
About 12 years ago I got a look at the F-35 at the airshow at Davis Monthan. Unfortunately, you could only get within about 25 feet of it. It was roped off with an armed guard behind the rope.
An impressive piece of technology. I don't remember which model it was
Every light in the sky is now a drone, even in our sleepy little town on the gulf coast people claim they se drones flying around their house every night! This will get out of hand pretty soon if someone doesn’t come clean on these things.
We are sandwiched between 2 military bases , Kessler AFB to the west and Pensacola NAS to the east.

I agree with @Ridge Runner , a couple of 105s loaded with beehives should do the trick or the punt gun can be the new home defense weapon.

Unfortunately, if you read the laws on drones:

You can't. Which is complete nonsense. What if my son is playing in the yard and a drone flies down close to him? If it's still in the air, you apparently, can't do anything. So am I supposed to let the rotors kill him? These things are supposedly like 4-5' long at least. And that's just the very basic concern of it.

I didn't actually really begin to feel super concerned about this until this morning. I put the pieces together on this. They could be carrying explosives like they are using in Ukraine/Russia. They could quite literally, be suicide drones packed with explosives themselves. We literally could be facing a domestic attack. The FAA protects them so heavily that how do we know who is flying these things, what are they carrying, and what is their intent?

Van Drew mentioned they could be coming from an Iranian "mother ship" off the eastern seaboard. Being someone with a great deal of nautical expertise, it's not much for a ship to turn off it's AIS. Commercial fishing vessels are required to keep them on while engaged in fishing but I know for a fact they sometimes turn them off when they are transiting to another area to avoid tipping off the competition for schools of fish/squid or productive scallop grounds. How do we know it's not a foreign adversary with it's AIS turned off launching these things back and forth, doing recce prior to a coordinated attack?

This is some really serious stuff. The fact there's no accountability or guidance on this is really troubling. They may literally might have no clue what these things are. Maybe they do know and are waiting for an attack to create a flag-event. Maybe they are our own and just don't know enough to say or want to due to it being highly classified.

In a discussion between friends, one of them asked "Why wouldn't they target NYC?" My answer was it's probably incredibly hard to fly them around sky scrapers. Next best bet: The most populated area close by which is northern NJ. Long Island is not a bad second alternative but northern NJ is still more populated.

Add to the fact that we've had a terrifying amount of bad actors come over the border, this is really not good. I don't mean Venezuelan gangs, MS13, or whatever. I mean Hamas, AQ, ISIL, etc. We are super unpopular in the world now. Hamas, Russia, China, Iran, we just bombed ISIL locations in Syria.

So, yeah...hoping everyone has a happy holiday and January 20th arrives without a hitch.
Reminds me of the movie "Angel has fallen" where the President and SS are attacked by sophisticated drones.
Wouldn't surprise me if dark forces attempted a drone attack on Trump. Needs to be very careful on inauguration day. IMO

Doesn't the Whitehouse and SS have sophisticated electronic jamming equipment?
Doesn't the Whitehouse and SS have sophisticated electronic jamming equipment?

You'd hope so. The problem is that they've allowed such loose laws in terms of flying drones. There is literally nothing stopping someone from flying a drone in a no fly space. I'm sure they would block a drone or take appropriate measures to take down one flying lets say, near the White House. However, do they have the ability to block 20-50 of them flying over NJ?

For example, when I was in Hawaii, my wife insisted we buy a drone to take pics/video of our trip. When I got there, the DJI iFly app blocked me from flying it because Hawaii has a no drone policy in place. I figured, oh well, that sucks. We got to a scenic overlook and some guy was flying a drone. I asked him which one it was and it was a DJI like mine. I asked him how he got it to fly and he said he turned off location services on his phone, changed a setting on the app, and was off to the races.

So if it's that easy, how are we enforcing this with a ridiculous amount in the air?
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@HookMeUpII , the 105s was more in jest. On a serious note about shooting down drones. In the state of Alabama I have a constitutional right to hunt. It is also against state law for someone to interfere or harass someone on a legal hunt. What do you do if an anti hunter starts flying a drone around your deer stand or duck spread. Personally I would find the operator and sic the game warden on them but some people may take things into their own hands. I would assume any federal laws would trump state law.
@HookMeUpII , the 105s was more in jest. On a serious note about shooting down drones. In the state of Alabama I have a constitutional right to hunt. It is also against state law for someone to interfere or harass someone on a legal hunt. What do you do if an anti hunter starts flying a drone around your deer stand or duck spread. Personally I would find the operator and sic the game warden on them but some people may take things into their own hands. I would assume any federal laws would trump state law.

Most of NJ has no discharge laws, overriding, and no hunting within 450' of another dwelling. I see your point. Hunting ducks/geese in the marsh/field, one could possibly "get into the line of fire."

Otherwise, discharging a firearm like that here is a free ride in the back of a cop car. I actually hunt areas here that people are blown away that I do. I've had the police come and check things out but when they are educated on the laws, there's nothing they can do. One time I had to play the whole "well you should call the game warden then" and they left.

To my point, someone got a video of one over a local high school this morning. Not good.
I asked a couple of F-15 & F-16 pilots' friends of mine about what Musk said about the F-35s. In unison they all said the F-35 was a POS aircraft. Even though some of the F-16 pilots were going to be flying them soon. The reason they claimed that is because the powers to be demanded too many requirements of the F-35 design and to fit all the services who will use them (insert here multi role aircraft, one size fits all). They all claimed that the Air Force should have gotten more (or all) F-22s instead. They praised the F-22 and the aircraft capabilities. These pilots also said that if the aircraft design was kept to a single role, maybe, and a big maybe the aircraft would have been better.

All I know from personally watching one, is that they are obnoxiously loud, loudest aircraft in our inventory. :ROFLMAO:
@HookMeUpII , the 105s was more in jest. On a serious note about shooting down drones. In the state of Alabama I have a constitutional right to hunt. It is also against state law for someone to interfere or harass someone on a legal hunt. What do you do if an anti hunter starts flying a drone around your deer stand or duck spread. Personally I would find the operator and sic the game warden on them but some people may take things into their own hands. I would assume any federal laws would trump state law.

In GA, and if you are hunting on your property, you can legally shoot them down. :ROFLMAO:
Most of NJ has no discharge laws, overriding, and no hunting within 450' of another dwelling. I see your point. Hunting ducks/geese in the marsh/field, one could possibly "get into the line of fire."

Otherwise, discharging a firearm like that here is a free ride in the back of a cop car. I actually hunt areas here that people are blown away that I do. I've had the police come and check things out but when they are educated on the laws, there's nothing they can do. One time I had to play the whole "well you should call the game warden then" and they left.

To my point, someone got a video of one over a local high school this morning. Not good.
That’s why we live in the country, I can shoot off of my back porch if I want to. I do sit on it and guard my cornfield from deer every now and again.
I admit that I love analysing and trying to understand why people do what they do. In that regard I am utterly baffled by the Democratic party and what looks like a self inflicted and engineered demise. Is there a single master mind behind this, or because of Joe's weakness and stupidity did they just bumble along into it by committee?
Talking about the whole woke thing and DEI in particular I have heard various figures, but this crowd seem to comprise no more than about 10% of the population. Clearly the rest of the population are not comfortable with it, so which genius decided to make this a pillar of Democratic policy? Tolerance is one thing, ramming it down other peoples throats is quite another.
My conclusion is that Joe was known to be weak, even a fool (Obama said as much), but he was put in so that he could just rubber stamp an agenda. The problem came with that agenda coming from all sorts of forceful blue haired types who were inserted in the advice chain and had to be pandered to and accommodated. But why? Surely there were sensible people in power behind Joe who saw this all unfolding? Perhaps there were, there was suddenly the application of brakes by Pelosi et al, but all too late and with Joe firmly under the bus the train continued towards the cliff with their alternative pick -Kamala! The mind boggles!

I have just focused upon woke, but you can equally add illegalbimmigration and

So my grand conclusion is that the Democrats are utterly, dare I say, stupid. What other conclusion can one reach?
First, the left truly believes THEY are the smart ones, and the flyover states are the local yokels. Second, "woke" was to go a LOT farther--the gay agenda, for example didn't stop with acceptance or even demand that society celebrate their choice...that was the camel's head under the tent. Next came celebration/empowerment of trans, with dress wearing admirals and such. Next, I predict will be legitimizing pedophilia through the "man-boy love" association. Think that is even the end--then you don't know how far down the slimy butthole the whole thing goes! At some point someone would have to say "the king has no clothes." Epstein just cashed in on celebrity acceptance of sex with children, but does anyone think you could ever MAINSTREAM cutting, mutilation, eating fecal matter, torture, and "boxing" etc. etc. A sewer of filth is one of the reasons muslims hate the west, and say we are not civilized. America is the largest producer/purveyor of porn all the way to the bottom, worldwide. Great. Just great.
Reminds me of the movie "Angel has fallen" where the President and SS are attacked by sophisticated drones.
Wouldn't surprise me if dark forces attempted a drone attack on Trump. Needs to be very careful on inauguration day. IMO

Doesn't the Whitehouse and SS have sophisticated electronic jamming equipment?
The Whitehouse has a lot of security tech. They also use drones extensively to watch the crowds that gather outside. My office is about 3 blocks away and I know when there is a big crowd because I can see the drone(s) hovering. It’s amazing how stationary they can stay and for how long.

Also amazing how many plainclothes are in the area. I’ve see. Them materialize when there was a suspicious vehicle and even a suspicious driver who was taken away. Including a couple dressed like and blending in with the numerous homeless in the area.
That’s why we live in the country, I can shoot off of my back porch if I want to. I do sit on it and guard my cornfield from deer every now and again.
][emoji[emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]]" data-quote="Hunt anything" data-source="post: 0" class="bbCodeBlock bbCodeBlock--expandable bbCodeBlock--quote js-expandWatch">
That’s why we live in the country, I can shoot off of my back porch if I want to. I do sit on it and guard my cornfield from deer every now and again.

You and me both. Fly a drone up to my house you are at least half a mile into my property…
I asked a couple of F-15 & F-16 pilots' friends of mine about what Musk said about the F-35s. In unison they all said the F-35 was a POS aircraft. Even though some of the F-16 pilots were going to be flying them soon. The reason they claimed that is because the powers to be demanded too many requirements of the F-35 design and to fit all the services who will use them (insert here multi role aircraft, one size fits all). They all claimed that the Air Force should have gotten more (or all) F-22s instead. They praised the F-22 and the aircraft capabilities. These pilots also said that if the aircraft design was kept to a single role, maybe, and a big maybe the aircraft would have been better.

All I know from personally watching one, is that they are obnoxiously loud, loudest aircraft in our inventory. :ROFLMAO:
That’s because you asked F-16 and F-15 guys. Those guys are very parochial about what they do, which includes air to air engagements. The F-35 was smoked by an F-16 in some kind of very visible demonstration of the dissimilar types, can’t remember what/when that was exactly. The F-22 smokes everyone in close engagements, and it’s not even “fair.” The F-35 was designed to deliver BVR (beyond visual range) weapons, and then split. It’s very high tech in threat detection and weapons use. Most adversaries would never know what hit them or where it came from, in theory at least. A modern-day version of the F-104 and 106.

I attended a very interesting presentation given by the experimental test pilots from the Air Force and Lockheed Martin on the generational tech and data advancements from the F-16 to the F-22 and then the F-35. Literally orders of magnitude improvements, especially in the jump to the F-35. It does BVR killing amazingly well. Actually fighting though, the boys in their g monsters definitely have the advantage; the F-35 is a fast, capable standoff platform by design.

So therein lies the problem/debate… what’s modern warfare going to look like? Actual air to air engagements since Vietnam have been minuscule in number, which incidentally has driven the obsession for multi-role capabilities in new/newer platforms….. The F-15 then later the F-15E and now the F-15EX, the F-22 then later the conversion to a F/A-22 like platform, the F-18 to the F/A-18 which happened quickly since the Navy has only so much room on their flight and hangar decks, and even the F-14 to the F/A-14 briefly before its demise. The F-16 has always been multi-role.

But is a China threat met and defeated with the new BVR high-tech gizmos, or are we setting ourselves up once again for a gap in fighter capabilities by relying on these new interceptors? The F-4 didn’t even have a 20mm canon when Vietnam broke out, just missiles. That’s why Top Gun and Fighter Weapons School began back then.

Low intensity conflicts such as Desert Storm absolutely did reshape doctrine. A friend even shot down an Iraqi airborne helicopter with a bomb from his F-15E, as that was all he had left after working his kill box that day.

Complicated, and very, very expensive decisions being made.
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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell