Interesting organizational arrangement. In the battalions and brigades which I commanded or in which I served, the PBO, a WO (sometimes dual hatted as the maintenance WO), managed property. If also the maintenance WO, he would have a key role in unit readiness. Maintaining property accountability was obviously also an important responsibility. Those respective roles were, in turn, under the immediate supervision of the XO and S4. As a commander, I looked to them and subordinate commanders at company or battalion level as owning unit readiness. As far as the unit budget, I, the XO and S4 managed it. It was not a PBO responsibility.
Yes, in a normal unit under normal circumstances a WO would be working under the S-4 and the BnC is overall responsible for unit readiness.
Saying this was not under normal circumstances is a gross understatement. The WO I was replacing had only been in the position 6 months and was retiring after my 30 day, which was 15 days, transition period. There were 3 prior WOs each served less than a year in this position.
The Maintenance SNCO was the acting Maintenance Officer of a sister Bn attached to this Bn supervising both Bn maintenence sections. The S-4 and I were in a sort of Co-Bn Supply Officer status.
Another of many shortcomings and pissing off the BnC is when I told him and the Bn XO, "Sir the Battalion XO is non deploy able...." due to medical reasons.
The Bn S-1 and S-4 NCO already had it in for me. Again this is a unique situation as I was a 2LT in both a Major slot and presumably a WO2 or WO3 slot. Under the proposed military wide restructuring the Bn PBO slot would either be a Major slot and moved to Group or it would be down graded to WO slot at Battalion level. Simply I took away the S-1's promotion slot to Major within the battalion, or I took away the S-4 NCO's promotion slot to WO.
I was placed in this position by the Group and Brigade Commanders with their full support without the BnC's involvement. With the sole purpose of ".....Leuitenant you are to do whatever is necessary.....just get the battalion deployable ....." To say this is not the first time being feed to the wolves. I just didn't expect this situation to be the worst possible case scenario.
After our redeployment home the Group Commander had me reassigned, covering my ass. As there was a huge shake up in command of this battalion; officers and SNCOs were being relieved, retired (one way or another), or reassigned to other duties either within the battalion or transferred out of the battalion.