
What if our allies showed their fealty by throwing a little more in to the cause for a short period.
while our greasy politicians on both side of the isle line their pockets with side deals to the larger border and Ukraine budget.

How much pork will be added to buy votes
I have posted this link before. I assume you would agree if Elon Musk gives 1 million USD to a charity that it is not the same as if you or I did? It would be the same money on the recipient side, but the donor impact is quite different. So actually look at the link.


From a percentage of GDP perspective, what we have provided is the 12th most generous. Of percent of GDP, the states bordering Ukraine and Russia have provided two to four times as much as we have,

Secondly, explain to me how this "line their pockets" process works in real world DOD budget development. Serious question. I know it is conventional wisdom among many that the process is corrupt, so tell me how it works. For several years I engaged extensively with members and committee and member staffs shepherding the Army/DOD budget on the Hill. A congressman might fight very hard indeed to get production of a particular weapon system or munition in his or her district or state. That of course can pay off handsomely at the ballot box, but how is he or she lining their pocket through that process? What are these side deals that are so personally rewarding?

This is a snap shot from the WSJ of Ukrainian and Russian ammunition expenditure rates. Ukraine has had to reduce their daily expenditures dramatically because of the potential delays or actual cut off of US supplied 155mm rounds. At the same time Russia has acquired 100s of thousands of rounds from North Korea. Reduced counterfire by Ukraine coupled with more munitions means Russia has increased its fires. And back to my point in the other post, Ukrainians are dying in increased numbers due to that lack of fire support.

I wonder if the proudly Christian Mike Johnson discusses that with his God?

arty expenditure.jpg
Stopping Russian aggression in Ukraine is time critical and thus a high priority. It’s hard to dig out an entrenched enemy such as Russia in the Donbas and Crimea. The Ukrainians have repelled the large if inept Russian army better than most expected. “I don’t need a ride, I need ammunition!” Let’s continue to give the brave Ukrainians the weapons, training, ammunition, intelligence, and logistics support required for them to stop the Russians if not repel them from Ukrainian soil.

Yes, my tax dollars are being used to pay for ammo for Ukraine. That’s a better use of my money than “gender reassignment surgery”, electric vehicle rebates and charging stations, welfare for each of 13 children, and any DEI type education.

The ammo and equipment sent to Ukraine is in majority “old stuff”. It’s all old but still in condition codes A, B, or C. Probably most except perhaps very short supply items are in CC “A”. CC’s B and C are serviceable but maybe not perfect or getting old.


A lot of that ammo might have never been used which in time creates a “demilitarization” liability. It cost money, big money to demil ammunition.


The M1 Abrams tanks, M2 Bradleys, and M-113 APCs sent were not the latest and greatest combat vehicle variants either.

What are top of the line equipment items are Javelin missiles, HIMARS rocket launchers, F-16 fighters and so on. The older equipment in Ukrainian hands will match or better what the Russians can field. The newer gear will provide a “combat multiplier” overmatching Russian capabilities.


I personally do not like Trump but aside for his never-ending narcissism, he did a pretty good job as President. No one can please all in that position, even Ronald Regan. God bless Ronald Regan. If Trump could only learn to keep his mouth shut and stay away from social media. If only… That stated, I will vote for the lesser of evils in November.

I also do not think that if elected, Trump will cut off Ukraine funding with a flip of a switch. He didn’t withdraw from Afghanistan too fast. Syria maybe but not Afghanistan. Biden did that. Trump also stated he’d end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours. Fat chance of that but it tells me that Trump will actually do something logical toward Ukraine. With Trump, no one knows what comes next. That scares many and I suspect even Putin.

The southern border is a problem worse than most imagine. It must be fixed but Biden's one-world ultra-rich masters won’t let him. Or, maybe it is the Chinese who are in control? Who the heck really knows at this point?

Yes, we need to correct all the problems facing the greatest country on earth. The entire world needs the USA to continue to do the right thing. Keep the sea lanes open, protect weaker countries from aggressive dictators, stop moral crimes such as drugs and slavery and so on.

If American had remained isolationist since 1900, what would the world be today? Would we be enslaved by NAZI’s or Imperial Japanese? Or by some evil caliphate headed by an ISIS or Iran that because of the USA never came to power?

None of these are good to think of as we sit in the comfort of our middle-class western homes with safe drinking water, mostly safe communities, and food on the table every night.

I certainly do not have all the answers to America's and the world's problems. I do believe we should:
1. Support Ukraine repelling the Russians now.
2. Close the USA southern borders as soon as possible. That probably won't be possible until we get a conservative President.

Combat first aid includes in this order:
A. Stop the bleeding (Ukraine)
B. Start the breathing (Southern border)
C. Treat for shock (Other problems such as China in the South China Sea, Woke anything, and so on) that will spiral out of control if not corrected)
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I think Ukraine will collapse if the west dont raise the stakes..so what do you suggest should be done to pass the message to Putin..? If he is allowed to continue like this he will probably desimate the power grid and cause prolonged misery all over Ukraine..
Thus far the Russians, from a strategic bombardment perspective, have done a pretty pathetic job attacking Ukraine's power grid this winter. They carried out a massive drone and missile attack three days ago and approximately 15% of the munitions got through Ukrainian air defenses. Of those, approximately half hit apartment buildings and the like.

Let's say the munitions that made it through represented 10 cruise missiles and 10 Shaheed drones. That would be a combined conventional throw weight of 5000kg (10,000lbs) for the cruise missiles and 1150kg (2300lbs) for the drones. In other words 12,300 lbs of explosives directed a multiple targets in multiple cities. A single Lancaster bomber carried a payload of 14,000lbs on a raid over Germany - a raid in which several hundred bombers would participate. Yes, the cruise missiles and drones are more accurate, but the few getting through are not nearly destructive enough to take down the Ukrainian power grid. And of course, German industry continued to function very effectively under tremendous bombardment until the last few months of the war.

A failure to resupply Ukraine's ADA assets with munitions could change that success rate dramatically.

What to do about it? Immediately reverse the Biden/Sullivan "just enough strategy." Announce we intend to provide 700 M1A2 tanks and 1500 Bradley IFVs by the middle of 2025 with initial deliveries beginning immediately. Announce we are accelerating the transfer of F-16 fighters to insure 6 fully operational squadrons by the middle of 2025. Announce the deployment of two or three additional Patriot batteries. Announce the provision of 300 Paladin howitzer systems. That would force the Russians into a 18 month window to negotiate a solution to this war before Ukraine would have the capability to solve it for them.

We could do all of that without affecting our ability in the least to fight a air sea campaign against China.

Of course, the likelihood of that is about as certain as unleashing a TLAM strike on Crimea.
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Red Leg, the lining of pockets isn’t the munitions and equipment. But the side deals for people to vote one way or the other. The house Minority isn’t walking over a check to the Speaker.

The underbelly in DC does that in bars, hotels and on vacations. “ hey thanks for your support on my bill, these lobbyists have a car, Watch, vacation, stock market inside tips for you. Or, when you retire. We have an advisor position in our company for you. Or your family

As Rodney Dangerfield said “here’s $20 keep it fair” keep it fair
What to do about it? Immediately reverse the Biden/Sullivan "just enough strategy." Announce we intend to provide 700 M1A2 tanks and 1500 Bradley IFVs by the middle of 2025 with initial deliveries beginning immediately. Announce we are accelerating the transfer of F-16 fighters to insure 6 fully operational squadrons by the middle of 2025. Announce the deployment of two or three additional Patriot batteries. Announce the provision of 300 Paladin howitzer systems. That would force the Russians into a 18 month window to negotiate a solution to this war before Ukraine would have the capability to solve it for them.
Okay, I am catching on. Thanks for the lesson. This is Gunboat Diplomacy by other means...

The thought of Ukrainians receiving all those destructive US Army and Air Force weapons systems with accompanying training and spares is very much like having a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) or Brigade (MEB) floating just outside of artillery range off the coast of an uncooperative nation. Most people would rather negotiate with diplomats than face the tip of the spear of warriors.
Red Leg, the lining of pockets isn’t the munitions and equipment. But the side deals for people to vote one way or the other. The house Minority isn’t walking over a check to the Speaker.

The underbelly in DC does that in bars, hotels and on vacations. “ hey thanks for your support on my bill, these lobbyists have a car, Watch, vacation, stock market inside tips for you. Or, when you retire. We have an advisor position in our company for you. Or your family

As Rodney Dangerfield said “here’s $20 keep it fair” keep it fair
You may find this hard to believe but the vast majority of congressmen are scrupulous in avoiding even the perception of bribery. Unlike football coaches, they don't get free cars or free vacations. Turning in an annual disclosure statement (which all congressmen and anyone GS15 and above must do) is a sobering experience. It includes spouse and dependent children. A deliberate false statement on it is a felony, much less the action itself.

You should review it. https://ethics.house.gov/financial-dislosure/specific-disclosure-requirements The law as amended has made government service far less "lucrative" than previously. It is why almost a third of the House of representatives actually live in their offices during session. The House gym becomes a place to shower. A second home, even apartment, in DC in unaffordable for someone living on just their salary. Most junior personal and committee staff will live three and four to an apartment in order to make ends meet.

Misrepresenting income or gifts on disclosure is a very serious violation of the law. Senator Menendez is about to discover that it applies to everyone. It is one reason many if not most democrats find Biden's narrow skating of the law as reprehensible as republicans. Were his opponent not Trump we would hear much more about it.
I agree that DOD money is just bookkeeping transactions. I think the biggest complaint and mine is State Department money that does not have the same control as DOD money and who know where that goes. Based on history usually Switzerland, etc.

Unfortunately, Ukraine did not have the materials that they needed and still don't. I suspect, but just my conspiracy theory, that the Biden family was too busy taking money from both Russia and Ukraine to pick a winner. Trump can pick a winner as he's (at least anyone knows) is not beholden to either. What that looks like, who knows.

I do know the Army just "demilitarized" another batch of Munitions a couple days ago, as the house moved a couple of times. Not sure why those could not have been used in Ukraine is beyond me.
As @redleg stated, Menendez has some real explaining to do…..

Several gold bars weighing 1 kilo each were discovered in his possession- and why is that important?

Because the serial numbers on those bars match court records from when they were stolen during an armed robbery of a New Jersey developer accused of bribing Menendez.

So the bars were stolen and returned to the developer and the FBI finds them in Menendez’s home…. A decade after they were returned to the developer they were stolen from.
Okay, I am catching on. Thanks for the lesson. This is Gunboat Diplomacy by other means...

The thought of Ukrainians receiving all those destructive US Army and Air Force weapons systems with accompanying training and spares is very much like having a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) or Brigade (MEB) floating just outside of artillery range off the coast of an uncooperative nation. Most people would rather negotiate with diplomats than face the tip of the spear of warriors.
I must apologize to those not familiar with the term Gunboat Diplomacy.
This is a cinematic portrayal of a real example of Gunboat Diplomacy from the movie Wind and the Lion staring Sean Connery, Candance Bergen, and Brian Keith.

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Technically, insider trading for congressional members. Is against the law. Unfortunately the reality is. They give each other a $200 fine. And then that is never collected.

If you or I get caught using inside information in stock trading. It’s a felony and we are definitely going to prison.
Technically, insider trading for congressional members. Is against the law. Unfortunately the reality is. They give each other a $200 fine. And then that is never collected.

If you or I get caught using inside information in stock trading. It’s a felony and we are definitely going to prison.
Something I don't understand--Someone gets elected to Congress, goes in poor as dirt and at the end of his term is a millionaire. How does that work??
Great to see Jarheads kickin A$$

I see they didn’t have the “Stock” or leather neck and throat protection on the uniforms then.

They also lower the rifle when cycling the bolt. But they got good ejection :>))))
I must apologize to those not familiar with the term Gunboat Diplomacy.
This is a cinematic portrayal of a real example of Gunboat Diplomacy from the movie Wind and the Lion staring Sean Connery, Candance Bergen, and Brian Keith.

One of the great scenes ever filmed! Any movie directed by John Milius, who was a devoted firearms collector, will have absolutely correct period weapons. And what a cast! Don't forget John Huston portraying Hay.
Technically, insider trading for congressional members. Is against the law. Unfortunately the reality is. They give each other a $200 fine. And then that is never collected.

If you or I get caught using inside information in stock trading. It’s a felony and we are definitely going to prison.
I opened this article incredulously expecting to see revelations about rampant insider trading. Unless I have misread something there are none. What it does provide is a list of 78 of the 535 members of the House and Senate who were "guilty" of failing to timely self-report stock trading activity as required by the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2012. Apparently, the 78 instances noted have occurred since 2019 with some being a few days and others of several months to more than a year late. Because this law applies to no one else but members of the House and Senate, it acts really more of a rule than a law. Moreover, enforcement is left to the executive branch.

Therefore no one reading this has to worry about going to jail over the STOCK act.

I think the authors would do a much better service if they would actually investigate and publish sales or purchases of stock that seem to indicate the effect of prior knowledge. Of course falsely accusing someone of a crime offers dangerous legal footing. It is much easier and safer to simply imply something illegal or unethical is taking place. I mean what could possibly be more nefarious than Feinstein failing to promptly disclose a five-figure investment (the authors' caps) in a private, youth-focused polling company. :unsure:

Insider trading is notoriously difficult to prove - with apologies to Martha Stewart - though the SEC did bring charges against several corporate officers and one former Congressman in 2022 who obtained non-public information while acting as a consultant.
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I opened this article expecting to see revelations about insider trading. Unless I have misread something there are none. What it does provide is a list of 78 of the 535 members of the House and Senate who were "guilty" of failing to timely self-report stock trading activity as required by the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act of 2012. Apparently, the 78 instances noted have occurred since 2019 with some being a few days and others of several months to more than a year late. Because this law applies to no one else but members of the House and Senate, it acts really more of a rule than a law. Moreover, enforcement is left to the executive branch.

Therefore no one reading this has to worry about going to jail over the STOCK act.

I think the authors would do a much better service if they would actually investigate and publish sales or purchases of stock that seem to indicate the effect of prior knowledge. Of course falsely accusing someone of a crime offers dangerous legal footing. It is much easier and safer to simply imply something illegal or unethical is taking place.

Insider trading is notoriously difficult to prove, though the SEC brought charges against several corporate officers and one former Congressman in 2022 who obtained non-public information while acting as a consultant.
Nancy Pelosi and her husband have been conducting insider trading for DECADES with no consequences. His investments via her Congressional insider information have made them multi millionaires. The rest of us would have been in prison decades ago. And the beat goes on.
Nancy Pelosi and her husband have been conducting insider trading for DECADES with no consequences. His investments via her Congressional insider information have made them multi millionaires. The rest of us would have been in prison decades ago. And the beat goes on.
No one will ever catch me defending Nancy Pelosi. :oops:
The most problem with insider trading charges is that insider trading is prosecuted under the “expropriation” legal theory. It basically means that the company owns the information and that information was stolen from the company and used for personal benefit. Since trading by politicians does not rely on information owned by the company the expropriation theory does not apply. You could argue that the information belongs to the country, but the politician is part of the country. It is also disputable whether the politician is entrusted with the information.

In Chiarella a printer came across information about a merger through documents he was printing and traded on that information. He was found not guilty of insider trading because he was not a company employee and not entrusted with the information.

A security analyst friend of mine, Ray Dirks learned from a former disgruntled employee that his former company was guilty of fraudulent reporting. Ray told his clients to sell their stock. He didn’t do time but was found guilty, fined, and lost his securities license because his source was entrusted with the information although the trading was third hand.

Please note that I am not a lawyer but have published several articles on insider trading in Finance and Accounting journals.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!