Both are full of jokes and clowns.I am starting having a problem to understand the difference between thread "politics' and the other thread "on a lighter note"....
I thought so...Unfortunately it’s all a big joke!
One makes you laugh. The other makes you puke because it seems like a joke until you reliaze it's true!!!I am starting having a problem to understand the difference between thread "politics' and the other thread "on a lighter note"....
True.Both are full of jokes and clowns.
The biggest joke is to think one is better than the other but in reality they are in the same circus but different clowns.
The state of politics in this country is really sad.
Anybody who doesn't get that is delusional.
On the way back south from my buffalo hunt in the Caprivi almost ten years ago - I and my young PH (who was as avid a military history student as me) spent the better part of a day exploring the ruins of Buffalo Camp. Probably the most poignant part of our exploration was the vast cemetery. The Namibian Government has made no attempt to maintain it, and it has gone back to the bush. As one would expect the "men with no names" or "the terrible ones" of 32 Battalion had crosses only marked by a number.
The company barracks areas had long since been picked to their foundations for usable wood, but the stone walls remained of the headquarters, hospital, and officer quarters.
It was interesting to stand on what was likely once Breytenbach's patio staring at buffalo and hippo grazing in the marshes along the river and to wonder whose shades shared the view with us. They were men who deserve better than to be forgotten.
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A bargain. Truly wish the current administration would also focus on the immigration fiasco, but this is not a zero sum game. National interests matter.
Agreed.A bargain. Truly wish the current administration would also focus on the immigration fiasco, but this is not a zero sum game. National interests matter.
History teaches us that every Empire collapses.Sadly, I believe we are witnessing the fall of Rome in our lifetimes. I believe we are too far gone societally to sustain the Republic. Not all is lost though:
1.) We can be the nuisance voters that delay the inevitable.
2.) When the collapse happens, it doesn't mean death, darkness, decay and hopelessness. It just means USA is a failed State. The phoenix that rises from the ashes would be broke, so we'd have limited government and a solid sense of community restored until 100 years of excess rinses and repeats the collapse.
3.) I try to dwell on all the positive things in my town, county, and State. I continue to organize my life, my family, and my finances in a manner that isn't deeply inconvenienced by external factors like an idiot in the White House. Retreat to a defensible position, meaning: live in a place with good neighbors, clean water, reasonable laws, away from major metro areas, and grow some of your own food.
When the collapse comes, it doesn't mean starvation and death, it means inconvenience and civil unrest in urban areas when the entitlements run out and we can only buy basic goods like bread. That level of unrest to come may only last a couple of weeks and during that time, urban centers will be wastelands but 99% of the country and the people in it will come out okay, humbled, and with a renewed sense of community.