When German law gives more jail time for calling a convicted rapist a pig, than they give the convicted rapist; then yes I will say the German speech laws are out of control.
Hamburg Germany - A 15yo girl is drinking in the park with friends, she leaves her friends to go to the toilet and gets separated from her friends and lost; she is then attacked and raped by a "migrant" who then proceeds to contact other migrants via whatsapp and invite them to the park. All told this 15yo girl was raped by 9 "migrants" that evening.
Maja R. told the court she sent the message “without thinking twice” — a brave action for a country with notoriously strict defamation laws.
After the trial where a female judge gave no jailtime to any of the convicted rapists who used such brilliant legal defenses as "Yes I raped her, what man wouldn't want that?".
Later a 20yo nursing student sent the first rapist a text message calling him a PIG - and because of German speech laws, calling the "migrant" a pig was an insult to his Islamic faith and therefore a HATECRIME, so the 20yo German female was sent to jail for the weekend for hate speech......
9 Convicted rapist = NO JAIL TIME!