I know its unpopular to discuss this in any way other than funding Ukraine, the only way any relief to our border disaster may be thru the process of saying, 'no border funds for America, no war funds for Ukraine'
Our border disaster matters a lot for OUR national security if you look at not just the escalating numbers crossing illegally and set free to go where they please but more importantly who is being allowed to do so.
Of late large numbers of well dressed, well kitted up single young Chinese males are coming over unhindered and like the rest from all over the world including all countries in the mid east, Africa, South America etc, are soon cut loose to wander about, never to be seen again unless or until they get arrested for something.
There is much angst about Ukraine and the administration is now using the language of fear saying 'if Putin isnt stopped here, he will go for a NATO country next' and then "we will have American blood spilled", says the ever pandering Fool of a Took Adm John Kirby!
This is fear mongering with no basis in fact and its disgusting, just like Kirby, who is nothing but a drivel dispensing mouthpiece for the worst president in history!
I believe nothing that he or anyone in the amin says about anything, nothing. Worst bunch of liars ever.
Someone mentioned a while back about the level of monies being used in Ukraine for other than war goods, well look down in this article not too far and get enlightened.
"About a third of Ukraine’s budget comes from U.S. financial assistance, she said, and if that money doesn’t come through, Kyiv might not be able to pay basic salaries for doctors, first responders and others."
WA POST btw, not FOX.
There is nothing more important to OUR country than securing OUR border from the hordes currently invading at will with little to know resistance. Its worse now than it has ever been, with no end in sight.
So if it takes holding up funding for some probable lost cause, I'm OK with that.
We're going to look pretty stupid funding someone elses war when some terrorist that crossed our border without so much as a by your leave, gives us another 9-11.