This twofold approach is the mission. To discuss sustainable use with the govenment and to bring together Indian hunters to an international platform. The ideal outcome is to bridge the gaps among the conservation paradigms or philosophies down the line for a more holistic view on sustainable conservation benefits everybody- the hunters, the locals and the government.
With my local experience at home as a club and national association member holding some positions there, I can tell you straight forward, this is matter of PR, lobbying, and marketing.
One man team, cannot do anything.
And one man team even if member of strong international organization cannot do nothing.
My humble advice is following:
Establish and register NGO organization within your country, to work on this agenda. Without this, nothing.
Make web pages, make facebook pages of this organization, make transparent program with proper PR and scientific narrative to be acceptable for general public.
Work with local politicians, and on positive legislative changes.
You govt already has some culling program, intergate into this for a start.
Sooner or later you will need a solid, reliable legal advice - so legal consultant will have to be a member of organization at some point.
Respectable organization needs office. Renting costs
So, you need to plan for funding.
When I went for google search about (International) Indian hunting community, post hunting ban era of 1970-ties, my search result was zero.
This means, who ever is hunting internationally in India (if any at all), they dont make it public. And there is no any type of organization. It must be an individual activity.
I dont think, you can not register some organization which is promoting international legal sporting or conservation activity. (IF LGBT organizations can exist there, so your organization can do as well, if established) So, go in that direction.
Apart from CIC, there is also to consider opening SCI chapter India, but it is not so simple due to SCI requirements for chapter membership and establishment.
All in all, consider this as lifetime assignment, with non guaranteed result, but worthy of effort.
My personal view, establishing CIC system in non hunting country without any local or national organization, is nearly impossible task. So first thing is to start organization on local level.
Good luck