You have a remarkable ability to argue points that I did not make. I spoke to the issue of timeline.
LOL! You have the remarkable ability to sidestep questions that you have no good answer for..
I addressed the issue of a timeline suggesting several examples of when the U.S. has at least laid out a timeline in past conflicts such as Vietnam. Obviously, because wars are dynamic, timelines for strategic objectives are rarely met. However, at least framing those objectives in a timeline suggest that there is a plan which, to date, has never been provided by this Administration in regard to Ukraine.
This POTUS publicly states loudly and often
"whatever it takes for as long as it takes" and it surprises you that the majority of the population has a problem with that? Who in their right mind wouldn't?
Just the same, I would gladly forego the provision of a timeline or even the objectives for a solid financial accountability. I have a hard time understanding how supplementing Ukrainian pensions is directly contributing to the defeat of the Russian Army?
Do you sit up nights convinced we are about to commit the 1st ID or 82d Airborne into the Negev?
I don't sit up nights at all worrying about things that are beyond my control.... What did initially concern me in the beginning was escalation. But now I think that Putin would have played that card by now. He is desperate but, apparently not suicidal as was once suggested. As you said yourself many times, the Russian Army has been exposed as a bit of a paper tiger, at least in its ability to take over Europe. That, in itself, kinda throws shade on the Russia being an "existential threat to Europe" argument, doesn't it?
Have you ever asked for a clear timeline for that support? Have you ever asked what our objectives are with respect to Israel? I suspect not.
You would suspect wrongly...
I would expect the same justifications for any U.S. tax dollars and or equipment going to any foreign country regardless of who it is... Furthermore, there are immense differences between Israel and Ukraine with respect to U.S. support that need to be acknowledged... The eradication of terrorists benefits every U.S. citizen right now, and directly. Israel's enemy
IS our enemy. Ukraine's defeat of Russia halts an existential, and potential threat to U.S. geopolitical interests which may not materialize for many years. Suffice to say, our relationship and obligations for Israel and Ukraine are not the same, nor should they be in my view...
Israel is a long-established ally of the U.S.... Ukraine is not...
Israel is a U.S. partner in counterterrorism who provides the U.S. with intelligence and logistical necessities... Ukraine does not..
The government of Israel is a true democracy that is an island surrounded by a sea of totalitarianism and dictatorships that are
ALL existential threats to the U.S... Ukraine's is not...
Israel's government is not historically corrupt or oppressive... Ukraine's is...
Israel is, and has been for decades, fighting terrorist enemies that are common enemies to Western civilization in its entirety... Ukraine is not...