Tundra Tiger
AH legend
I'm pretty sure his entire post was mostly sarcastic. But your point about Trudeau did with the Truckers is spot on.
That is how I read it - sarcasm. And not the best either.

I'm pretty sure his entire post was mostly sarcastic. But your point about Trudeau did with the Truckers is spot on.
I guess I’m a little slow!![]()
I have to respectfully disagree with you on Canadas need for a military. Every country should field enough military to defend their sovereignty. As @WAB is fond of saying were I king for a day I’d have Irving’s shipyard in Halifax and Davies shipyard in Quebec both start laying the keel for carriers. I’d build two task forces around those carriers and deploy one on either coast. Of corse we’d need cruisers and destroyers to support them along with our frigates. Supply ships of our own would be helpful as well along with modern aircraft to launch from said carriers.
In in decades gone by, Canada did exactly that - field enough military to defend her sovereignty.
We haven't had a credible threat since the last time the US decided for a venture up north (if you're going to count that as "Canada").
Don't disagree that there is a definite purpose for it in the current political climate.
I might be naive but I don't see that scenario at all. I would be much more concerned about China as being a threat to Canada.
It is based on what Trump did with F16s. I posted an article before that pointed out without US technical support and firmware updates the F-35s are basically bricks. Trump has proven to be an unreliable ally and if I was a European depending on US military technology for defense I would look at other options.If you think China will be a long term better more stable trading partner good luck.
Also Europe is still buying oil/natural gas from Russia. Why would they cancel US defense contracts?
This strategically makes little to no sense, Trump says some crazy stuff, so your reaction is to do business exactly with the people you are afraid the US won't protect you from.
I feel like this is sensenational headlines without any real chance of being implemented.
That’s Bering Sea. Sure it’s in our interest but also yours! Your Arctic exposure and coastal BC to name a couple. You think the military bases in AK only protect AK???Convinced Russia to sell? In the aftermath of the Crimean war the czar was looking to recoup some capital to work with and off load and otherwise undefendable territory. I’ll grant you America is defending the barring sea but that is in your own interest as or more than Canadas your defending your own resource rich territory.
I believe if you read his “apology” again, it was tongue in cheek and not what you think.No worries Brian. I must tell you, as a citizen of both countries, and having split my life and career between the two, I have far greater freedom in the US than I ever did in Canada. I also feel that my freedoms have much greater protection in the US than they ever did in Canada.
I voted for Trump in the general but not the primary. I approve of some of what he is doing (Southern border, deporting dangerous illegals, improving government efficiency, albeit heavy handedly). I strongly disapprove of much of his foreign policy, particularly as regards Canada and Ukraine. HOWEVER, on his worst day he could not do what Trudeau did to your truckers. The US has much stronger checks in place to preclude that kind of authoritarian nonsense.
That’s Bering Sea. Sure it’s in our interest but also yours! Your Arctic exposure and coastal BC to name a couple. You think the military bases in AK only protect AK???
Well. looking up facts is always a sound idea before spouting off numbers as if they are a fact. Something our President might want to do as well....
I'm not a walking database of those numbers. I would have to look up the data.
Military invasion I would agree with you but the financial invasion has been underway for quite some time.I can't think of a plausible scenario where China is a credible threat to Canada.
It took the US, with the military spending of the next twenty-something odd countries and the most powerful navy several times over more than six months to stage two hundred thousand personnel in the middle east in preparation for the little adventure into Iraq.
China has recently surpassed the US in pure numbers of vessels, but still doesn't have any kind of a real blue water navy. I'm not sure what a scenario looks like where they are able to successfully invade Canada.
And in any case, their interests are far more Pacific-oriented, as you might reasonably expect.
There is about as much risk of China invading as there is South Africa.
Of course secondary. But to act as if secondary is nothing is disingenuous. Compared to security cameras in your yard is a laughable comparison. I agree with a lot of your posts but this one is not one of them.Absolutely not I fully agree your bases provide defensive to the Canadian coast , what I said is Canada is a secondary concern at best and the reason the bases are there is to protect American interests in the region. The U.S. projects its military power for U.S. interests if it happens to cover the Canadian coast line it is a bonus but it was never the intent when choosing locations. Some of my security cameras cover my neighbours yard in the event his truck was stolen I’d review my footage to try and help him but my cameras weren’t placed there to protect his interests if I happen to be able to it is a bonus.
Of course secondary. But to act as if secondary is nothing is disingenuous. Compared to security cameras in your yard is a laughable comparison. I agree with a lot of your posts but this one is not one of them.
Yes, yes we do...Let’s not forget the DEW line. We work together on that little piece of defensive infrastructure.
Let’s not forget the DEW line. We work together on that little piece of defensive infrastructure.