I 99% agree with what you said... except for this sentence:
"He's more of a "tell me how to accomplish the mission" guy"
I don't believe he ever hears anyone tell him about any sort of mission. I believe he decides that for himself and then sets out to do whatever he needs to do to accomplish it. "Tell me how to accomplish the mission", to me, conveys that he is open to the ideas of others. I really don't believe that's true. I just think that sometimes what others want to accomplish aligns with what he's already decided.
Look, I like a lot of the domestic stuff. I like his cabinet picks. I didn't have any issue with providing 5 things I did last week. But there is nothing about him that even remotely says to me that he is anything but a complete narcissist.
We're probably talking past one another and actually agreeing on that one sentence..
An example I'd give you is a recent conversation I had with our HR director at my company..
I told her what I wanted to accomplish..
She came back to me with all of the associated problems... (essentially trying to tell me "we cant do that")...
My response was I don't want to hear about the problems.. that's your job to resolve them.. what I want to know is how we're going to get done what I told you I want to get done...
Im open to the subordinate staff telling me "we can do that boss... here's what its going to cost... " (whether they're talking financial cost, human capital cost, material resource cost, etc)... from there I'll make a decision as to whether or not I want to continue to plod forward on the path Ive put us on.. or put us on another path...
What Im not open to is anyone telling me "no" (unless they can substantiate that something I am asking them to do is illegal, immoral, or unethical... if that's the case they all know to throw the red flag, halt everything that's going on, and bring me exactly the facts that support why they think that)..
Trump appears to operate in a similar manner (albeit I think I am far less brash, brazen, and difficult to reason with)..
He decides he wants to do X... so that's what he expects to have happen... he knows (he isn't stupid) that there are going to be problems/challenges associated with any decision made or any path he chooses to follow... he expects the staff to resolve those problems and stay on the prescribed path..
Where I think he and I likely differ in leadership and management is, I think I am likely far more flexible where he is far more rigid.. I constantly take a pause along the way to an objective, listen to whats going on around me, look at what the outcomes are so far, etc.. and re-evaluate.. if things arent going as planned, Im going to convene the team, find out why, and either alter the course with the same final objective in mind.. or abandon the course altogether and find a completely new path to get us where we need to be...
I think Trump makes a decision, and then puts it in the rear view and doesn't think much about it again... Hes been described as someone that gets bored easily and that doesn't like to dwell on any single matter for very long.. I get the impression he calls a shot and then expects results.. and is then too preoccupied with the next matter of the day to bother giving any time or thought to yesterdays decision..