Problem with new CZ 550 in .416 Rigby

A worrying issue but at least you were safe and no accidents happened. I had one in .416 Rigby as well.

You have sent off the rifle to CZ so this is a bit late.

The #1 best thing you can do to a CZ is have the factory trigger re-built by someone who knows what they are doing. You can retain the set feature if you like, but don't have to replace the entire assembly. It is the best $50 you can spend on a CZ and isn't anything more than you would do with most factory rifles these days.
Really nice rifle

I am really enjoying my new CA 550 in 416 Rigby with Kevlar stock.

3 weeks ago, I took it to a friend's farm and shot it for the first time. I got Warne QD rings and Leupold 1-4X scope. I also got a Warne torque wrench for the scope (25 inch pounds) and it was perfect for mounting the scope without any movement.

The rifle shoots to POA and I was very pleased with how I handled it. After 18 shots, no numb cheeks or stiff shoulder. I flinched the off shot but I am confident that wth practice I can shoot this rifle well.

I am starting to get excited about my first big bore.
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Hi Bryce,

Congrats on a great rifle. I really like my CZ .458.

Since you are going to reload, I would get away from the Partitions. The front end of that bullet blows up and the remaining back half will not expand much. Might work fine for deer sized game in smaller calibers but go with a Swift A-Frame or a Barnes for bigger game and bigger calibers. I have seen lots of problems with Partitions on bigger game. I don't allow Pertitions in my camps for Elk or Brown Bear. Good luck with the new rifle.

I shot the rifle again a few days ago. It's quickly becoming a favorite. Very, very accurate off the leadsled too.

About the partitions, a box of them came with the dies I purchased - never intended to hunt with them as my experience is similar to yours. I've moved on to Barnes TSX and their banded solids. Those, I'm rather fanatical about.
Well, whatever it is, they should be able to find & fix it. I should have it back in a month or so. I'll let you all know what they find. I've loaded up a bunch of ammo and I can't wait to shoot it again.

I stopped by my local big-box outdoor store looking for a Leupold VX-III 1.5x5 scope. The guy came around the counter to my side so that he could read the tags. The people working at these places have no business being in the business. He had no idea even what it was supposed to look like. After one quick glace I could tell they didn't have it in stock. Oh well. I'll find it on the Internet somewhere. I just need to figure out which detachable bases to get.

My first thought was if Americans were paid a decent living wage they might be more enthusiastic, my second was that not every one is born knowing what they have to do in every occupation, that training should be provided by employers and that assimilation takes time. There are few greater time wasters than people who come into gunshops...they'll earbash the salesman/woman with their 'primal scream' even if the shop has would be buyers flowing into the street.

The third thought was how impatient you are for someone who is involved with firearms, that's a could have just shot him I suppose and demanded they make sure the next employee was a firearms expert, supporters would understand that and nod wisely....

You had the opportunity to be kindly and to take him forward, through some mentoring and blew it, If 'after one quick glance' you could tell they didn't have one then why did you waste his time or not just thank him for being caring enough to come and look even if, according to you, he should have known the stock intimately.

It was an 'outdoor store' wasn't it...not a dedicated gunshop...and even if it were,London to a brick, there's plenty you don't know also for example "Would you guys recommend contacting CZ and making it their problem? Local gunsmith? Big bore expert?"

There's no IQ level required for firearms ownership as far as I can tell even at the top, I'm not sure Charlton Heston, who was outspoken and had an arsenal was any % Einstein, so why not give people a go, or if you have knowledge which you know is absolutely true and tested, pass it on. Ray Atkinson was on the money in reply to you but I didn't see a 'Thanks Ray for intelligent thinking' anywhere on the forum.'...nice to be criticised isn't it....I wonder how you left the salesman feeling for trying to help you but failing to be a walking inventory.? The comment and its support made me wonder about whether this baronial outlook is commonplace in the NRA and SCI.....thinking about Mark Sullivan's inability to get a straight and complete answer from the SCI maybe arrogance and power through witholding information, commonplace in 'Associations"is fundamentally managerial introversion and empathy ineptitude hidden behind the barricades of words like "Safari" or "National Rifle". Voila
My first thought was if Americans were paid a decent living wage they might be more enthusiastic, my second was that not every one is born knowing what they have to do in every occupation, that training should be provided by employers and that assimilation takes time. There are few greater time wasters than people who come into gunshops...they'll earbash the salesman/woman with their 'primal scream' even if the shop has would be buyers flowing into the street.

The third thought was how impatient you are for someone who is involved with firearms, that's a could have just shot him I suppose and demanded they make sure the next employee was a firearms expert, supporters would understand that and nod wisely....

You had the opportunity to be kindly and to take him forward, through some mentoring and blew it, If 'after one quick glance' you could tell they didn't have one then why did you waste his time or not just thank him for being caring enough to come and look even if, according to you, he should have known the stock intimately.

It was an 'outdoor store' wasn't it...not a dedicated gunshop...and even if it were,London to a brick, there's plenty you don't know also for example "Would you guys recommend contacting CZ and making it their problem? Local gunsmith? Big bore expert?"

There's no IQ level required for firearms ownership as far as I can tell even at the top, I'm not sure Charlton Heston, who was outspoken and had an arsenal was any % Einstein, so why not give people a go, or if you have knowledge which you know is absolutely true and tested, pass it on. Ray Atkinson was on the money in reply to you but I didn't see a 'Thanks Ray for intelligent thinking' anywhere on the forum.'...nice to be criticised isn't it....I wonder how you left the salesman feeling for trying to help you but failing to be a walking inventory.? The comment and its support made me wonder about whether this baronial outlook is commonplace in the NRA and SCI.....thinking about Mark Sullivan's inability to get a straight and complete answer from the SCI maybe arrogance and power through witholding information, commonplace in 'Associations"is fundamentally managerial introversion and empathy ineptitude hidden behind the barricades of words like "Safari" or "National Rifle". Voila

Oh brother, give us a break already with the use of big words to make yourself look smart. Typical pseudo intellectual. " paid a decent living wage"! Indeed! The market decides what people are paid at least after minimum wage is met, we do have that you know. Good grief!
It takes me back to ole virginnie'

" paid a decent living wage"! Indeed! The market decides what people are paid at least after minimum wage is met, we do have that you know. Good grief!

Grief indeed, and more...'market' a country which pays waitresses under $3/hour? and spends billions on live in mental lala land old son...Even though you have had a massive gdp and borrowings you have probably the highest numbers of people living in poverty and hopelessness and despair in the western world. Your Central Bankers organised that very deliberately for just that purpose and spread it world wide, That's the fact of it.

I appreciate the point of your criticism clearly indicating that not everyone has the same level of comprehension, that's why I made a point of writing in what I consider to be simple English. I simply can't stay with 'and' and 'but' or monosyllables and still make a lively conversation, so perhaps I AM a dummy, paradoxially...unable to by personal limitations and my environment to meet everyone's expectations in basic conversation. Oh well...just as well you pointed it out, I will try to do better/worse whichever it takes.

To finish in the respect to you of answering your criticique, I didn't mean to make you feel inadequate, or anyone else....I never think of my writing in terms of my intelligence but it is unavoidable that eclectic research in the practical-acadaemia of my engineering management ends up sounding 'intelligent' and to some even 'pseudo' when it is not their own level...I guess that's something to bear in mind for you 'sestoppelman'.

You know what an 'estoppel' is of course....? Hmmm,.... in a nutshell it's 'the placing of a block on the inequity of a situation'....which you have sought to do here. 'Se' is the French word indicating 'oneself' and 'man' is gender of course. Thus s'estoppelman' really was a great choice of title. "I doffs me hat" to your intellectual perspiscacity. ..I am only a mouldy old Socrates..and immediately you know HIS fate...he was 'estopple'd alright...he got the chop

'Courtesy is catching' and I am glad to have stimulated thinking and reaction but remember the old addage "Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater".Voila.
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By the way for Old Grumpies and "Squeal like a pig" types who might be climbing out of the Stills, Swills Ozarks and cabins all over USA to deal with this new-chum 'Socrates' crittur who has upset patriot "Sestoppleman" ...I have a sense of humour and of the ridiculous as well as some knoweldge of any subject I take-on.

I'll be happy to tap dance, or even square dance with any willing partners on matters worth the effort or can entertain readers...Oh, and my sympathies would have been with the South were I born back around the time the South was being treated by Industrialists like the Brits and their hangers-on treated the Southern Micks from whom I am, in genetic-part descended..Erin go Bragh!

Sooooo, I guess I might have to take Bette Davis' advice..Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night." Voila.
By the way for Old Grumpies and "Squeal like a pig" types who might be climbing out of the Stills, Swills Ozarks and cabins all over USA to deal with this new-chum 'Socrates' crittur who has upset patriot "Sestoppleman" ...I have a sense of humour and of the ridiculous as well as some knoweldge of any subject I take-on.

I'll be happy to tap dance, or even square dance with any willing partners on matters worth the effort or can entertain readers...Oh, and my sympathies would have been with the South were I born back around the time the South was being treated by Industrialists like the Brits and their hangers-on treated the Southern Micks from whom I am, in genetic-part descended..Erin go Bragh!

Sooooo, I guess I might have to take Bette Davis' advice..Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy night." Voila.

Suspicions confirmed. You cant spell either I notice. 'Oh Brother' really does apply to you.:sting:
Just another Socialist with the "living wage" thing. Socrates, take a look at my posts under the Tipping forums about your ilk. Even using the handle Socrates tells me all I need to know about you - thinking quite highly of yourself. Take it down a few notches will you? Good grief indeed.
BryceM, Glad things got sorted out. I sent my CZ to Kansas City for a restock and it was a very quick turnaround as well. They are accurate rifles aren't they...???...

Awaiting the next reply from Mr. Socrates :stirring::beatingdeadhorse:

Really glad things worked out for you.
BryceM, Glad things got sorted out. I sent my CZ to Kansas City for a restock and it was a very quick turnaround as well. They are accurate rifles aren't they...???...

Awaiting the next reply from Mr. Socrates :stirring::beatingdeadhorse:

Really glad things worked out for you.

Thanks to Jerome we won't have to listen to any more "I'm a genius, your a dumbass" drivel. I think he fits in to "the other" forum site a lot better.
BryceM, Glad things got sorted out. I sent my CZ to Kansas City for a restock and it was a very quick turnaround as well. They are accurate rifles aren't they...???...

Awaiting the next reply from Mr. Socrates :stirring::beatingdeadhorse:

Thanks to Jerome we won't have to listen to any more "I'm a genius, your a dumbass" drivel. I think he fits in to "the other" forum site a lot better.

:rofl: I'm still trying to find the like button. :laughing:

Really glad things worked out for you BryceM enjoy your rifle.

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Hello there. I’ve been wanting to introduce myself personally & chat with you about hunting Nilgai. Give me a call sometime…


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VonJager wrote on Mauser3000's profile.
+1 Great to deal with. I purchased custom rifle. No issues.
ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
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