Here are the costs for dip and pack and shipping of the animals my son and I took in SA this past August:
Animals: Gemsbuck hide and horns. Kudu, blesbuck, springbuck, 2 impala skull and horns. 2 warthogs skull, tusks and bottom jaw.
Crate 1: 48" x 28" x 15" - 116lb volume.
Crate 2: 20" x 18" x13" - 26lb volume.
Trophy Solutions dip and pack $1557.
Condor Cargo/Delta air freight SA to CHI $1126.
Truck freight CHI to N/East Lower MI TBD (minimal).
Total cost should be ~$2800.
With my limited knowledge, this seems reasonable, to me. Anyone agree/disagree?
As usual, would appreciate your comments/feedback.