partnership ZDS has undertaken with the local community, confirming their vested interest and commitment to improving the way of life for the locals. The conservation and anti-poaching initiative could not be successful without this approach; it provides the local community with a vast amount of protein that would be acquired by other means, were it not for this program. If memory serves me correctly from Mark Haldane’s podcast that I mentioned in the prologue, I believe they provide and deliver somewhere in the vicinity of 60 tons of meat a year to the locals – an unbelievable contribution for their sustenance.

Typical living quarters
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The clinic

The school
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Word travels fast in the village and it wasn’t long before we were being followed by the local children with big smiles and cries of joy. Once we made it to the appointed spot, women and young girls started showing up with containers on their heads. Soon thereafter, the meat wagon arrived, and the ladies welcomed it with some sort of yell in their local dialect (Sena, I would guess). Several men arrived with hatchets and machetes and began cutting palm leaves from a tree nearby. They created a mat of palms leaves on the ground and began tossing meat from the wagon in a big pile. Then the guys got to work with their implements, cutting the big chunks into smaller portions. I can tell you, one would not want to get too close to the action, as there sure was a lot of chopping going on at the same time and I marveled they were able to avoid hitting each other. It wasn’t long before they had the two buffalo cut up and started divvying up the spoils. Soon, everyone who had come with a container was rewarded with an apportionment of buffalo meat. They were all extremely grateful and appreciative of our efforts and even though we didn’t speak their language, the multitude of smiles told us everything we needed to know. Ian and I left there that day humbled and counting our blessings – it was a sobering experience, one we won’t soon forget.

The meat wagon
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Chop, chop


Loading up
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Alberto, wife and baby (this was his village)
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Edson and local boys
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Headed home with the spoils
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What a beautiful experience to witness. (y) (y)
Thank you @PARA45, greatly appreciated! I was afraid this was maybe turning into "1001 Arabian Nights", as I had never intended for it to go on this long. I set out to write a simple hunt report that I was hoping would be beneficial to other members as they weighed options for potential safaris. As I got into it though, I found you really couldn't do justice to the entire experience without taking the reader there and maybe providing a little insight into the full spectrum of emotions one goes through on any given safari. Eventually, I'll make it to a section that discusses all of the plusses and minuses from my perspective, with lessons learned, etc., but there is much more to share between now and then. Thanks for staying tuned!

Nope, not long at all, and I'm enjoying very much. Well written and love the details, keep it coming.

We got back in time for an early lunch after the meat drop and had a couple of hours to kill, so retired to our tents to catch up on a few emails and grab a short nap. We’d been in the sand forests for three consecutive days, so we all agreed a trip back to the flood plain was in order for the afternoon hunt. We were on the outer edge by the palm forests by 3:00 p.m. and repeated our M.O. from previous days. We bumped one exceptionally large warthog within the first twenty minutes of our arrival, and I could tell this one was special by the way Alberto and Vosco were acting. We were all out of the cruiser in short order and on the trail of this exceptional boar in no time at all. Ian was still in the shooter’s spot, so was up front with Bredger and Vosco. Unlike the big boar we saw on the second day, this one went away from the flood plain and deeper into the palm forests. He gave us a few fleeting glimpses of his massive ivory tusks, as he trotted from palm motte to palm motte, but never long enough to give us a shot. This went on for three hundred yards or so when he entered an isolated palm motte with some larger trees, thick brush and grass that was chest high – we had him now, or so we thought! We thrashed around that motte and although we busted out two other warthogs, our big guy was nowhere to be seen. It was as if he had just vanished into thin air. We made noise, threw sticks, etc. all to no avail. Either he was holding tight like the most stubborn quail in existence, or he had somehow managed to slip out, which seemed unlikely. Now you probably couldn’t have hidden a Sherman Tank in that motte, but there were damn sure a lot of places for a warthog to hide. Vosco and Alberto could not find where his tracks ever left the motte, but we could not locate him in it either. Perhaps he had backed into a burrow that we could not see because of the lush vegetation, but if still there, he was definitely not moving. While standing around, Bredger indicated this one was a beast, with about as much mass as you will ever see on a warthog. We regrettably abandoned the mission after 15 minutes and as we walked back to the cruiser, Ian muttered “some days may be good, some days may be shit!” We all laughed, knowing the old boar had gotten the best of us this time.

The return trip from our encounter with the big boar.
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The best thing about Coutada 11 is that you never have to wait very long for your next opportunity – you might strike out here and there, but you always know another chance is just around the corner. Such was the case with our hunt on this particular afternoon. Once again, we found ourselves sitting on the flood plain proper, glassing the multitude of animals in front of us. There were hartebeest, zebra, waterbuck, sable and reedbuck in abundance with a few warthogs and oribi mixed in as well. The number and quality of waterbuck on Coutada 11 is amazing and I had asked Bredger on multiple occasions in the preceding days, “what’s wrong with that one?” The answer was always the same, “he’s nice, but not quite what we’re looking for.” The cruiser was parked between two big palms to conceal our position somewhat, and while the animals were aware of our presence, they didn’t pay us much mind at all and went about their grazing. I was up front with Bredger and we chatted casually, as he educated me on field judging the different species before us. We hadn’t been there for more than five minutes when I spied what I thought was a big one, maybe 300 yards out to our 9 o’clock. I turned to Bredger and asked, “what’s wrong with that big, wide bastard over there?” Bredger peered intently at the bull through his Leicas for a few seconds, and unlike before, proclaimed “now we’re talking!” That’s all he said and then stuck his head out the cruiser and conversed with Vosco, who nodded his approval after viewing the bull.

The flood plain is usually a safe haven for the animals and any attempt to approach in the cruiser would send them scattering to the winds in all directions - it’s like chasing the mirage you can never quite actually reach. You wouldn’t fare much better on a traditional stalk, as there is no cover, and you’ve got literally hundreds of sets of eyes watching your every move. Consequently, Bredger turned to Vosco and asked him how we could get to that bull, conversing in their own little secret language of English, Portuguese and Sena. Vosco didn’t say a word and immediately began chopping down palm branches with his machete in the tree right next to us. Alberto started cutting some of the leaves in long strips and in no time at all, they had fastened them together to create a palm shield for cover. I looked over at Bredger and said, “you really think that’s gonna work?” He turned to Vosco and told him in perfect English, “Craig wants to know if this is going to work”. Vosco looked at me in his typical stoic manner and said, “oh yez, Bozz – it work.” Bredger grinned at me and said, “see, it will work!” We both chuckled and got out of the cruiser. I was a tad skeptical, but willing to watch it play out.

Vosco acquiring components for the shield
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Finished product - Vosco and shield
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The stalk begins
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Making up some ground
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We didn’t have the luxury for all of us to go on the stalk, so Alberto and I stayed behind while Ian set off with Bredger and Vosco behind the homemade palm shield. Immediately, every animal out there began to take notice and had eyes on the trio, all moving in unison. I had seen videos of this working for bow hunters on pronghorn and elk, but had never seen anyone do it in Africa, although we did something similar with buffalo in the swamp later in the hunt. Not only were there hundreds of animals now alerted, but the big wide bull had 20 of his closest friends with him, which would make the stalk all that much more difficult. By now the waterbuck in question was 500 yards away with his mates and Vosco was going in the wrong direction, perhaps after the wrong bull. I pointed this out to Alberto, as if he could magically communicate with Vosco and set him back on the right course. Alberto looked at me and said in broken English, “no straight line" and motioned his hand as if to suggest a zigzag approach. No sooner had those words come out of his mouth, than Vosco turned at a right angle and was back on track moving towards our bull. This went on for several hundred yards and it seemed like the animals on the plain were not paying quite as much attention as they had initially. The herd they were after was definitely moving away from them, but it was not any kind of panicked departure. By now, they were half a mile out and we finally saw Ian get on the sticks for the first time. He remained there for several minutes, but they were soon on the move again. It is really hard to get any kind of perspective from that distance, so while we could still see the herd of waterbuck, we didn’t know how close they were or even which one was the shooter. It wasn’t long before Ian was back on the sticks and while we never heard a shot or a hit, we did see a puff of smoke. They appeared to stay in place for the next five minutes or so, but in reality, were walking almost directly away from us. Soon we could see all three of them waving their arms, so I took that as my cue to bring the cruiser. Alberto stayed in the back and directed me around the wallows and other pitfalls that lay between us and their location. Once again, what appeared to be flat ground was anything but flat. One other thing that jumped out at me was the sea of nettle we were driving through. I wasn’t sure what it was, but was secretly happy I hadn’t been on that stalk. We arrived to a set of big smiles and when I laid eyes on the bull for the first time, I knew exactly why! As I pulled to a stop, Vosco poked his head in the passenger window and said, "see Bozz" with a sly grin - his message was crystal clear!

This bull was big and wide and you couldn’t have made up a more entertaining story about how they went about getting him. They were very proud of this accomplishment, but made no attempt to hide their disdain for the nettle that was everywhere around us. This confirmed my suspicions about sitting this one out being a good thing, as they said it felt like walking though fire coral and burned the entire way. Undeterred, they recounted the story of how Vosco was trying to avoid other animals, all while working to keep the wind in their favor and finally getting them into a position to shoot, which was the first time I saw Ian on the sticks. Unfortunately, the bull wouldn’t cooperate and would never clear the other ones providing any kind of shot. They set out again and after a short time he finally separated from the herd – the sticks went up and Ian dropped him in his tracks at 211 yards with a perfect, single shot to the shoulder. Once again, Ian had proven the CZ 9.3x62 was a worthy and versatile caliber on safari. Bredger indicated when they were standing over the bull on the ground, he lasered the truck and we were just over 1100 yards away – one hell of a stalk on open ground!

Ian, Bredger and Vosco with his waterbuck and the palm shield
ians waterbuck.jpg

Ian and Craig with the big waterbuck
iand craig waterbuck.jpg

Ian and Bredger celebrate the stalk
iand and bredger watgerbuck.jpg

We took a good number of pics and toasted each other with that celebratory 2M, which had become tradition by now. Ian and I both sat up top of the cruiser on the way back to camp, recollecting the events of the past two days, starting with his buffalo in the sand forests. The subsequent trip to the village and the benefits the meat drop had on all of its members had made an indelible impression on each of us, while the stalk that resulted in Ian taking this waterbuck almost had to be witnessed in person to be believed. I have to admit, I hadn’t given it much chance for success when they started out, but I was a believer now and would never doubt Vosco again on the remainder of the trip. The ride home, watching the sun set in all its glory was the perfect ending to another perfect day in Africa and I was so excited to be able to share this experience with my son, something neither of us would ever forget. As we sat there in silence for the last twenty minutes of the ride as darkness engulfed us, I pondered how blessed we truly were – yes, we were fortunate indeed!

Really enjoying your write up. Looking forward to the rest of the story. Good on you for making the effort to get your son over to Africa on a hunt. What a fortunate young man to have a father introduce him to the wonders of hunting Africa.
Really enjoying your write up. Looking forward to the rest of the story. Good on you for making the effort to get your son over to Africa on a hunt. What a fortunate young man to have a father introduce him to the wonders of hunting Africa.
Thank you so much @Fatback, that is greatly appreciated! The only thing we can really leave our children that matter, besides their good name and what it stands for, are life lessons and memories - there were plenty of each on this trip. I took my oldest son to Unit 5 in the Matetsi for his first safari and will complete the circle with my daughter this year back in MOZ. I pray that the Africa hunting experience is around for many generations to come, but one just never knows. Thanks for chiming in - I'm glad you are enjoying it.

The dinner that evening was a great celebration, as it was the last night our Georgia friends would be in camp. They had completed their safari and would be heading out first thing in the morning. It’s funny how the camaraderie at camp can build up in such a very short period of time. I had grown quite fond of our chats with drinks around the fire pit each evening with these fine southern gentlemen and was sad to see them go. I particularly enjoyed getting to know brothers Jay and Johnathan Roberts, both class acts, and I still keep in touch with them to this day. Between the five of them they had taken some magnificent trophies over the prior seven days, and it was always fun to hear them and their PH’s recount those adventures in great detail. We would miss their company, but soon realized their departure would leave us with the entirety of Coutada 11, a mere half a million acres all to ourselves! That was of course until Bredger reminded us that PH Xavier Schutte had a bow hunter over at Ngazi Camp and they were going after suni and the three duikers. He indicated they would mostly be hunting the dense forests on the main sand roads out of camp, so we would have to be content with something on the order of 480,000 acres to ourselves. Ian and I looked at each other and grinned – I guess we could make do with that, even though it really didn’t matter, as we had never seen even one of the other hunters in the field on any of previous seven days!

The next morning was an early one and we were on the road by 4 a.m. The ride down the sandy road to the east was all business and even though Ian and I were both pretty jacked about hunting buffalo in the swamps, there was still a fair amount of trepidation about what we were getting ourselves into. We knew that at various times of the day, we would be sloshing directly through the lair of the beast, that most prehistoric of lizards that my very worst nightmares are made of! No matter how unlikely it was for any kind of croc encounter, those unnerving thoughts are always there in the back of your mind, not to mention being right in the middle of hippo territory as well. That said, it wasn’t going to alter our plans, and we drove ahead in silence, as our minds raced ahead.

As light began to kiss the delta, we were well past the flood plain and into a completely different ecosystem, laying eyes on the swamp for the very first time. There was no shortage of animals, and I believe it was @Warren Knudsen who described it best when he called it the “Garden of Eden” earlier in this post. There were countless varieties of palms, from the very smallest at waist level up to and including the giant ones you would expect to see on a desert isle. Some of these would later play a role as landmarks on our return from the swamp. There were also fruit and nut trees scattered about, along with what appeared to be a wall of cattails followed by a sea of lush green grass that goes on and on, as far as the eye can see. All of this diverse vegetation is dissected by a series of inter-connecting waterways that is the swamp. It’s hard to describe how green it actually is and how much vegetation we’re talking about, but it’s impressive. If I didn’t know any better, we could have just as easily been on the set of Apocalypse Now or Platoon, as it had “that look and feel!” Bredger and Ian took turns doing their best Sgt. Barnes impersonations and we all laughed, as we snaked our way through the grassy flats toward our predetermined rendezvous point.

We arrived at a little spike camp on the edge of the swamp, where ZDS keeps all their amphibious vehicles. It was nothing more than a couple of lean to’s with tarps for roofs amidst a large grove of palms. Occasionally, some of the anti-poaching unit will use this as an FOB and on this particular day, four of them were getting ready for the day’s activities along with a couple of mechanics doing some routine maintenance. The amphibious vehicles they use are of Russian origin and are referred to as BV’s, but I can’ t recall their official manufacture and model designation. Apparently, the Russians use these tracked vehicles in every conceivable environment, from swamp to snow to tundra and more, and they will go virtually anywhere. Consequently, Bredger indicated Mark’s acquisition of these vehicles has been a game changer for the ZDS team, providing unabridged access to the swamp and it’s quarry. I believe all but one of the BV’s are diesel and they all have a trailer attached, which not only aids in the recovery of buffalo, hippo, etc., but also acts as a counterbalance when fording the deep channels. It wasn’t long before we had transferred everything from the cruiser to the BV and were off on our quest for the day! It was a particularly overcast day and was almost what you would consider "cool" by delta standards. We didn't know it at the time, but drizzle and rain would follow us most of the day, a rarity for this time of year.

BV camp
camp bv.jpg

Ian and Craig with BV we took out

Mechanic working on BV

As mentioned earlier, there were just as many, if not more, herd animals in the swamp as on the flood plain. It was the same old group of usual suspects we had become accustomed to seeing, but for the first time, we could also add eland into the mix. We saw a couple of really nice eland bulls that day (and others as well) but unfortunately did not have one on quota. As we began our venture into the swamp, it finally became apparent to me that what appeared to be marsh from a distance was not in reality marsh at all. The vast majority of the swamp at this time of year was in fact hard ground and the only “wet” areas were that maze of interconnecting channels dissecting the delta. Some of these channels were 15 or 20 feet wide and maybe two feet deep while others might be 20+ yards wide and four or five feet deep. Vosco had a pretty good idea of where the buffalo would be based on the flight path of some white egrets he pointed out that were heading to our south. Consequently, Bredger charted a course in that general direction, and it really didn’t matter what was in our way – he just plowed right through it. The first channel we went through in the BV was a deep one and it created sort of a wobbly, uneasy feeling. It almost feels as if you are going to capsize, as water approaches the top of the door and then everything levels out and stabilizes once the trailer gets in and you just motor on through to the other side. It is pretty cool once you get the hang of it, but in the back of my mind I’m wondering what will we do when we come to one of these deep channels when out on our stalk – I would soon find out.

We had made three such crossings and were easing our way into buffalo territory when we bumped a big warthog in a wallow on the far side of the channel. He immediately made haste for the vast, open expanse in front of us. Bredger glanced over at me, and I gave him the thumbs up sign, as in, let’s do this – the buffalo can wait. All of us were off the BV in an instant with guns in hand following Vosco, who was trying to figure out where the big boar went. Unlike the other warthogs we had chased in the floodplain, who would just run on forever, this one went about two hundred yards out and just plopped down out of sight. I wasn’t sure if that was a defense mechanism or not, but it was definitely effective. We worked our way out towards the middle of this expanse, and he was nowhere to be seen. We knew he was there, so we kept searching. Alberto eventually spotted him hunkered down on all fours about 35 yards in front of us. He was concealed enough though that you couldn’t tell head from toe, but Bredger finally got it sorted out and Ian popped him right on the shoulder with his now trusty CZ. And just like that, another target of opportunity, albeit an unintended one, was in the salt.

The stalk
the stalk.PNG

The shot
the shot.jpg

Ian's big tusker
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Ian and Craig
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Team Bredger with Alberto (standing) and Vosco (kneeling)
warthog team.jpg

A ton of mass
ivory tusker.PNG

Bredger was hesitant to get off task that close to our main quarry, so was glad to get the thumbs up from me as this was one hell of a pig! As we had discussed earlier, a really old boar can be quite elusive and when an opportunity presents itself, you must seize upon it regardless of circumstances. We celebrated the age and magnificence of this old boar with high fives all the way around and of course our traditional set of pics, which included the entire team. Just about the time we were getting ready to go retrieve the BV, Bredger looked back behind us and said, “look Vosco, the buffalo are coming to us!” We all turned around in unison and lo and behold, there were three buffalo skirting the tall grass to our south and heading our way. Upon closer inspection it wasn’t just three buffalo, it was three dagga boys! To me they were just three black dots at first, but once I put up my binocs it was a whole different story. I looked at Bredger and said, “are you f’n kidding me? The one on the right is a scrum cap bull!” Bredger looked through his Leicas and said, “Damn, I think you’re right – something funky is going on with his left side.” Could the Hunting Gods actually be delivering one of my all-time bucket list animals right to my feet? Surely, we couldn’t be that lucky! Bredger told everyone to just sit tight and let’s see what they do. Unfortunately, we were sitting out in the wide open about as naked as one can be, not to mention our BV was clearly visible only two hundred yards away, yet the buffalo kept coming!


When Bredger first saw the three bulls, they were probably 600 yards away – now they were 400 yards out, and although seemingly unaware of our presence, were on a mission, still skirting the reeds at a more than casual pace. We all inched our way to the ground as if that would magically make us invisible – it didn’t. When they got inside 350 yards, I had my first really good look at the bull on the right. He was completely broken off on his left side and had maybe half a horn on his right. His boss had a splintered look to it and was anything but smooth, which is what I was expecting it to be for some reason. The old bull was caked in dry mud, which gave him an almost ghost like appearance. I have to admit my heart was pounding pretty hard at this point and it was the most nervous I had been on the entire trip, and I wasn’t even close to shooting yet. I cannot tell you one single thing about the other two, as I was totally locked in and focused on “my” scrum cap bull. Bredger told me later on they were both very nice bulls, and I would have been tickled with either one. The wind was in our favor, so the trio continued on, quartering towards us. Just inside 300 yards they inexplicably stopped - we were frozen and they were frozen, yet no one blinked. As it turns out, they weren’t even looking at us, but rather were locked in on the BV that was over our shoulders and back to our right. What seemed like an eternity was probably no more than five minutes, with the bulls’ outstretched necks and flared nostrils trying to get a whiff of something to confirm their suspicions. Finally, the one on the left took one step forward, put his head down and then whirled around with the other two bulls right behind him. In seconds they were engulfed by the wall of reeds they had been moving parallel to this entire time.

Bredger sent Alberto back to the BV for the traditional three-legged wooden shooting sticks I preferred, while he and Vosco made a plan. Upon his return, we set course for the bed of reeds, maybe 250 yards to the left of where the bulls had entered, since that’s the way they were wanting to go. The wind was still good for us, and we slowed considerably as we approached the reeds. Unfortunately, it was even thicker than it appeared from a distance, and we got there just in time to hear the buffalo walking past us. We couldn’t see a thing, but based on how loud it was, they must have been within a stone’s throw. Undiscouraged, Bredger urged us to haul ass to the BV to see if we could gain a little elevation and maybe turn the odds in our favor. We hurriedly made our way back towards the BV and once again I was the last one there. Bredger was already driving back my way and was laughing as he pulled even with me and said, “need a ride?” I gathered my breath as we made a wide half circle and went maybe a quarter mile further east from where we had gone on foot. We made tracks for a break in the reeds that we felt would hold the best chance for any kind of visibility. We were fifty yards out when the bulls entered the small clearing, but as soon as they saw us, they bolted for the thick stuff. Once they got there, it was game over. As they ran away from us through reeds that must have been 10 ft tall, it reminded me of the scene from Jurassic Park with that overhead shot of Velociraptors running through the tall grass; you couldn’t physically see them, but you could definitely see the path they were making and where they were headed. I asked Bredger if we could give chase in the BV, but he said it would be a futile effort where they were going, and we would have a better chance of catching up to Colonel Kurtz than ever laying eyes on those three dagga boys again. As we pulled away from the reeds, I asked Bredger how often one might run across a scrum cap bull on Coutada 11? He indicated that bull was the only one he had ever seen …… and my heart sunk!

View from the BV
BV time.jpg

If Coutada 11 were a Casino, I wouldn’t hesitate to put all of my chips on the table, because I know I’m never going to have to wait very long for my luck to change. Such was the case on this particular day in the swamp. Bredger hugged the reed bed for a half mile or so, basically retracing the way the buffalo had come. We were a couple of hundred yards from the next crossing when Vosco lightly tapped on one of the crossbars. We all turned around to see him tiptoeing in the back seat to get as high as possible. Bredger cut off the BV and Vosco gave him what looked like a “what’s up” nod but obviously was an invitation to join him. It never ceased to amaze me how much non-verbal communication went on between these two – sometimes it was obvious what they were trying to convey, but other times I would have no idea, yet there definitely on the same page. It was almost comical to watch the two of them trying to balance in the top seat, trying to get as high as they could, all while focusing their binoculars. It wasn’t long before Bredger was back down at our level and mouthed “big herd” as he eased back into the driver’s seat. He moved the BV forward, just shy of the next crossing and parked it under the cover of some medium size palm trees. Vosco and Alberto set about getting ready for the stalk that was to follow with back packs, water, shooting sticks, machete and a heavy piece of burlap called a shade cloth – it was go time.

The stalk started out just like every other one we had done so for with Vosco leading the way, followed by Bredger, then me as the shooter, then Alberto and finally Ian bringing up the rear. It wasn’t long before we were preparing to cross the channel and get over on the same side as the buffalo herd. I have to admit, the first crossing was the worst, even though it wasn’t the deepest one we would go through that day. It’s a bit unnerving as you venture into that murky water for the very first time, as your mind wanders and you imagine what lies just below the surface. Each step feels like quicksand, and you wonder if your boot is going to be attached to your foot when you finally manage to pull it up. Ian and I were both wearing Maritime Altama’s, a favorite of the SF fraternity, and it didn’t take me long to figure out why. You can cinch them up plenty tight, they self-drain and were plenty comfortable to boot on our long stalk. Bredger had instructed Alberto to assist me on all of the crossings, so he was right there beside me every step of the way and I was glad to be able to lean on him to help keep my balance. The water was slightly above our waste on that first crossing, but we later forded one that was almost up to our armpits. Once I got past the fear of crocs, I turned my attention to ensuring that my GMA 404J never took a dip. Fortunately, that never happened, but it is something you are always thinking about every time you start to stumble.

First channel crossing
channel crossing.PNG

Once on the other side, we took cover under some palms and began preparing for our “final” stalk. While Vosco was getting the shade cloth ready, I got my first look at the herd. I’m guessing there were at least a hundred and fifty or so buffalo, and just as Vosco had indicated, they were covered up with white egrets. Soon we were bunched up together and walking single file, concealed by the shade cloth and moving in the direction of the herd, now some 400 yards away. The whole idea of course was to simulate the appearance of a single buffalo, so we scrunched in as close together as possible and started inching our way forward. As we moved along, I couldn’t help but think about those silly donkey outfits where one guy is the head and one guy is the ass and wondered if that’s what we looked like to the buffalo. Now, when you are the guy in the middle, there really isn’t much to see. I just held on to the back of Bredger’s culling belt with one hand and held on to my rifle with the other, trying to make sure I didn’t stumble, which is easy to do when you are that close to one another. After what seemed like a very long time, but probably wasn’t, Vosco stopped. Bredger leaned out to his right with his binocs and I took that opportunity to peer out the left side. I’ll be damned, the herd was right there all spread out, not 80 yards in front of us – this actually did work! Amazingly enough, you can see quite well through the burlap, so there is no need to lift it up until you are ready to shoot. Now the hard part started, as Bredger set out to locate an appropriate bull. Even though we had managed to get this close, the cows were pretty much locked in on us, so it wasn’t as if we were able to move around with impunity. Before we were able to make something happen, the wind shifted, and the herd ran off in a cloud of dust. We started the whole process all over again and it was like Groundhog Day for the next four hours, as this exact same scenario continued to repeat itself. We would follow the herd, get in close, then the wind would shift or something would make them nervous and off they would go. I was starting to feel the effects of being bunched together and hunched over taking these short, rapid steps. Luckily for us, this was an overcast, exceptionally cool day (by MOZ standards for this time of year) and we even got rained on for part of the stalk, which was also unusual. I can only imagine what it would have been like under that black shade cloth on a sunny day with no wind. We got close in on the herd several times that morning and I even got set up on the sticks once, but the herd always decided to bolt at the most inopportune time and never a shot was fired. By the time we made it to the fourth crossing, Bredger decided we needed to give them a break to see if they would settle down. He indicated they would be easy to find again, and we would give it another try after lunch. We began the long walk back to the BV and used the two tallest palm trees in the distance as our beacon. I asked Bredger how far we had gone, and he looked at his GPS and said a little over two miles. Two miles? That thing had to be wrong – between the channel crossings and the shade cloth march, it felt like 20 miles! In any case, I was glad to be able to stand up straight after being crouched over that entire time, not to mention walking at my own pace.

Buffalo and egrets
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The BV was a welcome sight and the closer we got, the longer it seemed to take us to get there – it’s funny how that stuff plays with your mind. We finally got back to the very first channel that started it all and proceeded to retrace our steps through the still murky water. Alberto, Ian and I were about halfway across, in waist deep water while Vosco and Bredger were some twenty feet in front of us in water just above their knees. Suddenly, Bredger pulled his Heym off his shoulder and began pointing it at the water in front of him, moving back and forth in half circles – we all froze! The normally stoic Vosco’s laughter gave it away and I could tell this wasn’t the first time Bredger had pulled this stunt. We all laughed when we got on the other side, but there for an instant, I thought my worst nightmare was about to come true. I plopped down and leaned up against the BV’s track for a well-deserved rest, while Bredger got sandwiches for lunch out of the cold box. It felt good to chill for a little bit and recharge the batteries. I’m not sure if I actually dozed off for a bit or not, but I remember being startled when Bredger nudged me with his knee, as in, it’s time to go. We’d probably been there for an hour before we all piled back in the BV and headed due west. The wind was out of the south and would still work for us, but Bredger thought an approach from their flank might work better this time. We worked our way back towards the buffalo in a slow, wide, half-circle and it wasn’t 30 minutes before Vosco tapped on the crossbar again - he had the herd in sight. For the most part, they were bedded down about 400 yards on the other side of the next swamp channel just off to our 1 o’clock. This time the hunting gods had smiled on us, as there was ample cover of palms on both sides of the channel between the herd and us. Bredger eased the BV up behind a small grove of palms and all quietly exited, as we went through the routine that had become second nature by now to prepare for another stalk.

The cover was perfect this time and we made up the two hundred and fifty yards to the channel in no time at all. We forded the swamp, just as we had done all the other times before in single file and reconvened on the other side. We were back under the drape cloth in seconds, as if we had practiced it hundreds of times. We still had 400 yards to make up, but there were scatted palms out in front of us that would help conceal our approach. We zig-zagged our way towards the herd, moving ever so slowly this time. My throat was dry, and I wanted water, but this time I knew it had nothing to do with thirst, but rather that nervous excitement you get before a sporting event. I still couldn’t see a thing and just tried to concentrate on staying in cadence with the rest of the team. Finally Vosco stopped and once again, I peeked around Bredger’s shoulder on his left side. I could see we had set up with partial cover from a small palm on our left side, while the herd was directly ahead in two distinct groups. The group on the right was mostly bunched up, while the one on the left was a little more dispersed and they were milling about. Once again Bredger and Vosco scoured the herd looking for a suitable bull. After maybe five minutes, Bredger whispered, “I’ve got him - get your binocs out.” He then began to walk me in on the bull. “See that tallest palm tree in the distance?” “Check.” “Now go to the right and you’ll see two smaller palm trees together.” “Check.” “Now go straight down from there and you’ll see a gap between the two groups.” “Check.” “Towards the middle of that gap you’ll see a cow with two calves in front of her.” “Check.” “Now go about twenty yards to the right of the calf in the very front and there is a lone buffalo facing to the left, but slightly quartered away and looking back at us.” “Check.” “OK, that’s your bull.” Vosco already had the sticks up and I eased the Jeffery into place. Bredger asked if I had re-acquired the bull and I nodded in the affirmative. Vosco slowly lifted the drape cloth and I poked the barrel out. Bredger asked if I was on the bull – I nodded again. “OK, you see his left ear?” “Yep.” “Go down twelve inches from the tip and pop him right there – you got it?” “Yessir.” “You feel good about the shot?” I asked if I could rest my right arm on him. “Come on,” he said, as he leaned down and locked his left arm with his right wrist. Suddenly I was rock solid and slowly squeezed the trigger, as routinely as if I were back in training at FTW. The recoil of the rifle made the drop cloth fall, obstructing my vision for a few seconds. I could tell all hell was breaking loose though, as I could hear the herd rumbling around long before I got eyes back on them again. No one had said a word up to this point, as I jacked another shell in the chamber and returned to the ready position waiting for some kind of confirmation. Bredger was peering intently through the binocs back in the same direction I had shot. I asked, "do you see him?", to which he replied "yours?" "Yes, mine!", I said. Bredger said, "Oh, he's f'd", pointing about 75 yards to the right of where I shot. I quickly raised my binocs in time to find the bull standing directly in front of the herd. His nose and mouth were covered in blood, and he was blowing a scarlet mist with each breath. We later learned the 400 gr. Swift A-frame had pierced the lower chambers of the heart and had also gone through one lung as well, a deadly combination. The bull soon started to wobble and crashed to the ground a few seconds later. It wasn’t long before we heard the death bellow, officially confirming the swamp hunt as a success. I turned to Bredger and asked him what he had been looking at off to our left. He said he was looking for other bulls, as he knew my bull was toast from the second I shot, as he saw where I hit and said the bull was blowing blood from his nose on that very first jump onward. He followed him to the spot where he stopped and then turned his attention to see what else was in the herd - always a PH. Unbeknownst to me, Ian had his phone out the drop cloth and filmed the entire thing, so got to enjoy the entire all over again from a different perspective.

The drop cloth shot
drop cloth shot.PNG

We all celebrated this bull as it was a total team effort - everyone had contributed. We took our normal set of pics and then Bredger and Ian set off to retrieve the BV, and more importantly, the 2M! I was all too happy to hang back with Vosco and Alberto to provide cover while they were skinning the bull. Bredger was a stickler about being vigilant in lion country, and no one ever got left alone without at least one big bore for back up. I also wasn't too keen on crossing any more channels, so it worked out well for everyone.

Lung blood out the nose
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Getting ready for pics
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Craig's bull
craigs bull.jpg

Craig and bull
craig and bull.jpg

The 404 Jeffery and the 450 NE
Jeff and Heym.PNG

The old bull and the young bull, lol!
old bull and young bull.jpg

Over the course of the last 72 hours we had taken two bulls in ways that were at totally opposite ends of the spectrum. Buffalo hunting is almost always a series of ups and downs, but we wouldn't have it any other way. The physical and mental challenges are many, and make our successes all that much more fulfilling when the hunting gods decide to smile upon us.


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Available Game 2025!

White Wildebeest.
CAustin wrote on ZANA BOTES SAFARI's profile.
Zana it was very good to see you at SCI National. Best wishes to you for a great season.
Hi gents we have very little openings left for 2025 if anyone is interested in a last minute hunt!

here are the dates,

17-25 June
25-31 July
1-28 Sept
7-31 October

Shoot me a message ASAP to book your spot 2026 is also filling up fast! will start posting 2026 dates soon!
Hello! I’m new… from Texas!