Contrary to what you keep insinuating, I am not an isolationist, and certainly not against supporting an ally, or ensuring our national security. What I am against is constantly being told to shut up, quit asking questions, and trust the so-called "experts" which, of course, will never happen...
In regard to what you think I need to hear, that's pretty simple... I'd like to hear a plan... A plan with a timeline, strategic goals, and detailed fiscal accountability for the American taxpayer who is being suffocated by a national debt of nearly 34 trillion $ and counting...![]()
As Clauzewitz noted, "war is the continuation of politics by other means." In German the term "Politik" carries the meaning of both domestic and international interaction. Like other forms of politics it is impossible to apply a timeline. The length of a war is determined by how long it takes to achieve objectives, to thwart enemy objectives, and the political will of a government and/or its people to pursue those objectives - not a clock or a calendar. I hope you actually understand that, when you demand a timeline.
The impatience of the West, is a character flaw which Putin is desperately trying to exploit. He and his minions have for about three months now begun talking about a protracted war - one that will last "indefinitely." It is a ploy which is clearly working with a segment of the American population and their representatives; a remarkable achievement for a war the US is not actually fighting. He is also determined to maintain the illusion of commitment at least through the election in the hopes of a Trump victory. I am not sure what that says exactly, except I feel a sense of real disgust.
I will simply again say, that in my best military judgement, an assessment mirrored by most of my peers, the Russian offensive is unsustainable and is likely to collapse militarily and/or through a collapse of domestic support. Unlike the US who has suffered zero casualties in this conflict, Russia is suffering huge losses - most of which the Kremlin is trying very hard to hide. Putin is gambling everything on our lack of commitment and patience on the part of the West before that happens.
Making this conflict sound like Vietnam, Afghanistan, or Iraq is a red herring. No Americans are dying. No Americans are fighting. What we have provided in aid is a pittance compared to what we spent on those conflicts or relative to our annual budget or our debt - a remarkably cheap bill against such a critical national interest.
It is particularly frustrating to me that of all the hundreds of billions we have tolerated this administration wasting, populist republicans have chosen Ukraine as the focus of their ire. Putin must marvel daily that he has such allies.
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