
Well, for all those who have gone googoogaga over AI, Intuitive Machines is now two for two landing on the moon. ;) As one comment I saw on a site said, “Might as well put the landing legs on the side if the vehicle”.

As an aside, what brilliant engineer or AI program designed a landing craft with such a high center of gravity?

Nice view :)

View attachment 670564

ironic that self righting children’s remote control cars have be around at least 30 years and yet the technology escapes space exploration.
Yes, except for native hunters who apparently use them for hunting whales

This kind of thing really grinds my gears.

Natives hunting caribou herds to extinction with snowmobiles and 338s, whale and seal hunting with rifles and dinghy, all in the name of "traditional hunting rights".

If they're going to hunt out of season with no limits or oversight, the traditional part should be forced by law.
So Canada has banned the .460wby?

The . 460 Weatherby is one of the very few rifle cartridges approved by the International Whaling Commission for the harvesting of whales. The cartridge was deemed to have the penetration necessary to penetrate to the brain stem to provide a quick kill on whales.
@Scott CWO I will give a shout out to your neck of the woods though. In June we flew through Denver on the way to Maui. The United crew from Denver was great. It probably helped being in business
I’m talking about the airport staff. Slow as molasses and just walked away from a line of us waiting. No sense of urgency.
This kind of thing really grinds my gears.

Natives hunting caribou herds to extinction with snowmobiles and 338s, whale and seal hunting with rifles and dinghy, all in the name of "traditional hunting rights".

If they're going to hunt out of season with no limits or oversight, the traditional part should be forced by law.

Don't. Get. Me. Started.

Preach it brother...
The . 460 Weatherby is one of the very few rifle cartridges approved by the International Whaling Commission for the harvesting of whales. The cartridge was deemed to have the penetration necessary to penetrate to the brain stem to provide a quick kill on whales.
But what does that have to do with Canadian hunters wishing to visit Africa?!
Yes, except for native hunters who apparently use them for hunting whales
The . 460 Weatherby is one of the very few rifle cartridges approved by the International Whaling Commission for the harvesting of whales. The cartridge was deemed to have the penetration necessary to penetrate to the brain stem to provide a quick kill on whales.

I have no doubt the information you have given is accurate and truthful, and that's why I find it.....


Can you imagine being in that meeting.....

"We need to ban these weapons for the safety of all Canadians, there is no legitimate sporting purpose for weapons with this much power!"

"Actually sir, the natives NEED .460wby's to shoot whales!"

And it's funny because it's true! LOLOLOLOL
Interesting read and food for thought.

Overhere the un-official picture of Trump is he is an aggressor and he is russian colaborator driven by huge inpredictable untrustworthy ego. I doubt Broadways acting school( if such excist) couldn`t make up such charactor for a show.

Couldn`t read the artical(paywall). Trump however is no Chamberlain and no such kind.
A very good friend of mine is a Yale PhD, and currently a dean at a large university in Ohio.. he previously taught at the Naval Academy..

He'll tell you the #1 rule is "publish or die"..

if you want a career in academia, you get published.. and what peer reviewed journal, and who the peers are absolutely matters..

Im personally about 1/2 through a doctoral program myself (taking a VERY long path to completion.. between other time sucks in my life and my true hatred for academia its been a slow and painful process)..

My experience has been my dissertation panel (made up of 3x PhD's and a panel chair (also a PhD) could care less about the content of my dissertation.. At this point I've got 110+ pages of research completed, and Im about 99% convinced none of them have done anything more than a high level pass on any of the actual research.. they are FAR more focused on APA writing style, and finding comma splices than they are the validity of the research (which is one of the things that drives me absolutely nuts)..

I could likely completely make up all of the research.. if it were well documented and the correct processes were followed in generating the data, they'd never know... they are much more concerned with form over function..

While my doctoral program IS NOT in a hard science or engineering field (Im pursuing a doctorate in business), the research methodology is the same..

Needless to say, I question pretty much ALL research.. and seriously discount anyone that declares themselves a "scientist" if the title is all they have to offer..
I can appreciate that we need verification of qualifications, like an accepted doctorate, to give us confidence in the services of professionals--after all, we don't have the luxury of knowing all of them personally. So we codify qualifications in all fields. But then people blindly follow their advice, not checking to see if they are up to date on latest research. My own mother will not take advice from me to take vitamins D3--"my doctor hasn't told me to do that." Later she finds out it is important, but by then has done without the benefits for said period of time. At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our own health, business dealings, etc., and sometimes the best thing we might do is question, then inform ourselves, so that we are an active participant in decisions made. I sure don't want my health to be compromised because some doctor is getting kickback for trying big Pharma's latest and greatest, or to complete one more placebo in a trial. I want what is best for ME.
But more to the point of this thread, I don't want people in power who are really unqualified to be making decisions, deciding what I need or don't need to hunt in Africa, OR to make decisions concerning wildlife management when the closest thing they have experienced to swing their opinion is opinion polls, or the emotional baggage of watching "Bambi." Let real wildlife experts with field experience decide, unpolitically, what is in the best interests of wildlife management. And I don't care what their public poling is from people who don't have a clue about such things.
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I've never had a problem with at any Canada Airport, but land crossings. I've land crossed in BC and Alberta in rental cars (hint Washington & Montana plates) and every time. I get where are you from question and I say Texas, I spend the next five minutes being drilled about if I guns with me.
The only problem I know to warn about is--if you are bringing home fish from Canada, and you fished with a temporary license, be sure the date on the license is good THROUGH YOUR TIME OF DEPARTURE OR BORDER CROSSING. Two uncles stopped fishing, license expired, they lallygagged on their way home, and were cited at the border for this very reason. Doesn't make sense to me, but...
Damn the paywall:

Interesting point from the article: "Eisenhower signaled that the U.S. was willing to escalate militarily if necessary. This, combined with a change in the attitude of the Soviet Union following Stalin’s death..."

In point of fact, there has never been a signal that the US is willing to escalate militarily, and I am still hoping for a Russian change of attitude following Putin's death.
That whole crew earned their PhDs in the 1950s or 1960s, back when you had to show proficiency in both German and Latin. Couldn't get a doctorate without one or the other or both languages back then.

My father learned Latin in a small high school. If I remember correct the Principal knew Latin and felt the need to teach it in addition to his primary duties. My father then served in the Third Army as an MP. He found out he could communicate with many of the German officer POW's who had to learn Latin in college or beyond. Kind of odd when you think about it. Two people with their own language, communicating in a third language that had been dead over 1,000 years.
If 77mill believe the problems america is in is because of an “ overdue” gosh they are brainwashed. The structual corporate greed that drains your society and pockets, the fentanyl problems, the homelessness problems, the dept problems many americans have, high rate of high school drop-outs, obesity, poor foods available , many with untreated medical issues beause they can’t afford to go to the doctor etc etc. A Youtuber said it right. “The american dream is not to live in america”. But if you insist all this because of an “overdue” with europe I will hope for you guys Trump will make it better for the average american. I hope that Trump will not end up what King Herods was for Israel( you are educated you know the story).
One common denominator that I have noticed in the 45 days since Trump took office, and Doge taking an axe to the federal and international bloat, is an influx of people on this forum such as yourself.
People that have not posted here before, and have nothing of value to add, besides the incessant bitching and complaining about the USA and the actions of Orange man bad. People that are not citizens of the USA, nor vote in our elections.

The USA is $37 trillion dollars in debt. That equates to approx $109,000 of debt for every, man, woman, and child, in this country.
The 77 million of us who voted for Trump gave him the mandate for which he campaigned. That includes slashing funds to most of the money sucking USAID programs, NATO, WHO, and the UN, and foreign entities who have been sucking off the teets of U.S money and complacency for decades. Billions of dollars that filters it's way overseas and back into corrupt pockets.
Idiot politicians have spent decades getting us into this mess. At home, and abroad.
We elected Trump to clean it up, and he is doing exactly that. He may not be doing it perfectly, but what President ever has?
Will the last perfect man in the room please shut the lights off when you leave.

Trump is taking an aggressive America first approach to cleaning up the dumpster fire of bureaucracy, and the rest of the world doesnt like it.

You know what? Too damn bad. You can all go cry in your milk.

The Biden administration hired an additional 67,000 IRS agents to come after the American taxpayer, and now the Democrats act like its a crime that DOGE is auditing them.

Our national debt is not sustainable. The only way to start paying it down, without the taxpayers being taxed into oblivion, is to do exactly what Trump is doing.
There are going to be short term pains, for the reward of long term gains.

Trump is doing what we hired him to do. Much to the chagrin of the Democrats, Warmongers, globalists, and everyone else bleeding the american taxpayer dry.

At the end of the day I can say with never ending conviction, that neither myself, or any other patriotic taxpaying Trump voter, gives a flying f**k about your opinion or criticism of my country and president.

As far as I'm concerned, you can go pound sand, and that's putting it mildy.

You stick to the problems in your country, and we'll take care of ours.

Do yourselves a favor, and quit watching the propaganda driven media outlets.
My father learned Latin in a small high school. If I remember correct the Principal knew Latin and felt the need to teach it in addition to his primary duties. My father then served in the Third Army as an MP. He found out he could communicate with many of the German officer POW's who had to learn Latin in college or beyond. Kind of odd when you think about it. Two people with their own language, communicating in a third language that had been dead over 1,000 years.
Strangely, there are probably a few common roots, as they are all Indo-European languages.
But actually the relationship is significant to the Romance languages.
Dead language?
No medical student graduates without a good knowledge of Latin and has done so since time immemorial.
(once failed at Latin :rolleyes:.
I'll just throw it out there for the ones who did not see or read it:

“President, Mr. Prime Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen Ministers, My dear colleagues,
Europe is at a critical turning point in its history. The American shield is crumbling, Ukraine risks being abandoned, Russia strengthened.
Washington has become the court of Nero, a fiery emperor, submissive courtiers and a ketamine-fueled jester in charge of purging the civil service.
This is a tragedy for the free world, but it is first and foremost a tragedy for the United States. Trump’s message is that there is no point in being his ally since he will not defend you, he will impose more customs duties on you than on his enemies and will threaten to seize your territories while supporting the dictatorships that invade you.
The king of the deal is showing what the art of the deal is all about. He thinks he will intimidate China by lying down before Putin, but Xi Jinping, faced with such a shipwreck, is probably accelerating preparations for the invasion of Taiwan.
Never in history has a President of the United States capitulated to the enemy. Never has anyone supported an aggressor against an ally. Never has anyone trampled on the American Constitution, issued so many illegal decrees, dismissed judges who could have prevented him from doing so, dismissed the military general staff in one fell swoop, weakened all checks and balances, and taken control of social media.
This is not an illiberal drift, it is the beginning of the confiscation of democracy. Let us remember that it took only one month, three weeks and two days to bring down the Weimar Republic and its Constitution.
I have faith in the strength of American democracy, and the country is already protesting. But in one month, Trump has done more harm to America than in four years of his last presidency. We were at war with a dictator, now we are fighting a dictator backed by a traitor.
Eight days ago, at the very moment that Trump was rubbing Macron’s back in the White House, the United States voted at the UN with Russia and North Korea against the Europeans demanding the withdrawal of Russian troops.
Two days later, in the Oval Office, the military service shirker was giving war hero Zelensky lessons in morality and strategy before dismissing him like a groom, ordering him to submit or resign.
Tonight, he took another step into infamy by stopping the delivery of weapons that had been promised. What to do in the face of this betrayal? The answer is simple: face it.
And first of all, let’s not be mistaken. The defeat of Ukraine would be the defeat of Europe. The Baltic States, Georgia, Moldova are already on the list. Putin’s goal is to return to Yalta, where half the continent was ceded to Stalin.
The countries of the South are waiting for the outcome of the conflict to decide whether they should continue to respect Europe or whether they are now free to trample on it.
What Putin wants is the end of the order put in place by the United States and its allies 80 years ago, with its first principle being the prohibition of acquiring territory by force.
This idea is at the very source of the UN, where today Americans vote in favor of the aggressor and against the attacked, because the Trumpian vision coincides with that of Putin: a return to spheres of influence, the great powers dictating the fate of small countries.
Mine is Greenland, Panama and Canada, you are Ukraine, the Baltics and Eastern Europe, he is Taiwan and the China Sea.
At the parties of the oligarchs of the Gulf of Mar-a-Lago, this is called “diplomatic realism.”
So we are alone. But the talk that Putin cannot be resisted is false. Contrary to the Kremlin’s propaganda, Russia is in bad shape. In three years, the so-called second largest army in the world has managed to grab only crumbs from a country three times less populated.
Interest rates at 25%, the collapse of foreign exchange and gold reserves, the demographic collapse show that it is on the brink of the abyss. The American helping hand to Putin is the biggest strategic mistake ever made in a war.
The shock is violent, but it has a virtue. Europeans are coming out of denial. They understood in one day in Munich that the survival of Ukraine and the future of Europe are in their hands and that they have three imperatives.
Accelerate military aid to Ukraine to compensate for the American abandonment, so that it holds, and of course to impose its presence and that of Europe in any negotiation.
This will be expensive. It will be necessary to end the taboo of the use of frozen Russian assets. It will be necessary to circumvent Moscow’s accomplices within Europe itself by a coalition of only the willing countries, with of course the United Kingdom.
Second, demand that any agreement be accompanied by the return of kidnapped children, prisoners and absolute security guarantees. After Budapest, Georgia and Minsk, we know what agreements with Putin are worth. These guarantees require sufficient military force to prevent a new invasion.
Finally, and this is the most urgent, because it is what will take the most time, we must build the neglected European defence, to the benefit of the American umbrella since 1945 and scuttled since the fall of the Berlin Wall.
It is a Herculean task, but it is on its success or failure that the leaders of today’s democratic Europe will be judged in the history books.
Friedrich Merz has just declared that Europe needs its own military alliance. This is to recognize that France has been right for decades in arguing for strategic autonomy.
It remains to be built. It will be necessary to invest massively, to strengthen the European Defence Fund outside the Maastricht debt criteria, to harmonize weapons and munitions systems, to accelerate the entry into the Union of Ukraine, which is today the leading European army, to rethink the place and conditions of nuclear deterrence based on French and British capabilities, to relaunch the anti-missile shield and satellite programs.
The plan announced yesterday by Ursula von der Leyen is a very good starting point. And much more will be needed.
Europe will only become a military power again by becoming an industrial power again. In a word, the Draghi report will have to be implemented. For good.
But the real rearmament of Europe is its moral rearmament.
We must convince public opinion in the face of war weariness and fear, and especially in the face of Putin’s cronies, the extreme right and the extreme left.
They argued again yesterday in the National Assembly, Mr Prime Minister, before you, against European unity, against European defence.
They say they want peace. What neither they nor Trump say is that their peace is capitulation, the peace of defeat, the replacement of de Gaulle Zelensky by a Ukrainian Pétain at the beck and call of Putin.
Peace for the collaborators who have refused any aid to the Ukrainians for three years.
Is this the end of the Atlantic Alliance? The risk is great. But in the last few days, the public humiliation of Zelensky and all the crazy decisions taken in the last month have finally made the Americans react.
Polls are falling. Republican lawmakers are being greeted by hostile crowds in their constituencies. Even Fox News is becoming critical.
The Trumpists are no longer in their majesty. They control the executive, the Parliament, the Supreme Court and social networks.
But in American history, the freedom fighters have always prevailed. They are beginning to raise their heads.
The fate of Ukraine is being played out in the trenches, but it also depends on those in the United States who want to defend democracy, and here on our ability to unite Europeans, to find the means for their common defense, and to make Europe the power that it once was in history and that it hesitates to become again.
Our parents defeated fascism and communism at great cost.
The task of our generation is to defeat the totalitarianisms of the 21st century.
Long live free Ukraine, long live democratic Europe.”
-Claude Malhuret speaking to the French Senate Tuesday March 4 2025.

Whether you agree with this man or not, you would do well to realize that much of the free world outside the USA does. If you don’t believe that this impacts our national interests, you don’t truly understand what they are. I am in Ireland at the moment. I am confident that the folks here wholeheartedly subscribe to what this gentleman said.
One common denominator that I have noticed in the 45 days since Trump took office, and Doge taking an axe to the federal and international bloat, is an influx of people on this forum such as yourself.
People that have not posted here before, and have nothing of value to add, besides the incessant bitching and complaining about the USA and the actions of Orange man bad. People that are not citizens of the USA, nor vote in our elections.

The USA is $37 trillion dollars in debt. That equates to approx $109,000 of debt for every, man, woman, and child, in this country.
The 77 million of us who voted for Trump gave him the mandate for which he campaigned. That includes slashing funds to most of the money sucking USAID programs, NATO, WHO, and the UN, and foreign entities who have been sucking off the teets of U.S money and complacency for decades. Billions of dollars that filters it's way overseas and back into corrupt pockets.
Idiot politicians have spent decades getting us into this mess. At home, and abroad.
We elected Trump to clean it up, and he is doing exactly that. He may not be doing it perfectly, but what President ever has?
Will the last perfect man in the room please shut the lights off when you leave.

Trump is taking an aggressive America first approach to cleaning up the dumpster fire of bureaucracy, and the rest of the world doesnt like it.

You know what? Too damn bad. You can all go cry in your milk.

The Biden administration hired an additional 67,000 IRS agents to come after the American taxpayer, and now the Democrats act like its a crime that DOGE is auditing them.

Our national debt is not sustainable. The only way to start paying it down, without the taxpayers being taxed into oblivion, is to do exactly what Trump is doing.
There are going to be short term pains, for the reward of long term gains.

Trump is doing what we hired him to do. Much to the chagrin of the Democrats, Warmongers, globalists, and everyone else bleeding the american taxpayer dry.

At the end of the day I can say with never ending conviction, that neither myself, or any other patriotic taxpaying Trump voter, gives a flying f**k about your opinion or criticism of my country and president.

As far as I'm concerned, you can go pound sand, and that's putting it mildy.

You stick to the problems in your country, and we'll take care of ours.

Do yourselves a favor, and quit watching the propaganda driven media outlets.
Brent, some of what you write is simply not right.
One should not interfere in the internal politics of another country, I agree.
Apart from the fact that in the end we in AH are constantly dealing with African affairs, aren't we?
But let me tell you, when the most powerful man in the free world sets policy, the world notices much faster than you in your desert in Arizona.
Besides, it's called the www. world wide net. and so everyone is invited to express their opinion and if you don't like it, why don't you open your own homepage?
After all, nobody criticizes you even though this is a forum about Africa hunting and you have contributed absolutely nothing about Africa, but you still seem to feel very comfortable here.

Here's a picture from the London Underground.It's actually from there.No joke.
I'm not sure the US economy is so happy when the other free world starts boycotting American goods because others are spitting at their feet. No need for tariffs at all.
See picture.
This year round - 50%
Tesla in free fall.
Why do you think?

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!