Don't give yourself apoplexy about things which, I can assure you, will never happen. Relax. I think you will find in the end that our nation is in more danger from the left than from the right.
Perhaps, and it's not bad advice, but it's an area of particular concern when the same mercurial force is questioning Canadian sovereignty.
North of the border, there is both a government and a concerted media campaign underway to push for Canada to have a nuclear deterrent. There is also a media push for a national service just shy of a conscription initiative.
The Globe and Mail carried an article today not from a reporter, but from a current senior NATO policy associate advocating for a Canadian nuclear program.
Most likely scenario is we're going to go tit-for-tat and end up sending a squadron to Germany with French weapons (just like we did in the bad old days, but with American weapons), and also have French weapons on Canadian soil as a deterrent as a dodge around the NPT until we can decide how to handle that.
While the tendency of Americans is to hand wave it all away, it's a very different scenario for those of us watching with bewilderment on the outside of the US.
If a newly elected, unstable, and unpredictable President of Mexico floated invading Texas and said that the Arizona border is an arbitrary line drawn with a ruler, and that one day Arizona and New Mexico are destined to be Greater Sonora; Americans would demand that the 1st Armoured stream roll Juarez, the USACE and USAF would have deployed three or four million landmines on the border a month ago, and the 101st and 82nd would be in-country and ready to drop on the nearest Mexican airfields.
Canadians are expected to take the words of the President of the United States as an unserious joke. And it isn't sitting well.
Americans are laughing at Elon putting career civil servants out of work, raging about Teslas being vandalized, and wanting plans to impeach judges that dare question hastily made executive orders.
Canada is looking to cancel US defence contracts, align with China and the EU, and obtain nuclear weapons.
Europe is rearming, cancelling US defence contracts, looking to shut out US exports, omit the US from trade and defence negotiations, omit the US from 'NATO' (or what its successor will be) and expand the European nuclear umbrella.
Two very different perspectives on what is unfolding.