AH enthusiast
Even Adolf admitted he was depended of privat owned campanies(their money really) as they could provide capital and knowhow for his warmachine. There was a lot of private owned shops and companies during Hitlers reign. He didn`t nationalize everything. It was a toletarian system that still allowed one think everything what one wanted so long it didn`t spoke against the nationalsocialst idea. And thats was narrow.
The nationalsocialist system was a mold where the whole german society should be conformed into through educations, schools, mindset, special camps peopel could attend to.
Under communist role the partymembers and the party top enjoyed privileges the rest of the subpressed couldn`t enjoy. Under communist rule the people was feed by the government and free speech could get you in prison if one agitated against the regime.
In an unregulated capitalistic system(like what Reagan created)) where everyman by himself the majority is fxxxxx too. Very few winners and many losers. You are free to say what you want but you are screwed anyway and nobody gives a s... if you do say what you want to say.
In spite of the name of the party, the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Deutsche Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei) definitely was not a socialist left movement. It represented an extreme right wing ideology focused on obedience to the will of a Fuhrer (Leader). The movement was classic fascism.
Fascism is more of a tweaner political system actually....it's central authoritarian gooberment control but allows capitalist control of production.....not really a monarchy, but closer to that than being socialist/marxist as it allows for private property ownership/private sector production where the other two are dominated by gooberment control of production/limited to no private property ownership. There are variations of all of the "ism's", the Nazi's being a variation of socialism, IMO.
Even Adolf admitted he was depended of privat owned campanies(their money really) as they could provide capital and knowhow for his warmachine. There was a lot of private owned shops and companies during Hitlers reign. He didn`t nationalize everything. It was a toletarian system that still allowed one think everything what one wanted so long it didn`t spoke against the nationalsocialst idea. And thats was narrow.
The nationalsocialist system was a mold where the whole german society should be conformed into through educations, schools, mindset, special camps peopel could attend to.
You nailed it!!.The Socialist left always eats it's own. Communists have always murdered other Communists, Marxists have always murdered other Marxists, and Socialists have always murdered other Socialists. Lenin and then Stalin murdered Leon Trotsky, and purged millions in the 1920's, including loyal Party members. Hitler had dozens of close friends murdered, including Ernst Rohm. Mao starved an estimated 40 million in China, and was directly responsible for the deaths of other Party members, including former lovers. Again, Socialists have always murdered other Socialists, even within their own Political Party. To say that one Socialist murdered another Socialist because their Political beliefs differed is false. Quite to the contrary, they often killed their Political rivals in turf wars and internal power struggles within the Party.
State Control, as I stated above, is the central hallmark of all brands of Socialism.
Not so. Socialism has always been a 2 class system, composed of Party members in one class, all others in a lower class. This is exactly what George Orwell meant by "Some are more equal than others."
When businesses didn't cooperate with the Nazi Party, their businesses were taken from their owners and placed under the control of the State. Hugo Junkers was thrown out of his own factory. Many industries were expropriated from their owners, sold to loyal members of the Nazi Party, then operated for the benefit of the State. So whether by physical force (Brown Shirts/SA), by legal coercion (Taxes, labor laws), or volutarily, the end result was the same, State Control of the means of Production.
Exactly. Karl Marx often stated that Socialism would be spread through the Trade Unions. The German Labor Front was instrumental in the implementation of State policy in every industry in Germany.
You've simply proven my point. Socialists have always murdered any other Socialist they considered a threat.
This is because they were largely free bread and circuses to gain support of the masses. Every Megalomaniac that became a Socialist Dictator never intended to implement the things they initially promised. Once a Socialist Dictator consolidates total power, popular support is unnecessary.
Precisely what I've described, centralized power and near total control in the hands of the State. Methods may differ, but the ultimate goal is the same.
Where you, many Historians and Political Science authors differ with my conclusions is this. You concentrate mostly on the things that separate different Socialist movements. My concern is how they are the same.
Socialism and Communism are simply two dogs of the same breed.
Under communist role the partymembers and the party top enjoyed privileges the rest of the subpressed couldn`t enjoy. Under communist rule the people was feed by the government and free speech could get you in prison if one agitated against the regime.
In an unregulated capitalistic system(like what Reagan created)) where everyman by himself the majority is fxxxxx too. Very few winners and many losers. You are free to say what you want but you are screwed anyway and nobody gives a s... if you do say what you want to say.