Tubby’s Canteen
AH legend
“Get your hands up! Popeye’s here!!!”
I’m pretty sure this is the French connection but it’s been awhile.
“Get your hands up! Popeye’s here!!!”
The Departed. Leo and Jack's characters in a back and forth exchange.I’ve gotten zero responses on my last three or four tries so I’ll try once more.
[hits broken arm with a boot in interrogation]
“Swear on your mother’s grave you’re still not a cop?”
“I’m not a cop!”
“Are you going to stop doing coke deals with your jerk off f—king cousin?”
“Alright alright you’ll be ok. Get your hand taken care of.”
It's been a while since I watched it, but I believe that's Stand by Me.“What’re you gonna do, shoot us all?”
(cocks pistol) “No Ace—just you.”
I’ve gotten zero responses on my last three or four tries so I’ll try once more.
[hits broken arm with a boot in interrogation]
“Swear on your mother’s grave you’re still not a cop?”
“I’m not a cop!”
“Are you going to stop doing coke deals with your jerk off f—king cousin?”
“Alright alright you’ll be ok. Get your hand taken care of.”
The Departed. Awesome movieI’ve gotten zero responses on my last three or four tries so I’ll try once more.
[hits broken arm with a boot in interrogation]
“Swear on your mother’s grave you’re still not a cop?”
“I’m not a cop!”
“Are you going to stop doing coke deals with your jerk off f—king cousin?”
“Alright alright you’ll be ok. Get your hand taken care of.”
The departed! So many great lines.I’ve gotten zero responses on my last three or four tries so I’ll try once more.
[hits broken arm with a boot in interrogation]
“Swear on your mother’s grave you’re still not a cop?”
“I’m not a cop!”
“Are you going to stop doing coke deals with your jerk off f—king cousin?”
“Alright alright you’ll be ok. Get your hand taken care of.”
“…Their Latinate voluptuousness combines with their Gallic laziness and the result is they'd rather eat and make love with their faces than fight.”
Last of the Mohicans, Gen. Webb to colonist militia leader“…Their Latinate voluptuousness combines with their Gallic laziness and the result is they'd rather eat and make love with their faces than fight.”
Snatch! Love that movie full a awesome quotes!“Do you know what ‘nemesis’ means?
A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.
Personified in this case by an 'orrible c*nt... me.”
You are killing me lol Especially since I joined the “Realm of King Neptune” being Shellbacked on the FFG-27 Tisdale in the Pacific…@CZDiesel try this one
the latitude of Annapolis is 38.58 degrees north. Sir, the first three admirals were Dewey, Porter and Farragut. Sir, I've been in the Navy all my bloomin' life, sir. My mother was a mermaid, my father was King Neptune. Every bone in my body is a spar. And when I spits, I spits tar. I's hard. I is, I am, I are.
Last of the Mohicans, Gen. Webb to colonist militia leader
Rambo, First Blood,“Covey Leader to Raven. Talk to me, Johnny.”
You are killing me lol Especially since I joined the “Realm of King Neptune” being Shellbacked on the FFG-27 Tisdale in the Pacific…
I have to say you got me, I don’t know that one sadly
You are correct.
Cornwallis' quote in the Patriot is similar.
You are killing me lol Especially since I joined the “Realm of King Neptune” being Shellbacked on the FFG-27 Tisdale in the Pacific…
I have to say you got me, I don’t know that one sadly
“You going to pull those pistols or whistle Dixie”