The problem is one of selfishness. The country's opportunities are just as good as they were in "our day" whatever day that was. The difference is entitlement in Gen Y and Z. They believe they are owed and entitled to an education and a high paying job in a field of their choosing. They chased their dreams and their stupid parents, advisors, and college admissions deluded them into the notion they SHOULD follow their dreams.
I didn't follow my dreams. Most successful baby boomers and gen X-ers didn't follow their dreams either. They thought they were owed nothing, entitled to nothing, and deserved nothing. Those that flourished followed opportunities. My dreams were to be an ornithologist or maybe a judge, my reality was opportunities in technology and risk management were what society needed and I could easily deliver.
In short, a younger person cannot have what they want, if they're smart they'll do what I want because I'm the customer and they need to seize opportunities presented, not delusional dreams.
In addition, they have a piss-poor work ethic, will not start at the bottom, and expect the perqs I earned in 20-30 years within their first 6 months in an occupation, generally speaking.