For your muzzleloader, a multi-year supply of Hornady SST .50 Cal Sabot with .45 Cal Bullets:
A. Quantity (362) 300 Muzzleloader Hornady SST .50 Cal Sabot with .45 Cal Bullets
B. Quantity (44) 250 Muzzleloader Hornady SST .50 Cal Sabot with .45 Cal Bullets
Midway price is $1 per bullet and sabot.
Your deal for "special friends of Rick" (movie reference..) is half price plus shipping of $25
Total cost: $200 plus $25 USPS Priority Mail shipping.
Questions? Send me a Direct Message
First Direct Message stating you will buy these get them.
- Must include your legal name and phone number
- Payment to me within one week
- I accept electronic payment from my gun Friend and Family...
Simple enough, right?
300 Muzzleloader Hornady SST .50 Cal Sabot with .45 Cal Bullets
250 Muzzleloader Hornady SST .50 Cal Sabot with .45 Cal Bullets
A. Quantity (362) 300 Muzzleloader Hornady SST .50 Cal Sabot with .45 Cal Bullets
B. Quantity (44) 250 Muzzleloader Hornady SST .50 Cal Sabot with .45 Cal Bullets
Midway price is $1 per bullet and sabot.
Your deal for "special friends of Rick" (movie reference..) is half price plus shipping of $25
Total cost: $200 plus $25 USPS Priority Mail shipping.
Questions? Send me a Direct Message
First Direct Message stating you will buy these get them.
- Must include your legal name and phone number
- Payment to me within one week
- I accept electronic payment from my gun Friend and Family...
Simple enough, right?

300 Muzzleloader Hornady SST .50 Cal Sabot with .45 Cal Bullets
250 Muzzleloader Hornady SST .50 Cal Sabot with .45 Cal Bullets