Dragonfly’s have a lot symbolic meaning
Nearly anything 3M
Hey man, check out the Allan bibles, UK with the goatskin leather covers. Their second bibles are better than most "firsts"--I got one for $50 bucks once. Workmanship is fine, of course the paper can never equal the 100% rag paper of the old Oxfords.My leather bound Thomas Nelson NKJV Bible (I use several translations, but it’s closer to the translation I memorized from as a child.)
Von Gruff Knives.
Books of enough quality/age that they lack a barcode.
Moleskine journals.
Tusker broadbeads. (VPA 2-blade, single bevel 300gr broad heads are my favorite, but I don’t shoot the weight or justify the cost these days. I’ll save the ones I still have for any potential buff hunts.)
George Strait Wrangler jeans.
Barrister bookcases.
User name checks out!!John, O2 works wonders unless you run out.This pic is at 23,500 ish if I remember correctly.View attachment 668195
Blame it on the small phone keyboard…I doDang!
I'm embarrassed every time I re-read my own postings.
I use bad grammar and mis-spellings nearly every time.
My high-school English teacher told me that.
I should have listened to her...