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Mr. Zorg

AH enthusiast
Jun 22, 2019
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San Antonio, TX
I've returned to hunting recently after a 40-ish year absence, other than a few dove hunts 25 or so years ago. Thus far I've only hunted deer and feral hogs, but would like to broaden my horizons going forward. I've never been a trophy hunter, and I have no trophy mounts, but if I could find people who could make use of the meat from an animal in the case of me not being able to bring it home that would also yield a trophy I can see myself doing that. I've been a lurker here for some time now and thought it would be good to join. I'm here to learn, I know I have no experience to contribute for hunting in general or Africa specifically.
Welcome to AH, one of the best hunting forums around, lots of very knowledgeable people here. If you have any questions just ask.
Welcome aboard!
Mr. Zorg, welcome to AH! In my experience, those with the least experience (my granddaughter for example) ask some of the most interesting questions. I have nearly 66 years of hunting and nearing 42 years of reloading mistakes, unfortunately I don’t know, or can’t remember all the fixes to my mistakes. Hopefully some of the forum have just corrected some of theirs and can help us both out!(n)
Welcome @Mr. Zorg ! Great to have you as member.
Welcome to the posting side of the forum!
Welcome to AH Mr. Zorg! Glad you found us.
Welcome to AH !
Giday and welcome to the A H forums Mr Zorg
1. The meat from the critters you hunt in Africa will be used.
2. Take pictures or take the trinkets home, your choice.

Have fun getting back into hunting.

Welcome to the posting side of AH.
I've returned to hunting recently after a 40-ish year absence, other than a few dove hunts 25 or so years ago. Thus far I've only hunted deer and feral hogs, but would like to broaden my horizons going forward. I've never been a trophy hunter, and I have no trophy mounts, but if I could find people who could make use of the meat from an animal in the case of me not being able to bring it home that would also yield a trophy I can see myself doing that. I've been a lurker here for some time now and thought it would be good to join. I'm here to learn, I know I have no experience to contribute for hunting in general or Africa specifically.

Welcome to AH sir!
Thanks y'all! My wife is a skilled photographer who went on many photo safaris in Africa as an elementary school aged child when her parents lived in Cairo for 6 years (what we call an oil patch brat here). Her parents were not gun using hunters. It's a nice idea to have her along for photos if I get to Africa. We have a LOT of photos she's taken on our scuba diving trips across the years, both underwater and above water, especially digital ones as that technology came into economic reach back in the days of floppy discs.
What animals will you plan to hunt? And with what rifle? I started with a love for antelope hunting in Montana and my curiosity progressed from there.
I'm going to try out a 9.3X62mm Zastava M70, to see if that will work for me. I unfortunately suffered a torn retina in Nov 2018, and I'm still receiving treatment for some of the more persistent effects. Although my event wasn't related to shooting directly I prefer to manage my risk of having another such event. Luckily, my left eye is my weaker (non-dominant) eye snd has been all my life. I was still able to bag a spike whitetail buck on last day of season here in Texas in January, and also able to bag two feral hogs on a hunt in April. I've been using a .25-06 instead of my jack-of-most-trades .30-06 and it's worked well for me this year.

I would enjoy hunting antelope, we only have a 9 day pronghorn season in Texas and the outfitters booked up quickly before my hunting buddy could commit. I was born in Wyoming and remember my dad bringing home antelope and deer, plus rabbits for our dog, before we moved to Texas when I was three years old.

I'm not personally interested in hunting the big cats, or The Big Five, with maybe an exception for Cape Buffalo. I'm otherwise pretty open to ideas.
Welcome to AH..your ideas are firm and your calibers perfect for African plains game. This forum will resolve any other doubts/ issues that may have.
A torn retina is nothing to mess with. I too have suffered from it. When I bought my MRC in 375 H&H I purchased it with a muzzle brake. It is removable. I did not want a severed retina while in Africa. A guarantee to be blind for life if you can’t get to a doctor to laser it within hours.
Be careful and best of luck!
Welcome to AH!
First off, the meat will be used. Actually more parts of that animal get used there than in the US usually. It will go to the farm you hunt on including many of its workers, the local community, school, butcher or even restaurant. But it will not lie about collecting flies. Heck the leftovers that would collect flies won't. The jackals vultures and such assure that.
Good rifle choices. Nothing wrong with your 30-06, I used one in Namibia twice. And the 9.3x62 has a solid reputation. Take care of that eye. My father had similar issues, followed the doctors orders and now shoots his 30-06 and even his 340 Weatherby just fine.
Good luck.
Thanks again. Using a slip-on Limbsaver Airsoft recoil pad has tamed my .30-06 to the point that I don't *think* I need to add a muzzle brake. We'll see how things go with the 9.3X62mm. I'm thinking that changing to a Limbsaver Airsoft recoil pad may not be quite enough, and I may well add a threaded muzzle brake as well. Considering the costs of an African hunting trip, I would be OK with bringing a pair of electronic earmuffs for the members in my hunting party to use, and keep when I depart. I used such a pair on my hunts this year and found the benefit of a US $50 set to be very helpful not only dampening my rifle's report, but also allowing much better hearing after the shot. I've acted as a spotter 2 lanes over from someone sighting in a .50BMG Barrett with a massive muzzle brake at an outdoor range and found my electronic hearing protection served me quite well for that exercise, so they should be similarly helpful to me and others for a lesser cartridge like 9.3X62mm even if equipped with a muzzle brake.

My wife & I have traveled extensively for scuba vacations together but a flight to & from Africa is a bit daunting with the effects of age. I was diagnosed with an autoimmune blood disorder in 2011 and put on blood thinners. Since then the longest flights we've taken have been to Caribbean islands like Dominica and Curacao with no adverse effects, but that's a skip & a hop compared to destinations like Hawaii, French Polynesia, and Micronesia that we visited in earlier years.

I also have a custom 20" barrel Mannlicher style rifle in 7X57mm built on a FN action but I'm working through issues trying to find a good scope mount for more modern scopes that doesn't interfere with bolt handle travel. It came with a vintage Weaver scope that has something really wrong internally. Finding a more modern scope with a similar eyepiece section taper to use with the existing bases & rings is an ongoing exercise. I've found bases & rings that provide adequate clearance for a more modern scope but those don't allow me to have a good cheek weld on the stock.
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Welcome aboard Mr. Zorg. I've taken a 35 Whelen (kissing kin of the 9.3 x 62) to Africa on both of my safaris. I had it equipped with a muzzle brake. I made sure that my PHs and Trackers knew why it was there. I'm also on a blood thinner. DVT in both legs. I wear full length compressive stockings but still found it more comfortable if I walked the aisles a bit. Traveling Delta's Economy Comfort is well worth the extra cost. Dittos on none of the game meat being wasted. BTW that question has been asked by lots of, if not all first time African hunters. You can also add a little weight to the rifle to mitigate recoil.
I bet your end of season spike buck was a good eater. I eat mostly game meat, so filling a tag on the last day is a blessing.
With that said, in Africa I was amazed to see the stomach lining, lungs and intestines get put in the truck for food use. After the skinner was done skinning a kudu I had shot, they began to take the animal apart to move it off the mountain in pieces. There was a purposeful knife stroke to the stomach, which caused me to take a few quick steps upwind in anticipation of a familiar smell. I was amazed to observe the skinner turn the stomach inside out and, after removing the contents, hang it on a bush for transport. Same with the intestines. Nothing gets wasted.

I’m sure your .30-06 will effectively dispatch all the plains game you want to hunt.

I have a few rifles with muzzle brakes. I am a fan of a well designed brake, but ear protection is a necessity. 3M makes some excellent electronic hearing protection. I also just get earplugs on a string, wrap the string around the button on my cap and then store them behind my ears (like a pencil) or under the hat band. Very quick to insert.
One benefit of a brake is that I can usually see the bullet impact through the scope, since it significantly reduces muzzle flip.

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CamoManJ wrote on dchum's profile.
Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


Jason Coryell
VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
Ferhipo wrote on Bowhuntr64's profile.
I am really fan of you