AH ambassador
Girrafes were all around the hill, with their necks sticking out of bush like periscopes.
Another day started by morning climb to the highest hill and observing the bush, then following the eland tracks, but without success.
We did come close to some young elands in the bush, but all were too young and we let them be. Another half of day was spent. And we went for lunch.
On this n-tieth day of eland hunt, I was with Filip. After the lunch we were again stalking, looking for Eland.
Suddenly, at some distance from us, out of tall grass a steenbok appeared! Good horns!
Schießen? I asked Filip.
Safety is off and there is no time to set up the sticks, but neither is steenbok to far away.
Filip looks, from different angle, and takes time to observe the little animal.
Ja, schießen! Guter Steinbock!
O Diana, Hubert, and all the saints.. let my aim be true, and so on.
I was shooting from the hand. The distance was about 40 meters and my hands were hard to steady.
I wanted the stick or any kind of rest badly, but that was not an option. The crosshairs came up at perfect position, but still, the crosshairs were moving too much. Holding the breath in sweat after entire morning in the bush was hard.
Slowly, I squeezed the trigger, to the best of my ability.
The rifle went “Click” instead of “Bang”, followed by the moment of silence that lasted for ever!
There and then, totally frozen, I thought the world will stop!
Then I cycled the bolt….
The unfired round was ejected out, with typical click clack sound of mauser heavy bolt. New round was chambered.
Steenbok kept looking at us, frozen.
Can in this hunt anything go in a routine manner? First I missed the waterbuck! Twice!
Eland is constantly on the move!
Then Norma premium cartridge failed to fire! How can that be?
I wondered what is next?
If the situation with “click” instead of “bang” was eland instead of steenbok, this would be a catastrophe!
I quickly worked my shooting mental process in my head, breathing, aiming, trying to hold the aim as steady as possible, squeezed the trigger.
On shot, the steenbok disappeared in a grass. I had a feeling of good hit.
Soon, our quick search found little animal, in high grass. On same place where he was standing!
One of the tiny ten, steenbok, small prince of savanna was in the bag!
When taking a photo, a thought has crossed my mind, that it would be great to have eland and steenbok during same hunt, the smallest and the greatest antelope together…
But that was just a wishful thinking. Then we went on. The search of bull eland continued.
But the rest of the day was spent without result.
Eland was not to be found.
But with steenbok, in the bag, i was positive with high hopes waiting for next day.
In camp I told them, boys sorry - I thought this was Eland!
Girrafes were all around the hill, with their necks sticking out of bush like periscopes.
Another day started by morning climb to the highest hill and observing the bush, then following the eland tracks, but without success.
We did come close to some young elands in the bush, but all were too young and we let them be. Another half of day was spent. And we went for lunch.
On this n-tieth day of eland hunt, I was with Filip. After the lunch we were again stalking, looking for Eland.
Suddenly, at some distance from us, out of tall grass a steenbok appeared! Good horns!
Schießen? I asked Filip.
Safety is off and there is no time to set up the sticks, but neither is steenbok to far away.
Filip looks, from different angle, and takes time to observe the little animal.
Ja, schießen! Guter Steinbock!
O Diana, Hubert, and all the saints.. let my aim be true, and so on.
I was shooting from the hand. The distance was about 40 meters and my hands were hard to steady.
I wanted the stick or any kind of rest badly, but that was not an option. The crosshairs came up at perfect position, but still, the crosshairs were moving too much. Holding the breath in sweat after entire morning in the bush was hard.
Slowly, I squeezed the trigger, to the best of my ability.
The rifle went “Click” instead of “Bang”, followed by the moment of silence that lasted for ever!
There and then, totally frozen, I thought the world will stop!
Then I cycled the bolt….
The unfired round was ejected out, with typical click clack sound of mauser heavy bolt. New round was chambered.
Steenbok kept looking at us, frozen.
Can in this hunt anything go in a routine manner? First I missed the waterbuck! Twice!
Eland is constantly on the move!
Then Norma premium cartridge failed to fire! How can that be?
I wondered what is next?
If the situation with “click” instead of “bang” was eland instead of steenbok, this would be a catastrophe!
I quickly worked my shooting mental process in my head, breathing, aiming, trying to hold the aim as steady as possible, squeezed the trigger.
On shot, the steenbok disappeared in a grass. I had a feeling of good hit.
Soon, our quick search found little animal, in high grass. On same place where he was standing!
One of the tiny ten, steenbok, small prince of savanna was in the bag!
When taking a photo, a thought has crossed my mind, that it would be great to have eland and steenbok during same hunt, the smallest and the greatest antelope together…
But that was just a wishful thinking. Then we went on. The search of bull eland continued.
But the rest of the day was spent without result.
Eland was not to be found.
But with steenbok, in the bag, i was positive with high hopes waiting for next day.
In camp I told them, boys sorry - I thought this was Eland!