AH ambassador
Virtually no one in Trump world has or has had at any point in their lives the least question about what that aid entails, how it is distributed, how it is accounted for, what its strategic implications might be, when it might end, or what negative effects that aid might cause our economy.
I simply had to laugh. And if you can't see the humor, let's not discuss that either.
If you are directing this at me, what on earth are you talking about?In case you have forgotten the origins of the war in Syria, you can review the YT vid of Ms Clinton in 2012 saying “we don’t know how long Bashir Assad can survive, but he will certainly be gone within 6 months” as she armed the Taliban. Pres. Assad is still there, btw. Man up. Admit you’ve made a mistake, and hold the democrat crime syndicate accountable….or are you hoping for another war? …..FWB
Pres. Assad is still there, btw. Man up. Admit you’ve made a mistake, and hold the democrat crime syndicate accountable….or are you hoping for another war? …..FWB
Ok, you aren't. I accept that. But, I do indeed care what a large political faction seems to embrace with no critical thought with regard to Ukraine. That discussion was the intent of the post.LOL...!
You keep making these inaccurate assertions that I am a "Trump supporter" and therefore unable to grasp the finer nuances of this discussion which is nothing more than continued arrogance on your part. Yes, it is probably true that my political views lean more populist than RINO, but that hardly makes me a full-time resident of "Trump world". There is a stark difference in embracing certain policies and giving credit where credit is due and blind allegiance to any one individual... I am fully aware of what Trump is and is not... However, it certainly seems that your TDS clouds your better judgement in some circumstances...
Since I am not a resident of your perceived "Trump world" I do, and always have questioned where our tax dollars are spent regardless of the recipients which are unfortunately far more numerous and vast beyond Israel or Ukraine. This government has a long-esteemed history of pissing away money both foreign and aboard. This should always be a concern for any true fiscal conservative. While I would never call Trump a fiscal conservative, at least he has spent the money in accordance with where our priorities should lie..
You made it quite clear many posts ago that we have completely different points of view and therefore, nothing more to discuss on this topic... I agree we have different points of view on some topics, but I would never say I have nothing more to discuss with anyone here... You think yours is the only opinion that counts especially on this subject... That's the problem with the entire country at the moment...
Ok, you aren't. I accept that. But, I do indeed care what a large political faction seems to embrace with no critical thought with regard to Ukraine. That discussion was the intent of the post.
No one in the Trump movement (not you), of whom I am aware, is at all questioning our support for Israel. I simply pointed out that the model used in supporting Israel, particularly during the first few decades of its existence, is the closest parallel I can think of to the model being used for Ukraine. I also believe the strategic risks in supporting Israel were then and still are as great as not supporting Ukraine now. I would again reiterate that most of Israel's former existential enemies are actually our regional strategic partners, regardless of their form of government. I would also note that support has cost us actual economic hardship more than once and regional political military turbulence since the founding of the state of Israel.
Should we then support Israel? I think so, but we shouldn't kid ourselves that we get much out of it but a lot of trouble and enormous expense as we deal with the periodic passions raised by its existence.
So, I do find it frustrating that we have political faction in this country, supporting whatever the risk and whatever the cost, a foreign government that provides no real strategic benefit to this country while wanting to ignore the needs of a country whose demise would represent an very real threat to this country.
In that European nation we have forty million people seeking and fighting for the right self determination. They are also a people to whom we pledged our support should they relinquish their nuclear weapons. Obama ignored that pledge in 2014 encouraging the bolder move Putin made in '22. I think we certainly owe Ukraine something. But more importantly, Putin has begun a process to reestablish Russia as the preeminent political military power in Eurasia. We decided way back in 1947 that represented a direct threat to our national interests. I believe nothing has changed and it would be the height of foolishness, even recklessness, to abet the Kremlin in achieving that goal. And by not supporting Ukraine that is exactly what the Trump wing of the Republican party has decided to do.
The typical response I get here, is not reasoned debate backed with facts, but it is that I have TDS, or more recently, I am arrogant or my opinion is the "only one that counts." Today, I was told to "man up."
To be very clear, I think we have at the moment two terrible choices for president. One of those terrible choices is Donald J Trump. I am confident that most people in this country actually agree with that assessment whether he eventually gets their vote or not. If that amounts to TDS, then I gladly plead guilty.
If I seem arrogant because I state beliefs with some level of assurance, then I would suggest not reading my posts. I base what I believe and the points I make on a pretty firm experience and educational foundation, and it takes a lot more than name calling or repeating some nonsense from a right wing site to change my mind. And no I did not say that you repeat disinformation from right wing sites, but for instance, the whole Zelensky is corrupt and Ukraine is losing campaign sponsored by Russia and embraced by many Trump followers, isn't the same as offering factual debate. I am happy to challenge any of that sort of misinformation.
If they start something a few Tomohawks will sure end it..Now Iranian bad guys in bigger boat show up in the Red Sea.
If they start something a few Tomohawks will sure end it..
Could be but some people never learn. Time for another application of asskick.My memory is a little fuzzy but didn’t Iran try something back in the late 80’s and their navy payed dearly for it? Operation dragon fly or praying mantis, something like that.
My memory is a little fuzzy but didn’t Iran try something back in the late 80’s and their navy payed dearly for it? Operation dragon fly or praying mantis, something like that.
My memory is a little fuzzy but didn’t Iran try something back in the late 80’s and their navy payed dearly for it? Operation dragon fly or praying mantis, something like that.
If memory serves, Iran has one large and one small oil port. Kharg Island (and it’s oil platforms) is the “big” one. Shutting down their economy shouldn’t be hard.
As mentioned many times in this blog, oil is a global commodity. A reduct in supply is felt worldwide. But according to this source, over 90% of Iran‘s oil goes to China.It would be very, very easy to hit a bunch of Iran's oil and gas producing facilities with very little risk of collateral damage. The problem is, Europe would take the hit too. Russian gas has been eliminated from going to Europe, so they really depend on natural gas from Iran and Qatar.
Good. That would seem to be progress.honestly don't necessarily disagree with any of the assertions you have made here...
I agree. It already is. If you want different accounting that is done for every other military sale or support effort that we have done since WWII, then I urge you to propose that methodology to your congressman.And yes, I believe that each and every US taxpayer is entitled to the same accountability for every dollar of foreign aid this country spends regardless of who it is sent to or why
If he does not intend to end support then he really should let Marjorie Taylor Greene and Matt Gaetz in on it. He typically either responds with either the 24 hour nonsense or with a quote like the following in May.this an opinion or do you actually have a record of him saying that? The only thing that I have heard him say is that he could end the war in 24 hours which is obviously hyperbolic, but effectively powerful political rhetoric...
What I believe is that Donald Trump is indeed a person with fatal character flaws. He lies to his own constituents - whether draining the swamp, Mexico will pay for the wall, etc, etc. He called for demonstrations on the day of the election certification. This was not some spontaneous eruption. He clearly hoped to disrupt that process. To what end, I suspect the Republic is fortunate not to have found out. So in spite of what he accomplished with respect to deregulation, and had begun to accomplish with respect to limiting immigration, I do not believe he is worth the risk. As I said before, if I wouldn't hire him to work for me, then why would I ever hire him to be my president?I accused you of having TDS because you have stated many times your personal disdain for Trump's character which I believe has caused you to disregard the facts about his policies and accomplishments. That, by definition is TDS...
First of all, I said people, not republicans. If the nominee only garners republican votes in November we lose by one of the largest landslides since Reagan. The most recent WSJ poll was the most telling. Halley beats Biden by 17 and Trump wins by 4. He may dominate the republican field, but he will have to do a lot more with a lot more voters to win the election.If he is such a detestable choice, why is he dominating the field?
With that, I will absolutely disagree. I am always careful to state when something is an opinion. I use the terms, "in my opinion", "I believe", "I think" etc. Those opinions are indeed often conclusions drawn from facts or from observations. It is why I post many of the short clips to illustrate suppositions or conclusions about Ukrainian or Russian military performance. You or anyone else is free to offer any other conclusion you wish from those.However, when it comes to accessing policy, these are not black and white issues with only one correct answer... Everyone here who has their own experience and education to draw from is entitled to have their own informed opinion from their own personal prospective... I occasionally accuse you of arrogance only because you sometimes conflate fact with opinion however informed that opinion may be...
You are correct. That, I should learn. But, it is simple Southern courtesy. You wrote a long response specifically to something I posted. That then nags at me because it would be rude not to respond.If you honestly feel you have reached your limit with me or anyone else, why continue to respond?
Are you mad that the sailors complied with their captor’s orders to kneel and put their hands behind their heads? Prisoners generally comply or are shot. I’m not mad at the sailors. I’m still mad that we didn’t sink their decrepit navy in retaliation.It doesn't seem that long ago that Iranians had US sailors on their knees with their hands raised behind their heads. Why in h@#%l they complied with that is unfathomable and still makes me mad.