I simply cut off an appropriate length piece of dowel and drop it through the hole in the spring retaining cap. Yes, it rattles a bit sometimes but the geese coming in to decoys are making so much noise they couldn't hear a brass band in the blind.

......I'm not sure maybe 3 hunting seasons ago. It was opening day of goose and dove seasons; geese in the morning dove at noon. As usual I reached for my 3-1/2 inch chambered, 12 gauge, Remington 11-87. Loaded the shotgun into the truck with 1 box of 3-1/2 inch T shot for geese and 4 boxes of 2-3/4 inch, #8 shot dove loads. Checked the magazine on the 11-87 for a plug with the 3-1/2 inch shells. Plug in good to go. Shot 3 of 5 limit geese, called it a morning, headed to the dove field, set up and loaded my shotgun in prep for the noon horn to signal the opening of dove season.
It was during the loading process that I could load 4 shells into the shotgun......OOPS. My 3-1/2 inch plug is shorter than the 2-3/4 inch plug.
The dove field is a public field managed by our state wildlife department. They are the one's that sound the horn to signal the legal/official opening time to start shooting at dove. They game wardens also go from setup to setup checking hunters' licenses and insure each hunter's shotgun is plug to only hold 3 shells.
To become legal, that is to avoid being ticketed I reached around hastily cut a branch, whittled it to the proper diameter and length, then slipped the new field expedient plug into the magazine through the hole in the magazine spring retaining plug. The shotgun and I are legal....for now.
Dove passes over filled the sky with lead and went to reload just as the game wardens were walking to me. I could once again fit 4 rounds tightly into the shotgun. The piece of branch had gone back out through the hole in the magazine retaining plug, slightly flaring the end against the interior of the magazine/barrel cap, and had split ever so slightly at the other end, shortening the plug length.
It took a bit of explaining, and presenting the fresh evidence, while disassembling my shotgun and making another field expedient magazine plug.


.... In the end I was back to being legal and avoided a ticket to appear in court.
Since that opening day fiasco, I now carry 2 extra plugs one for 3-1/2 inch and one for the 2-3/4 inch shells in my backpack/decoy bag during early goose and dove seasons.