AH ambassador
No , sorry. I’ve been using .458 WM brass and necking it down in the Taylor die. Only takes one pull with the press handle with the Taylor sizing die. But, as you can see, the brass does expand a little after being fired to conform to the Taylor case dimensions. I want to try .338WM brass and an OP here swears you can neck up to .416 from .338 without say an intermediate .375 die? We’ll see as I have a lot of .338 brass?Yes u can see it's blown out. And thanks for the pics also. Helped me compare them a little more. When using the WM brass are u sizing up in steps or just all at once? I assume your starting with 338 WM brass? I have a die that came with rifle that has expander mandrels in .409, .410, and .416. I assume it was for previous owner to neck up brass. And that properly headstamped Taylor brass is pricey lol.
Also what is strange, is that I just looked at the fired case, and it is slightly shorter than the unfired resized case? Maybe no need to resize it other than the neck? Seat a bullet in it and if it chambers fine, no need to resize the entire case? Extend the life of the cases?
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