Agree with Velo Dog in a posting several months ago about a two inch group. My M70 shoots 270 gr Federal over the counter ammo and Kynoch 300 grain factory in a two inch group at 100 yds until my shoulder gets to tired to shoot. Unless you are shooting competition, I don't see necessity to shoot sub MOA groups in any large caliber hunting rifle. I can keep 1 inch groups with my .264, not sure I can do that with my .375 regardless of the bullet and powder.
Thanks for the nod Sierraone,
Great minds think alike amigo.
To further whip a dead horse here (collective groan from those who might read this) ;
I think most of us serious hunters (especially those of us who are also hand-loaders) typically get too grouchy about putting 5 shots into an inch at 100 yards, with our scoped hunting rifles.
In my own personal experiences, I have concluded that if any rifle of mine likes to throw it's first shot willy nilly out of the bullseye, it does not matter to me that it then will shoot all following shots from a hot barrel, into one tiny ragged hole at 10 miles distant - IMO it needs fixing.
In other words, the most important characteristic of my rifles, is that they must always and every time put that first "cold shot" into the bulleseye.
That being the case, if my scoped hunting rifle will then put THREE shots into TWO inches at 100 yds/metres, from sand bags consistently, I feel that I am all set to then ignore the shooting table/bench/sand bags and begin serious training, especially from the sticks / field positions.
All this boils down to the fact that, I freely admit that any animal missed has been my fault, not any of my "2" grouping rifle's fault.
This Thread is about hunting rifles as they pertain primarily to Africa's animals and somewhat to various different game animals in many other parts of the world as well, therefore:
As already mentioned by Sierraone, the above 2" / 3 shot group criteria does not apply to serious target rifles.
Likewise, I have done quite a lot of rodent shooting at long range and for that specific type of high velocity rifle/powerful scope, a half inch group at 100 yds/meters is what I always wanted (.220 Swift / 55 grain Spitzer was my favorite "Varmint Cartridge" in those days).
Blah, blah, blah,
Velo Dog.