I can believe colleges are getting some of my tax dollars.My daughter got her Masters at Columbia and her husband got his undergraduate degree there on the GI Bill after Army tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. They cannot believe what is going on there.
Yes, Bolton doesn't think much of Trump. But Bolton does make a decent argument, based on facts.
The huge cuts in our military started way before 1994. I live near Barksdale AFB, headquarters to Air Force Global Strike Command and also 8th Air Force. I lived on Barksdale in the 1970s and early 80s and it is sad and very concerning to see the current state. And the same B-52s, albeit with some upgrades, are still being flown.
Base Realignment and Closure - Wikipedia
Hopefully they enjoyed their time at Columbia, and didn't have to deal with the type of nonsense going on recently.My daughter got her Masters at Columbia and her husband got his undergraduate degree there on the GI Bill after Army tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. They cannot believe what is going on there.
I agree with planting trees, the US has more trees then in recorded history. Trees like CO2. I do not believe that man made activities can change the climate in any appreciable fashion. Please convince me that I am wrong. Tell me if there are lifestyles that contribute to climate change.
Human culture and technology has been stunted in the past by “mini ice ages”. This has occurred on and off for the last recordable 800 years. With the exception of stratovarius violins I see nothing good taking place in these cold periods.
As a free thinking individual, I oppose ice ages, if you can convince me that my lifestyle contributes to global warming the I will adjust my wants for the global good. I will walk the earth with a giant carbon footprint, just call me Sasquatch. If forced to drive an electric vehicle I will tow a trailer burning tires. I have so much enjoyed the last 20 years of mild winters and will do my part to see that this continues.
And so my Australian friend, convince me that I can affect the climate and I will. I wish that this were true. So look at the irony, if I am made to believe that I am a factor In this then our lifestyles will cancel each other out. Hopefully you see the humor in this.
Well even Putin himself said that corruption was embedded in Russian culture.A good video telling how russia has turned into criminal institution.
A former russian soldier explains how the system lie and draft(kidnap) boys or men to serve in Ukraine. All institutions lie from low to high level. Families are being lied to, soldiers are being lie to. Everybody is being lied to by Putins regime. After watching this I could find sympathy for the ordinary russian. Putin is a murder, liiar and rotten to the core.
Take your time:
Columbia University out of control. Trump cancels $400 million in federal money.
Absolutely correct. The defense cuts started in 1988 and went through three phases.Yes, Bolton doesn't think much of Trump. But Bolton does make a decent argument, based on facts.
The huge cuts in our military started way before 1994. I live near Barksdale AFB, headquarters to Air Force Global Strike Command and also 8th Air Force. I lived on Barksdale in the 1970s and early 80s and it is sad and very concerning to see the current state. And the same B-52s, albeit with some upgrades, are still being flown.
Base Realignment and Closure - Wikipedia
One small correction to a bit of American mythology. The Colonial Army could do very little against the British until the forming of the Continental Regiments which could go volley to volley with British regulars. That first evenly fought battle was Monmouth in the summer of 1778.I’m not sure that’s entirely the case…
No doubt Trump appears to flop around, and no doubt that makes things very challenging..
But I’m not so sure that the mediator is over its head, so much as the game has completely changed, and no one has quite figured out how to handle that yet..
Trump isn’t a traditional politician..
The last time around he surrounded himself with long serving traditional politicians…
This time around there are only a few in his cabinet (like Rubio)..
These guys play the game by a completely different set of rules…
Much like the Brits in April of 1775 expecting to fight a typical “European” style war, only to find that the colonials had these pesky “Ranger” units that didn’t fight “fair” (by their rules)…
These are different times… they’re going to call for different strategies and tactics… sticking to the “old” ways of politics is going to largely be unsuccessful when trying to negotiate with the Trump Administration I’m afraid..
Very easy answer.The bigger question is why they were getting $400M when they are sitting on a $15B endowment.