MS 9x56
AH elite
That’s because you hunt with Canadians. Americans have been using peep sights for 150 years. I have them on 3 of my hunting rifles and have only ever had to clear one once due o snow falling on it when I brushed against a branch.I've been deer/moose/elk hunting for sixty years and have yet to see a hunter with peep sights. I prefer tracking them in snow and have enough problems keeping rifle scope clean with stuff falling off trees. Peep sight would be very easily plugged with snow or debris. Leaf type rear sight not so much ... or not at all. I suspect peep sights are not popular in Africa for the same reason.
Also, African "express" sights have multiple leafs for different range shooting. Peep sights are fixed for one distance and any adjustment must be done via guesstimation i.e. "Kentucky windage."