He’s a narcissist that’s why. He always was and always will be. A lot of Republicans voting for him are holding their nose. I’ve never seen a candidate who was not endorsed by some of his party members, ex secretaries and his vice president in my lifetime before.
If Harris is able to give away $25k of printed or borrowed money for people that can not repay the mortgage. It will eventually lead to another real estate collapse.
Just as Biden is currently doing. She will ignore the Supreme Court and forgive college loans and give mortgage loans to unqualified people.
If you have more real estate than necessary. As soon as she is elected it may be a good time to sell real estate. Then when it craters. A good time to buy.
When Barney Frank badgered Bill Clinton into a similar idea that Harris is pushing. It did take more than one 4 year term to show the damage. Lenders were able to fend off the impending collapse by bundling the loans as junk. But the inevitable happened almost 8-10 yrs later. Dems have tried to rewrite history and blame the lenders. The federal government forced lenders to loan Money to people they knew coild never pay it back.
Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis
On December 9, The Atlantic published online an interview with Congressman Barney Frank. In it, he called me a “real extremist.” This name-calling was not only false but also inappropriate to the seriousness of the issue — which is whether government housing policy, and not the banks or the...www.aei.org
Yes, and we sold those bundles as "A" rated to our allies like Sweden who were non-plussed that we would do such a swindle to them. We really stunk on that one...let's please not repeat it.If Harris is able to give away $25k of printed or borrowed money for people that can not repay the mortgage. It will eventually lead to another real estate collapse.
Just as Biden is currently doing. She will ignore the Supreme Court and forgive college loans and give mortgage loans to unqualified people.
If you have more real estate than necessary. As soon as she is elected it may be a good time to sell real estate. Then when it craters. A good time to buy.
When Barney Frank badgered Bill Clinton into a similar idea that Harris is pushing. It did take more than one 4 year term to show the damage. Lenders were able to fend off the impending collapse by bundling the loans as junk. But the inevitable happened almost 8-10 yrs later. Dems have tried to rewrite history and blame the lenders. The federal government forced lenders to loan Money to people they knew coild never pay it back.
Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis
On December 9, The Atlantic published online an interview with Congressman Barney Frank. In it, he called me a “real extremist.” This name-calling was not only false but also inappropriate to the seriousness of the issue — which is whether government housing policy, and not the banks or the...www.aei.org
They all are. It’s not exclusive to Trump but he’s at a different level and it might cost him the election. We’ll see…Name one politician that’s not a narcissist…..,,,
One of my black truck drivers despises Trump, when you ask him why he says he’s a racist. Then ask for an example of him being a racist his answer is always “I’m not going there”. He won’t engage in any dialogue at all, of course he gets all of his news from the MSM. Thankfully he has never voted so I tell him if he won’t vote he can’t complain.re: the trump being devisive issue,
why is trump considered so divisive? what is it he does that gets people sooo riled up? what is it that he has done that requires the energy expended to spew anger, angst, hate and discontent toward not only him but anyone that would vote for him?
i would offer a theory: the mainstream media AND many social media outlets.
it is fairly well known that trump receives negative coverage to the high 80's to high 90%. now, with the constant bombardment of negative press regarding his tweets, character, behaviors, his racism (easily proven not true) hating women, white supremacy, hitler/nazi, facist, etc. how would any low information voter ever get an honest appraisal of him?
the man or woman working hard, head down making a living, raising children, just plain busy with life turns on the tv to find hatred spewed toward this man is going to see what from most conventional sources? basically, "orange man bad".
which of us could endure the multiple attacks that trump has? (legal, financial, rhetorical, physical) almost anything he says is twisted by the MSM (and other social media's) to be racist, hate filled, "end of democracy" rhetoric.
TDS (trump derangement syndrome) i believe is a real thing. so, how could he be seen as anything other that the "devil" or devisive by those people? negative ads or lies tend to work when repeated over and over and over again as the MSM has done when trump was in office and even during the 4 years he was not! i suspect ANY member of this forum would be destroyed by such a constant barrage of negativity.
so, how does he get an actual opportunity to bring the country together when the left MSM/social media constantly rants and tries to poison the pond? remember too, mcCain was the devil when he was "the guy" as was romney. ANY politician on the right is going to get demonized. trump was a darling of the left as the "apprentice" guy, then hated when he threw his hat in the political ring. jd vance was well received too, until he became a politician on the right and things got waaaay worse when he was picked for VP.
how would the country look at him if the MSM merely gave an honest appraisal to his policies? not going to happen, but it would likely change a lot of hearts and minds over time.
so to wrap this lengthy observation up, how does trump get an honest shake from the media? unfortunately i suspect it wont happen.
so, if trump wins, 4 years of constant negativity (not his fault) if harris wins, 4 years of being governed by an idiot leftist who likely will be just a puppet, much like biden who will bring our country farther down a horrible path.
you can thank the MSM media for that
It is not just MSM that spouts incorrect information. Only 3% of homes were bought by institutional investors in 2021 and it was 1% in the years prior.Well said.
That thing about 40% of homes being bought by investment groups sucks - no wonder no one can buy a house. ...
The one major misconception about the investor-homebuying myth is that big, faceless companies are the largest force in buying houses. While large corporations certainly play a hand in shaping the market landscape, they only made up around 3% of American home sales in 2021 and only 1% in previous years. In reality, most home purchases in the investor space are made by smaller, localized groups. Everyone and their broker are trying to get into the real estate market. Today we see hedge funds, private equity firms, insurance companies, real estate investment trusts, and even mom-and-pop landlords taking a more active interest in rental housing.
I'm ugly but identify as handsome.As of today, you can easily change your gender in Germany by applying to the registry office, just like that, without a medical certificate or anything like that.
If you realize that you're in the wrong body, it's now very easy as a German citizen. Isn't that a great achievement of a civilization?
I also realize that I am somehow knitted wrong.
I am transfinancial .
I was born a millionaire and am now stuck in the body of a poor sod.
Whatever. I guess your wish and that of the handful of well known co-thinkers here is for Trump to lose and the country to suffer another 4 years of the accelerating decline we’ve seen the last four? Obama is the most narcissistic individual I’ve ever witnessed. No politician holds a candle to bho. IMO, wer’re witnessing our own demise, paused under Trump, that began in earnest under Obama.They all are. It’s not exclusive to Trump but he’s at a different level and it might cost him the election. We’ll see…
“Our own demise”, as you put it, started way before Obama with the indoctrination of the youth in public education system.IMO, wer’re witnessing our own demise, paused under Trump, that began in earnest under Obama.
and JD and Tulsy Gabber " cant spell "at Bedford did a great job standing up for vets ,Everyone should go listen to the JD Vance, Joe Rogan episode. JD Vance will be a political force, also you can tell Rogan is over Harris. No way she is going on his show now.