'Rebel' hunting [poaching]-Africa


AH ambassador
May 24, 2011
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SAHGCA [Skilled Hunter qualified-Cum Laude], Handgun Hunters Association of SA, SAGA, Primitive hunting [Spear @ Bow]

The sad reality of out day....

~ "Rebel" armies of Africa, one of the most clear and ever-present dangers and enemies of wildlife, clearing virtually anything on their path with very little if any conscience or thoughts of future.[poaching]
Congo, Sudan, Sierra Leone, Angola, Rwanda, Nigeria, Liberia and more they all tell of similar horror stories of not only indifference towards human life but animal life as part of derived tragedy. ~


I'd like to see the vocal, "caring" and "brave" anti-hunting groups protest these guys. :confused:


African realities. South Sudan: Female white-eared kob after being shot down by The Sudan People's Liberation Movement members with AK47 from the road just south of Mongalla.
Hunting in Sudan is illegal, but instead poaching is a widely accepted practice, with no legal enforcement against it.


Second only to AK 47 and snares in importance to poachers: bicycles and rudimentary muzzle loaders. Well some of you may smile at the simplicity of African poachers but I assure it's no laughing matter, they kill more game than natural predators.
Here is a hunting patrol ranger in Moyowosi region of Tanzania with a confiscated muzzle-loader and bicycles used by poachers to kill and smuggle


~ Rhinoceros enemy number one in the world today is Chinese traditional medicine, it's a clear fact.
So many tragic images of rhinos dehorned, bleeded and rotten in the sun but no one really has actually posted much graphic evidence of the final product.
So I put this together to better illustrate what the main cause of poaching is and the main guilty countries are two: China and Vietnam.
There is a completely unfounded and unproven belief that rhino horn has aphrodisiac, anti-typhoid, anti-oxidant, general tonic or even demon caster properties.
Pound per pound, at the higher end of the market for the SE Asian nouveau riche the rhino horn has now exceeded the price of gold! ~


KENYA, a country where big game hunting is outlawed but poaching is rampant. Notorious poachers like this one, are wrecking havoc on big game,with purposes from ivory to rhino horn to bush-meat, they wreck havoc..
A classic scenario in countries with no hunting, no adequate protection and fast losing wildlife whatever the name of the country: Kenya, India, China or Indonesia, you name it, poor wildlife protection and no hunting spell doom. But victory for animal right activist, who live in the imaginary world away from realities and nature.


And the 'poison' of poaching 'tools'


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I hate the bastards with a passion..that's why I hunt them with a passion. :banghead:
Poaching, wildlifes biggest nightmare. Thanks for the pictures.
Shocking and tragic
Wow! Puts a knot in my stomach. Thanks for sharing.
poaching , illegal fishing and illegal logging ....the biggest employers in africa......most, not all, but most of them wont be happy until every animal is killed, every fish is caught and every tree is chopped down.....then with a confuzed look they will put out the hand and the UN etc will come running.......:shakehead:
In have just seen it with my own eyes last week while hunting in SA, a steel wire snare.
I hate the bastards with a passion..that's why I hunt them with a passion. :banghead:

I'd be happy to join in that passion.

I want to keep that picture of the snare wire.
I'll ask the next anti hunter how much they have gathered from the bush!

these are photos in my gallery. i had to shoot this young female sable that had a snare round its leg when i was down at the reserve last month, and the head and skin of another was found just after i left. while i was there one of the horses also came in from being out in the bush with a snare round its neck, luckily it had snapped the wire without causing itself any damage. this is happening on reserves/ranches all the time, and these places have scouts patrolling day and night , so as observes photos show just imagine what is happening where there is none or little anti poaching taking place............
sickens me. i hate poachers/the act of poaching here in the US, i imagine i would be like DOC if this act were as active here as it is in Africa. all i can say is go get'em boys.
I agree, it is disgusting, some friends and I are started up Conservation Lake Tanganyika and have been running this for a little over a year now, so far there have been some improvements, but it is astonishing to discover the extent of all this poaching once you are actively involved.
We are focussed on Nsumbu National Park (both on land and water) and Tondwa GMA, SpikeT knows the area and I am sure a couple of other here too.
We had an incident about a month ago when Craig (one of the directors) of CLT and the scouts were out on a patrol, came around to Kasaba Bay and found a group of fishermen. Since they fish at night with lights, the buggers decided to all have a sleep on the main vessel prior to casting the nets.
Basically what happened is the scouts boarded the vessel and there was a bit of shouting, but not much else. They towed the vessel with the poachers on it to Nsumbu Village, to the ZAWA office, and just before they reached the beach, a couple of poachers decided they did not want to go to jail, so they jumped in the lake and tried to make for shore, they would probably have got there, if they could swim!!
Some poachers were locked up, and subsequently escaped from prison, they then set fire the the scouts homes AND laid a murder charge against the scouts!! There are now 4 scouts locked up in cells.
We often complain these guys, but the remaining scouts did not miss a days work, they were back out there immediately.
Says something about their characters I think...
pete i remember you telling me about it when you were out at takeri, and there was a report about it on the huntnetwork site just recently. when you read the police story on there it is slightly different to what happened on the night.........same as the zawa scout who shot and killed a poacher while on patrol at ours a couple of years ago, he is either still in prison or about to be released....doesnt exactly give them incentive to put themselves at risk when the legal system doesnt back them up!!!!!!!!!!
you're right, same incident. the "official" reports were completely skewed, they went on to say that gunshots were fired and all sorts of crap.
they said nothing of the actual events in the reports.
they conveniently neglected to report that the National Service arrived in helicopters, at which point every single poacher in the area jumped into canoes and headed out the 25k's to Congo and across the lake to Tanzania.
My old man was up there and he said it was one of the funniest sights, to be sitting out on the deck watching droves of poachers sneaking out at night, too scared to use their big boats and engines in case they were spotted!
you hit it on the nail mike

[poaching , illegal fishing and illegal logging ....the biggest employers in africa......most, not all, but most of them wont be happy until every animal is killed, every fish is caught and every tree is chopped down.....then with a confuzed look they will put out the hand and the UN etc will come running]

The anti-poaching fight to ensure survival of Africa's rhinos,a fight with no end nor much hope of winning it in sight at this moment,despite some very good efforts of a lot of dedicated people.




and in 2013 we are currently on average already more than one rhino poached a day only in South Africa alone....


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    The antipoaching fight to ensure survival of Africa's rhinos,a fight with no end nor much hope i.jpg
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pete i remember you telling me about it when you were out at takeri, and there was a report about it on the huntnetwork site just recently. when you read the police story on there it is slightly different to what happened on the night.........same as the zawa scout who shot and killed a poacher while on patrol at ours a couple of years ago, he is either still in prison or about to be released....doesnt exactly give them incentive to put themselves at risk when the legal system doesnt back them up!!!!!!!!!!

How are you able to deal with this on your own property if your guys end up being locked up?

2 step poison in a fish bait


now,just where in the world are the 'anti's' on this?


Indeed, the world suffers from a lack of consciousness



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How are you able to deal with this on your own property if your guys end up being locked up?

wheels these ones being arrested and locked up are government game scouts employed by zambia wildlife authority , so we would be in so much sh-t if we or one of our scouts shot one it would be a nightmare!!!
"Anti's" haven't a clue what is really happening. I think these "anti's" should volunteer to spend time in the sticks, on anti poaching patrols and witness the effect poachers can have on an area. I doubt it will change their mindset, but it may educate them in respect of the real problem, if they put their effort into anti poaching as well as the hunting fraternity, both groups could be happy (us more than them, but that's a minor detail :D).

We have had a hunting ban on this year, limited quota's on government concessions, no cat hunting and as it stands, some of the Chief's around the GMA's and Parks are asking for ZAWA to step in as poachers are arriving from all over the place and slaughtering animals faster than ever before.

All this is happening whilst the twits in charge wont issue licences to us Citizen's!!
Doesn't quite add up, does it!

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