Sorry for the delay, Brent. I haven't been posting much these days because you convinced me that one can't properly engage in discourse if one's handle/avatar is that of a fictional character.Unlike you, I'm not mudslinging at anyone here. Louis Toadvine has a way of appearing at peculiar times. He/She/It, is a troll.
I suspect it will be in the usual fascist way- The troops (what's left of them) are told that Ukraine has surrendered, so the troops pack-up and go home. The media prints nothing other than the govt line about how victorious the entire operation was and that Ukraine is now a vassal state of Russia. Anyone that questions will be sent to Siberia.Regardless to what heights Putin's ego may rise, explain to me how he achieves "complete victory."
Sure thing, Princess. I'll get right on that!
Are we mud slinging now? Asking for those who want to know…
I'm promoting the idea of withdrawing Police protection for politicians, lawyers, and some bureaucraps, just to see how they'd handle the situation; again, it'll never happen.Yeah, that's a really asinine policy/law. The bureaucrats that write those laws never want to recognize the reality that the POS trying to steal your car/jewelry/?? might intend to do you harm in the process.
Unfortunately, Australia lacks a 2nd Amendment, and the only recourse is to try and change your lawmakers.
Sure thing, Princess. I'll get right on that!
Show a placard like that here (Australia) and get arrested by the Polis
, if either house reverts or remains democrat, then nothing meaningful will get done legislatively.
Im not here to call anyone anything, unless provoked.I would love to hear your considered analysis how Putin will achieve "complete victory." I obviously believe that is a uniquely uninformed assertion, but convince me. Show me how Putin or his military has the capability to "take control of Ukraine." And please, don't call me names or toss out a bunch of MAGA slogans. That will simply convince me I was correct with respect to your assertions. Even if Trump were totally complicit with helping Putin achieve his strategic goals, how does Putin actually do it?
In our arrogance, we forget it was Ukraine and its people that aspired to be part of Western Europe rather than be a cog in the Russian machine. It was Ukraine, using their own weapons and spending their own lives who brought the Russian Army to a bloody halt outside Kyiv and Karkiv. It was Zelensky, who on February 26, 2022, when offered escape from the country responded "I need ammunition, not a ride." It was his foreign minister who ended his diplomatic discussions in the US on the 24th to return to Ukraine to help Zelensky build a supportive Western coalition. It will be the Ukrainian people, not Donald J. Trump nor Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin who will have the final say in the fate of their country.
As @mdwest notes above, any meaningful decision by Trump to limit military support to Ukraine is at best 18 months away. He would then have to convince a lot of democrats to agree with him to overcome the majority of his own party who actually understand "America First" should mean jealously protecting our national interests wherever they are threatened - a Reaganesque concept the blindly loyal Trump crowd should mull over a bit before hopping on their candidate's revenge tour.
But I digress. Regardless to what heights Putin's ego may rise, explain to me how he achieves "complete victory."
MDWest started it, not me. Look back and see for yourself.I think we should all be friends or at least friendly. Let's remember to attack the idea or statement, not the person.
Margaret Thatcher famously stated,
"I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left."
MDWest started it, not me. Look back and see for yourself.
It's not the first time.
on this we agree...Politicians are, by their nature, natural-born bottomfeeders.
If I may make a serious and truly well meant suggestion. Expand your news sources. The MAGA supportive "news" sites carry the same message. They pay homage to people like Tucker Carlson, Douglas Macgregor, and of course what they believe Donald Trump wants. That is an important narrative to understand, but it is one of several circulating in the current politicized environment. An opinion, mine or yours, is only as valuable as the inputs that shape it.Im not here to call anyone anything, unless provoked.
My statement is not factual, nor did I make any claim that Putin would achieve a complete victory.
The articles, and videos, I saw from analyst's all pretty much agreed that Putin would not give up this war because of his ego, and determination to nothing less then a complete victory, and annexation of the Ukraine would be acceptable....barring his defeat.
Again, these analysts (not the mainstream media), speculated that if pushed into a corner, Putin may resort to tactical nukes? Again,....dont shoot the messenger, its just what I read, and saw on video. I neither agree, or disagree, with that.
I am not a military strategist, and would never claim to be one.
It is just my OPINION that Zelenskys days could be numbered. Unless something happens to turn the tables, I don't see the Ukraine holding out in a long drawn out conflict. That's just my opinion, and at the end of the day, it really doesn't mean much.
Some people just don't know when the sale is complete and result in blowing the sale.(similar to what Trump does on occasion..)![]()