Hi Scott. I agree. We all need to educate ourselves. I'm a scientist, retired now after a long career. I led large teams of scientists doing mindbendingly complex work. It was challenging and very fulfilling. Because of this background I understand how scientists in other fields do their work. When I see the overwhelming majority of climate scientists making the same observations, with evidence, which is then studied, repeated and confirmed, I'm comfortable with accepting their advice and warnings. Why aren't you?
Yes, the earth's climate has changed through the eons of time. But consider this. It took hundreds of millions of years for algae in the oceans to lay deep seams of slowly rotting carboniferous material, sucking stupendous quantities of carbon dioxide out of the air in the process and delivering the climate we have today. Now, us humans are releasing vast quantities of this stored carbon back into the atmosphere in a very short space of time. Anyone can understand that this has to have an effect. And it is. It's measurable. In the last 20 years we've been able to see it with our own eyes. It is the rate of change that is the problem. It's going to be very difficult and expensive to deal with and so limiting the impact is very much worth doing.
The climate doesn't care how we vote. A hurricane doesn't know if you're right or left of centre, and how far. This issue is not a matter of epochs. The effects are already being felt and will be very troubling in the next 50 and 100 years. I care about that and I'm sure you do too. It will affect our children and theirs and further generations of our families.
What's strange is how some folk feel that the facts of climate change are a personal attack upon them. It's not personal. It's factual. And, it's so easy to deal with. And so profitable. And healthier. Who doesn't want cleaner air to breathe? I have four ICE cars and enjoy keeping them going, but hardly ever drive them these days. It's fun. And it's thrifty, to extract maximum value from them. I tend to ride a bike most places. If I need another car it won't pollute the air we breathe with all kinds of emissions. Where's the problem with that?
I think it's magical the way aeroplanes fly and sailboats sail. And how so much electricity can be sucked out of sunlight. How electricity can be converted from wind, wave and tidal energy, or from the hot depths of the earth beneath our feet. How hydrogen can be split out of seawater with this energy. Bloody fantastic. It's as simple as using the force that is all around us. It's beautiful. How can people not be fascinated by this? Particularly when it's also a big part of the solution to a huge problem we face. Planting trees will help too. Who doesn't like trees?
C'mon Scott. Try to look at things differently. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that your energy needs have been fulfilled from a few panels sitting still in the sunlight, instead of burning stinky, dead algae and ruining the place. Yeah, I still do that from time to time, but less and less. Loving our beautiful planet and living in it comfortably and sustainably is something we can all do, and enjoy doing. For the benefit of us all.