I have a Sako 85 Kodiak in 375H&H and it performs 100% flawlessly with open sights or my aim point red dot.
If I was to take it to Africa for close range African game I’d use the red dot and bet my life on it working flawlessly. I love this rifle so much and one great thing about it is if you fire all your shots, just keep the bolt open and throw a new round in the chamber and it will feed straight in flawlessly when you push the bolt forward again no problems feeding or extracting. I’d pick it over any other gun I’ve ever used in those regards. Never any problem with the red dot.
Now, one thing to keep in mind is this. Sako 85’s have a reputation for not ejecting the fires cases with low mounted scopes. They seem to eject spend cases in a bit of an upwards direction rather than straight out the side I guess. People say in Europe where 50mm objectives are common they have no problem. But I know it’s a complaint people in America have with their lower mounted scopes. If I’m not running my red dot I have a 1.5-8x scope which is mounted in relatively high mounts (otherwise the front sight obstructs my vision).
I can tell you that although I’ve never had a problem using it, I have seen the potential for problems in using it. If you don’t rip the bolt back fast enough the spent case kind of lazerly pops up and hits the scope and then kind of falls back to the action and then bounces of again and out. What I’m saying is I really think the ejection problems are real. It’s not a myth. For deer hunting it’s no problem and I’d happily take my gun to Africa for non dangerous planes game with my scope. It’s super accurate and the chance of any problem is very low. It’s worth the less than 0.5% chance of a failed follow up shot and the animal getting away and me needing to pay for the trophy fee (as I said it’s never given me a problem) but, if you are worried enough to be doubting the Sako action then I’d say make some dummy rounds and cycle then through the sellers action. Do it slow and fast on different angles etc.
I can’t talk highly enough about Sako’s in general and mine in particular, and with my red dot I’d be happy to hunt lions in thick brush on foot but with a scope maybe not haha.