But the more I actually learn and see the less it all seems to me. I hear about farms versus ranches, and how color phase animals should be an indicator, and how the fences are around huge properties. I guess the videos are killing my love affair with Africa more than anything. From the comfort of my chair I have watched, from what I can tell, is anyone from the very rich to middle class people can make this happen. That part is great. But I am just not sure I see anyone actually hunting other than the PH. From the youngest kids to the oldest old timers, if you can get your gun on the sticks and somewhat make a shot you can be successful in Africa. What am I missing? Is it like this? Has anyone came back and decided this is not for me? I am not standing on some morale high ground with these questions. You do you and I will do me. This is just more of my homework. I appreciate any and all input.
Farms vs ranches.
In my opinion, it is the same. ranch is American term, and farm can be used as well as American term.
In Africa, it s farm, game farm, or cattle farm. I never heard any locals speaking about ranches.
many times discussed.
For those who dont mind, there are fences. This is usual way of hunting in South Africa. Regulated by law. it is not a choice there. But there are large fences, and smaller fences. Choose outfitter with good size property.
Next step is Namibia. There, in central farm land of Namibia you have free range and no fences, low fences to keep the cattle in (wild animals jump over the low fence), and there are high fences for introduced and valuable game. In central farm land there is no elephant, buffalo, black rhino, and lion. But you have free range as much as you like. Plenty of wildlife. Dozens of species. A lot of plains game, occasional white rhino and frequent leopard. This is paradise.
Next step is wilderness.
You can experience it in Namibia. In area called Caprivi, far north east of the country. it will be on communal land, most likely. prices are high, and there are dangerous animals (DG), a bit less of plains game species. There is elephant, hyppo, crocs, buffalo, zebra, lechwe, waterbuck. But price is significant.
So, in Namibia you will have all options. free range, low fence, high fence, wilderness. Choose.
Safari areas.
Next step is safari areas and wild countries: Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Tanzania.
Check pricing. Remote camps in safari areas, government concessions, or on communal lands.
Sometimes no wifi, no roads, air strip, you name it. It costs. Check pricing. it is option.
Something for everybody
So, what I can tell there is something for everybody.
i hunted 4 times in Namibia, all options: free range, low fence, high fence, and wilderness (caprivi). I hunted plains game and dangerous game (caprivi). i love it all. 4 safaris done, and planning no 5, want to go back.
How do you mean, you dont see anybody actually hunting but PH?
PH is there for a reason. Legally only certified PH can guide the clients. (in most visited countries)
Practically, without PH a client would get lost, end up on wrong property, bitten by snake, eaten by lion, or anything could happen. You need a guide.
Unguided hunts in Africa. Possible. Who needs PH?
There is second option: "chasse libre". In former French colonies, (like Cameroun) you can go to "chasse libre", unguided hunt. No PH. PH not required. Search about this, and go. I was entertaining this idea, researched a bit, but passed. You can research of course. But keep in mind, for "chasse libre" there is no outfitters to advertise. You are on your own to find options. Get a car, bring the rifle there, organize permits, shoot a buffalo or roan, then what you will do next with all that animals and meat? A lot of logistical problems to sort out. Too much for me. But if you like, there it is. Yes, it costs.
Success in Africa?
Try hunting bongo, leopard, mountain nyala, cheetah. Later let us know how many attempts you tried for each of them.
yes. most likely ordinary plains game hunt will be successful. especially if you are flexible. Go on average 5 animal safari, and if you dont get impala, maybe you will get springbok. But not all is easy. For example in 4 safaris I never managed to get a baboon. After two or three safaris you may get selective. Maybe you will look for 60 inch kudu, or leopard. You will maybe go to one animal safari with one goal. no guarantee. I went two times like that. Once I went specifically for eland, and if possible waterbuck. next time I went only for buffalo. When you become selective, chances of success drop. when you hunt 5 or 7 common species, chances increase.
Trigger man. Get a gun on a stick, get an animal, and go home? Walking a park, piece of cake?
Well, I was 4 times in a safari camp, and in most of the cases I just met other hunters there, not knowing them from before. Each time, around camp fire, with beer in hand, in the evening, many times, there was a lot of talk about plan for next day to go search for wounded animal. My observation, is: there is always present a percentage of wounding and lost game. (and paid for on the end). it is rarely advertised or publicly discussed. If there is five or six hunters in the camp, there will be wounding on occasion. You will hear all about it over a camp fire.
Bottom line: safari is not shopping. High fence, or free range. You have to place bullet properly, in field conditions from the stick. up to 200 meters. it will be sometimes with unfamiliar rental rifle. Always better to take yours. it is not shopping