Flipper Dude
AH elite
Could it possibly be your smarmy, condescending manner of speaking that makes Americans resistant to your point of view?People change when they can use something that is better, cheaper and more convenient. Ask Kodak about this.
My wife and I went sailing after retiring. It used to be that cruising sailboats always had a generator to charge lead-acid batteries. Instead of this we had solar panels and lithium batteries. The performance was brilliant, it was cheaper than a generator and was more convenient. This approach is becoming standard. People change when a better, cheaper and more convenient solution is offered.
Who's been in Africa and seen solar panels being used by villagers for water pumps, lighting, etc? Brilliant. Alaska is different, I know. Different solutions are needed. 100+ years ago, a better solution than using horses for transport was devised. It'll happen again.
In Australia right now, we're dealing with problems arising from having too much solar generated electricity. We have to adjust the grid to share it around. Electricity prices are coming down. Please, don't lose hope. Look around and you'll see how bright the future can be.
Lastly, thank you for acknowledging that climate change is human induced. Not all in this place can see it.
Pretty sure that’s it for me. But WTF do I know? I’m not a scientist and all that.