
My wife and I have acquaintances that are Democrats. Some were previously friends but stopped talking to us (or even sending Christmas cards) when they learned we had voted for Trump. I'm not sure what it would take for them to see just how bad the Democrat policies and their corrupt and overwhelmed politicians are submerging the country. At the moment they appear so set in their beliefs that nothing could shake them loose.
The less polarised the system becomes the easier it should be for logic to overcome emotional blindness. Biden is not capable of creating a movement like Trump did, so I think you will find it will start to normalise. Now if Trump wins the nomination expect logic to give way to frenzied polarisation again!
The less polarised the system becomes the easier it should be for logic to overcome emotional blindness. Biden is not capable of creating a movement like Trump did, so I think you will find it will start to normalise. Now if Trump wins the nomination expect logic to give way to frenzied polarisation again!

Schools no longer teach critical thinking. The woke cancel culture would not be possible if people thought for themselves. It does not bode well for the future.
Couldn't read all of it but enough of it .....seems these tofu fktards will stop at nothing to force their agenda on everyone...

Couldn't read all of it but enough of it .....seems these tofu fktards will stop at nothing to force their agenda on everyone...

Wow, what a crock! It's not enough for them to be vegan, they want to force everyone to be like them. That is the problem with these idiots, we can't be different. :mad::mad::mad:
John Dutton from the show Yellowstone

"You ever plow a field?
To plant the quinoa or sorghum or whatever the hell it is you eat.
You kill everthing on the ground and under it.
You kill every snake, every frog, every mouse, mole, vole, worm, quail...
You kill them all.
So, I guess the only real question is:
How cute does an animal have to be before you care if it dies or feed you?"
cheney meme.jpeg
My point is Cheney had the guts to stand up for her beliefs, which is what a lot of people thought that the Freedom Caucus people were doing the past week. Whether I agree with everything she did or not, she stuck to it.

That's precisely the point I was making in that I absolutely do not believe her to be sincere or genuine in her actions for the reasons I provided in my initial post. But, much more importantly, her constituents did not believe her either. If she had actually decided to serve the priorities of the people who elected her like fighting against the asinine democratic agenda instead of wasting time and taxpayer money on some personal crusade against Trump, she might still have a job..

I also think that you should consider a bigger tent for Republicans than just the ones that you agree 100% with all the time. I think your career (thanks for your service by the way) could have influenced your views of people and hardened you a bit and I get it. I understand your black and white analysis but politics are tricky and it’s hard to always vote on complex things without understanding there are trade-offs sometimes. Sometimes people have to pick between the lesser of two evils when there isn’t another clear cut choice presented and the details of a bill are mostly good but contain a couple things you don’t like.

I'm actually not a republican, so I can be very selective of who I support in their "tent". I'm an independent. I am not, nor will I ever be blindly devoted to any one party's ideology. I care about the republican platform because I happen to share a certain portion of conservative views. There is no democratic option for me because the democratic party has gone completely insane. Still, I have to vote for somebody, and the establishment republicans for the most part are the lesser of two evils. That's my compromise..

It’s pretty easy to sit back and criticize complex issues and be a Monday morning quarterback when you weren’t involved in the negotiations.

Help me out here? I wasn't aware that I made any comments criticizing the negotiations?? I believe the only comments I made were in support of the 20 hold-outs and the "negotiations" they had with the RINOs and less conservative republicans. What was I Monday morning quarterbacking?

I don't much like being called "delusional." I suspect it would be good if you and I suspended this discussion if we are going to resort to that sort characterization.

I don't much like having my opinions referred to as "laughable" so there ya go..

Here's the thing.. When I offer my political opinions, I really strive to support my position with facts or circumstances that lend merit to said opinion. If I don't, I will happily accept the constructive criticism. When it comes to commetary you have made in the purview of subject matter that you have personal experience with like military strategy or most things related to the military industrial complex as examples, I listen and take you at your word based on that personal experience.

Now, I have no doubt you are a smart guy who I have always respected because your posts are usually measured and sensible even if not agreeable. However, as of late, you have offered some comments and opinions from no other position than one of sanctimony. When it comes to political opinions, yours have no more weight than mine or anyone else's on here. There is no such thing as a political "expert" regardless of one's position in the world. If you want to criticize my opinions, do so with facts or circumstances that support your debate (as you usually do), and not from a position of intellectual or moral superiority. I guarantee that you hold neither over me..

I will make an honest commitment to choose my words more carefully if you do the same. If not, don't reply to my comments without expecting a reply from me. How that reply is characterized is up to you and anyone else that also chooses to reply.
That's precisely the point I was making in that I absolutely do not believe her to be sincere or genuine in her actions for the reasons I provided in my initial post. But, much more importantly, her constituents did not believe her either. If she had actually decided to serve the priorities of the people who elected her like fighting against the asinine democratic agenda instead of wasting time and taxpayer money on some personal crusade against Trump, she might still have a job..

I'm actually not a republican, so I can be very selective of who I support in their "tent". I'm an independent. I am not, nor will I ever be blindly devoted to any one party's ideology. I care about the republican platform because I happen to share a certain portion of conservative views. There is no democratic option for me because the democratic party has gone completely insane. Still, I have to vote for somebody, and the establishment republicans for the most part are the lesser of two evils. That's my compromise..

Help me out here? I wasn't aware that I made any comments criticizing the negotiations?? I believe the only comments I made were in support of the 20 hold-outs and the "negotiations" they had with the RINOs and less conservative republicans. What was I Monday morning quarterbacking?

I don't much like having my opinions referred to as "laughable" so there ya go..

Here's the thing.. When I offer my political opinions, I really strive to support my position with facts or circumstances that lend merit to said opinion. If I don't, I will happily accept the constructive criticism. When it comes to commetary you have made in the purview of subject matter that you have personal experience with like military strategy or most things related to the military industrial complex as examples, I listen and take you at your word based on that personal experience.

Now, I have no doubt you are a smart guy who I have always respected because your posts are usually measured and sensible even if not agreeable. However, as of late, you have offered some comments and opinions from no other position than one of sanctimony. When it comes to political opinions, yours have no more weight than mine or anyone else's on here. There is no such thing as a political "expert" regardless of one's position in the world. If you want to criticize my opinions, do so with facts or circumstances that support your debate (as you usually do), and not from a position of intellectual or moral superiority. I guarantee that you hold neither over me..

I will make an honest commitment to choose my words more carefully if you do the same. If not, don't reply to my comments without expecting a reply from me. How that reply is characterized is up to you and anyone else that also chooses to reply.
I truly regret that I may have sounded sanctimonious. If true, then it is probably damage caused by beating my head against a wall. :A Bang Head:

I absolutely support your right, even responsibility, to form your own political opinion on any subject. I enjoy the dialogue with respect to your opinions. That dosn't mean that I don't take issue with some of them.

For example, when I speak of pragmatism, it is with the hope of getting something accomplished in Washington. Purely with that in mind, I find this constant refrain that "rhinos," moderates, basically whomever doesn't seem to fit a Freedom Caucus profile, "have to go" a worthless exercise in self delusion. These were your words.

"We've come to a point of no return where no conservatives may ever control D.C. again. Radical, uncomfortable changes have to happen or nothing will happen. I'm truly shocked that you don't acknowledge that.. We have to purge the elected part of the swamp before we can cleanse the non-elected bureaucrat part of it. It will be extremely uncomfortable if not downright ugly if we are serious about it."

Serious question. How do you "purge" the elected part of the swamp you don't like? Remember, they are all elected by there own constituents. Many come from states or districts where a Freedom Caucus type candidate would have the political lifespan of a Gypsy moth. In short, they aren't going anywhere. Lisa Murkowski, who many here seem to despise, overcame a challenge from the right and was reelected in Alaska. Blame it on ranked choice voting if you wish, but I think it unlikely any of the other republican senators that seem to cause such ire are going to be successfully challenged from the right in a primary either. Sarah Palin has also returned to her knitting.

Second serious question. What do you mean by radical, uncomfortable changes? To what exactly? For instance, I am a great fan of Robert Heinlein. I think he was really onto something when he suggested in "Starship Troopers" that only veterans had earned the right of franchise. However, short of a military insurrection, that is one radical "reform" that will never happen. More importantly, I love this republic with all its flaws better than someone else's idea of how best to run the country or populate the houses of congress.

So assuming your idea of radical change doesn't include overthrowing the government, what is the sense in wasting a lot of time and energy on what is essentially fantasy?

The numbers don't even work in the House where the Freedom Caucus makes up less than 25% of the Republican caucus and only 53 of the 435 total members of the House. Without allies, or a quirky Speaker election format, those 53 members are merely making noise.

If we are going to get anything done, it will take every republican in both houses. That includes in the senate men like Lindsey Graham, Robert Portman, and yes, even Mitt Romney. Indeed, until at least '24, any legislation will have to include the support of a few democrats as well. Otherwise, the best the House can do, and it can be an important role, is to put the brakes on the Biden agenda. Those are facts, neither opinions and nor wishes.

So, my pragmatic, I truly do not believe sanctimonious, suggestion is that we would be far better served figuring out where to work toward mutually agreeable goals as a party rather than trying to figure how to eliminate each other.
I truly regret that I may have sounded sanctimonious. If true, then it is probably damage caused by beating my head against a wall. :A Bang Head:

I absolutely support your right, even responsibility, to form your own political opinion on any subject. I enjoy the dialogue with respect to your opinions. That dosn't mean that I don't take issue with some of them.

For example, when I speak of pragmatism, it is with the hope of getting something accomplished in Washington. Purely with that in mind, I find this constant refrain that "rhinos," moderates, basically whomever doesn't seem to fit a Freedom Caucus profile, "have to go" a worthless exercise in self delusion. These were your words.

"We've come to a point of no return where no conservatives may ever control D.C. again. Radical, uncomfortable changes have to happen or nothing will happen. I'm truly shocked that you don't acknowledge that.. We have to purge the elected part of the swamp before we can cleanse the non-elected bureaucrat part of it. It will be extremely uncomfortable if not downright ugly if we are serious about it."

Serious question. How do you "purge" the elected part of the swamp you don't like? Remember, they are all elected by there own constituents. Many come from states or districts where a Freedom Caucus type candidate would have the political lifespan of a Gypsy moth. In short, they aren't going anywhere. Lisa Murkowski, who many here seem to despise, overcame a challenge from the right and was reelected in Alaska. Blame it on ranked choice voting if you wish, but I think it unlikely any of the other republican senators that seem to cause such ire are going to be successfully challenged from the right in a primary either. Sarah Palin has also returned to her knitting.

Second serious question. What do you mean by radical, uncomfortable changes? To what exactly? For instance, I am a great fan of Robert Heinlein. I think he was really onto something when he suggested in "Starship Troopers" that only veterans had earned the right of franchise. However, short of a military insurrection, that is one radical "reform" that will never happen. More importantly, I love this republic with all its flaws better than someone else's idea of how best to run the country or populate the houses of congress.

So assuming your idea of radical change doesn't include overthrowing the government, what is the sense in wasting a lot of time and energy on what is essentially fantasy?

The numbers don't even work in the House where the Freedom Caucus makes up less than 25% of the Republican caucus and only 53 of the 435 total members of the House. Without allies, or a quirky Speaker election format, those 53 members are merely making noise.

If we are going to get anything done, it will take every republican in both houses. That includes in the senate men like Lindsey Graham, Robert Portman, and yes, even Mitt Romney. Indeed, until at least '24, any legislation will have to include the support of a few democrats as well. Otherwise, the best the House can do, and it can be an important role, is to put the brakes on the Biden agenda. Those are facts, neither opinions and nor wishes.

So, my pragmatic, I truly do not believe sanctimonious, suggestion is that we would be far better served figuring out where to work toward mutually agreeable goals as a party rather than trying to figure how to eliminate each other.
Yes exactly and this was my point to you @BSO Dave that it’s real easy to sit back from the outside and criticize everyone that’s trying to negotiate and get something accomplished. The way Pelosi’s rules of the House were structured, it was impossible for Republicans and even Democrats to amend legislation. Some Republicans were forced to vote for legislation that was distasteful in many ways but necessary in others. Too many things lumped together in one Bill but some of them had to be passed so you hold your nose and vote for it.

As for Alaska, I personally know Governor Dunleavy and a former legislator (Registered Guide) that I have worked for guiding since 2006. The Governor has hunted with us twice and appointed my friend to fill a vacancy in the Alaska House of Representatives when a Representative died. So, I have kept up with politics in Alaska a bit. As @Red Leg said, Murkowski might be considered a rhino but she does support hunting and you have to understand that she has a constituency consisting of thousands of Native Americans that usually vote Democratic so she finds herself in a balancing act. That’s the reality of the situation and while I have disagreed with several of her positions, I would rather have her there than have a Democrat take her seat and vote against our Republican positions on everything. It’s easy to sit back and think everything is black and white or in this case, red and blue, but it’s not always that cut and dried on the ground and in the arena that a politician has to operate in.
My wife and I have acquaintances that are Democrats. Some were previously friends but stopped talking to us (or even sending Christmas cards) when they learned we had voted for Trump. I'm not sure what it would take for them to see just how bad the Democrat policies and their corrupt and overwhelmed politicians are submerging the country. At the moment they appear so set in their beliefs that nothing could shake them loose.
And yet they likely think you are the closed minded radical...
Yes exactly and this was my point to you @BSO Dave that it’s real easy to sit back from the outside and criticize everyone that’s trying to negotiate and get something accomplished. The way Pelosi’s rules of the House were structured, it was impossible for Republicans and even Democrats to amend legislation. Some Republicans were forced to vote for legislation that was distasteful in many ways but necessary in others. Too many things lumped together in one Bill but some of them had to be passed so you hold your nose and vote for it.

As for Alaska, I personally know Governor Dunleavy and a former legislator (Registered Guide) that I have worked for guiding since 2006. The Governor has hunted with us twice and appointed my friend to fill a vacancy in the Alaska House of Representatives when a Representative died. So, I have kept up with politics in Alaska a bit. As @Red Leg said, Murkowski might be considered a rhino but she does support hunting and you have to understand that she has a constituency consisting of thousands of Native Americans that usually vote Democratic so she finds herself in a balancing act. That’s the reality of the situation and while I have disagreed with several of her positions, I would rather have her there than have a Democrat take her seat and vote against our Republican positions on everything. It’s easy to sit back and think everything is black and white or in this case, red and blue, but it’s not always that cut and dried on the ground and in the arena that a politician has to operate in.

I couldn’t possibly agree more with both of you gentlemen. I knew Lisa fairly well when we were in Alaska. I may disagree with her on a number of positions, but I know her to be a smart, kind person of high integrity. She is a legally elected senator for the state of Alaska. Until she retires or is voted out, would you rather have her cross the aisle and join the democrats?
Does anyone else watch the news about the 3 Amigos Summit, and just can’t help but think it should have been called the 3 Stooges Summit!
I saw a segment of it- it was not good. Instead of Bidet talking to the other two about the problem of illegal immigration and related problems he wanted the other countries to join him in helping the immigrants to overcome the prejudices they face and how the bigot citizens could be educated so the immigrants could more easily assimilate into society.

Maybe that cutsiepie Omar could give lessons on assimilation.
Murkowski loves the "Turtle" and porkulous spending

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Murkowski loves the "Turtle" and porkulous spending

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View attachment 510465

You can’t really pin that all on her. Ted Stevens was the master, as was her dad and every senior politician since statehood. In a way I get it. If most folks in the lower 48 had the level of public service provided to Alaska s they’d scream bloody murder. There is a price to be paid to own a wilderness buffer between yourself and our key rivals/enemies. It is also a small price to pay for the resources that have been harvested from the state. Resources held hostage by the Jones Act and the politicians of Washington state.
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If I were Bob Jorden, the CEO of Southwest Airlines, I’d be all over the news today demanding the FAA “do better.” Jorden has taken a lot of flack…..mostly warranted…for the fiasco earlier this month. This morning, the FAAs computer system (called the Notice to Air Missions system) that sends briefings/instructions to pilots of every flight crashed. Every departing flight was grounded until 9am ET. Ole Pete B sure is on his game! Supply chain shortages, clogged ports, trucker shortages, now this. Maybe a small-town mayor with no real world experience (besides working at McKinsey) wasn’t a good pick to run an important federal agency.

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White Wildebeest.
CAustin wrote on ZANA BOTES SAFARI's profile.
Zana it was very good to see you at SCI National. Best wishes to you for a great season.
Hi gents we have very little openings left for 2025 if anyone is interested in a last minute hunt!

here are the dates,

17-25 June
25-31 July
1-28 Sept
7-31 October

Shoot me a message ASAP to book your spot 2026 is also filling up fast! will start posting 2026 dates soon!
Hello! I’m new… from Texas!